hrp0092p1-336 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (2) | ESPE2019

Genomic Knowledge as the Powerful Tool to Understand the Obesity

Artuso Rosangela , Pagliazzi Angelica , Palazzo Viviana , Giunti Laura , Landini Samuela , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Guarducci Silvia , Pantaleo Marilena , Lucherini Barbara , Sani Ilaria , Vergani Debora , Tiberi Lucia , Formicola Daniela , Bargiacchi Sara , Reho Paolo , Bosi Emanuele , Peluso Francesca , Dosa Laura , Traficante Giovanna , Stagi Stefano , Giglio Sabrina

Obesity, with its complications, emerges as a major contributor to the global health burden becoming pandemic. It's an extremely complex disorder resulting of interaction of biological, social and behavioural factors that cause increase in food intake and reduction in energy expenditure. Although few monogenic forms and indeed several susceptibility loci have been described, the molecular basis underlying early onset obesity remain largely unknown. GWAS revealed consistent...

hrp0092p2-181 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

A Novel Case Of Paternal Isodisomy for Chromosome 7 Associated with Overgrowth

Pagliazzi Angelica , Artuso Rosangela , Guarducci Silvia , Pantaleo Marilena , Lucherini Barbara , Sani Ilaria , Landini Samuela , Traficante Giovanna , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Vergani Debora , Tiberi Lucia , Formicola Daniela , Mancano Giorgia , Bosi Emanuele , Peluso Francesca , Forzano Giulia , Contrò Gianluca , Di Giovanni Fabiana , Stagi Stefano , Giglio Sabrina

We report a pediatric patient with an undiagnosed and complex medical manifestation who was shown to have paternal isodisomy at chromosome 7. Our case is a female patient presented for increasing overweight, parotid hemangioma and gastroesophageal reflux with laryngomalacia. She was born at 35+4 weeks of gestation and her birth weight, length and occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) were 2500 g, 49 cm and 33 cm, respectively. At the time of our visit she was 16 months old, ...

hrp0086fc2.2 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2016

From Pseudohypoparathyroidism to Inactivating PTH/PTHrP Signaling Disorder (iPPSD), a Novel Classification Proposed by the European EuroPHP-Network

Thiele Susanne , Mantovani Giovanna , Barlier Anne , Bordogna Paola , Elli Francesca M , Freson Kathleen , Garin Intza , Grybek Virginie , Hanna Patrick , Izzi Benedetta , Hiort Olaf , Lecumberri Beatriz , Pereda Arrate , de Sanctis Luisa , Silve Caroline , Turan Serap , Usardi Alessia , Saraff Vrinda , de Nanclares Guiomar Perez , Linglart Agnes

Background: Disorders related to an impairment in parathyroid hormone (PTH) signaling pathway are historically classified under the term pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP), that now encompasses rare, related but highly heterogeneous diseases with demonstrated (epi)genetic causes. The actual classification is based on the presence or absence of specific clinical and biochemical signs together with an in vivo response to exogenous PTH and an in vitro assay of Gs&#9...

hrp0084p2-257 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Developing a Targeted, Mobile-Health Technology (E-Book) to Promote Self-Care During Diabetes Transition

Dwyer Andrew , Unal Samaita , Emmanouilidis Severine , Aquarone-Vaucher Marie-Paule , Pichard Silvia , Gyuriga Teresa , Korpes Joelle , Jornayvaz Francois , Gonzalez-Rodriguez Elena , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Stoppa Sophie , Zanchi-Delacretaz Anne , Puder Jardena , Amati Francesca , Bouthors Therese , Phan-Hug Franziska , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: For young adults with type 1 diabetes, transition from a paediatric setting to an adult care setting is a vulnerable period with risks for gaps in care. These emerging adults need to develop skills for managing their diabetes yet it is often challenging to cover all anticipatory guidance topics related to type 1 diabetes. In the context of a structured transition clinic, we hypothesized that by leveraging teensÂ’ facility with technology and marketing/design we...

hrp0097fc2.2 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

First Results of the Global ALPL Gene Variant Classification Project

R Farman Mariam , Rehder Catherine , Malli Theodora , Rockman-Greenberg Cheryl , Dahir Kathryn , Ángel Martos-Moreno Gabriel , Linglart Agnès , Ozono Keiichi , Seefried Lothar , del Angel Guillermo , Högler Florian , Barbazza Francesca , K John Lisa , M. A. Delana Mudiyanselage Sewmi , Burner Nading Erica , Huggins Erin , T Rush Eric , El-Gazzar Ahmed , S Kishnani Priya , Webersinke Gerald , Högler Wolfgang

Background: Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is an inherited multisystem disorder predominantly affecting the mineralization of bones and teeth. HPP is caused by pathogenic variants in ALPL, which encodes tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase. A major challenge in diagnosing HPP is interpreting variants in ALPL classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS) according to ACMG/AMP criteria, creating uncertainty in patients and treating physicians resulting in d...

hrp0095fc5.4 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Reference Growth Charts in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Sarafoglou Kyriakie , Miller Bradley , Munoz Yesica , Jaber Mu'taz , Yaw Addo O.

Introduction: Adult height in individuals with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is reduced compared to the general population as their growth during childhood can be negatively impacted by both the disease and its treatment. Excess production of androgens through aromatization to estrogens can accelerate height velocity and skeletal maturity, and lead to short stature if not adequately suppressed. Over suppression of adrenal steroids through excess glucoco...

hrp0094p1-65 | Diabetes B | ESPE2021

Efficacy of Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in patients with Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Tropeano Yesica , Purushothaman Preetha , Gilbert Clare , Morgan Kate , Doodson Louise , Dastamani Antonia ,

Background: Hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with Congenital Hyperinsulinism (CHI) are not always detected due to the intermittent measurement of blood glucose concentrations, particularly the asymptomatic episodes. Detecting and treating these episodes is important for prevention of hypoglycaemic brain injury. Although the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) is widely used in adults and children with diabetes, the use in patients with CHI remains li...

hrp0082p3-d3-756 | Diabetes (4) | ESPE2014

Haemolysis and Acute Pancreatitis During Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treatment in a 14-Year-Old Boy with Unknown Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Ortolani Federica , Tummolo Albina , Torelli Cataldo , Masciopinto Maristella , Fedele Stefania , Lanzillotto Maria Paola , Nicastro Francesco , Papadia Francesco , Vendemiale Marcella , Piccinno Elvira

Background: G6PD deficiency is conventionally affiliated with drug induced oxidative stress, but an association with diabetes mellitus is seldom reported. Hypertriglyceridemia from insulin deficiency can be the cause of severe pancreatitis complicating DKA in children.Case report: A 14-year-old Bulgarian boy, no significant past medical history, hospitalized in Pediatric Surgery Department for abdominal pain, hematemesis insorted during a cruise trip. Re...

hrp0095p1-228 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Effect of burosumab treatment on phosphate metabolism and bone health in patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH). Preliminary data within an Italian sample.

Baroncelli Giampiero , Comberiati Pasquale , Rita Sessa Maria , Pelosini Caterina , Grandone Anna , Camodeca Rosanna , Emma Francesco

XLH is the commonest inherited form of rickets. Impaired regulation of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) due to PHEX gene mutation leads to reduced tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TmP/GFR) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) synthesis with hypophosphatemia. Patients show rickets and osteomalacia, bone and muscular pain, stunted growth, and reduced quality of life. We report preliminary data on burosumab therapy in a selected sample of Italian patients.<p class="a...

hrp0095p1-434 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Role of glucose variability on linear growth in children with Type 1 Diabetes

Castorani Valeria , Blasetti Annalisa , Polidori Nella , Mastromauro Concetta , Mascioli Ilaria , Chiarelli Francesco , Giannini Cosimo

Objective: Linear growth is impaired in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and poor metabolic control. A good metabolic control is a key therapeutic goal to prevent vascular complications but also for ensuring an appropriate anthropometric development during childhood. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize the effects of glycemic variability on linear growth in children with T1D.Methods: Data from 144 pre...