hrp0095rfc6.3 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Reference intervals of serum estradiol during childhood: comparing and reviewing five studies, effects of gender and age

Lamprecht Tabea , Reinehr Thomas , Kleber Michaela , Rothermel Juliane , Schulz Esther , Simic-Schleicher Gunter , Heger Sabine , Holterhus Paul-Martin , Kulle Alexandra

Background: Specific measurement of low serum / plasma concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) is important in pre-pubertal and pubertal children in routine paediatric endocrinology. However, there is still a gap in available reference intervals (RIs) for E2 in paediatrics. The study was partially funded by the German Ministry of Health, grant number 2519FSB503.Objective: First, we technically developed a highly sensit...

hrp0082fc4.5 | Growth | ESPE2014

Fetal and Postnatal Growth in Turner Syndrome and their Associations with the Dosage Effects of the X-Linked Gene: a Cross-Sectional Data Base Analysis of the French National Rare Disease Network

Zenaty Delphine , Fiot Elodie , Santos Sophie Dos , Boizeau Priscilla , Haignere Jeremie , Leger Juliane , and the French Turner Syndrome Study Group

Background: Shox gene, located on the short arm (p) of the X chromosome, is expressed in the growth plate cartilage in pre and post natal life. Whereas the dose dependent association between the number of active copies of the SHOX gene and height is well established, studies addressing a more subtle variability between the quality of fetal growth, the severity of post natal height deficit and karyotype subgroups in Turner syndrome (TS) are still limited....

hrp0082p1-d2-251 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Triiodothyronine-Predominant Graves’ Disease (T3-P-GD): Description and Management in Childhood

Harvengt Julie , Boizeau Priscilla , Zenaty Delphine , Paulsen Anne , Simon Dominique , Crepon Sophie Guilmin , Alberti Corinne , Carel Jean-Claude , Leger Juliane

Background: T3-P-GD, a severe, rare disorder well known in adults, has not previously been described in children. It is characterized by persistently high serum fT3 concentration and normal, or even low, fT4 concentration during drug treatment. This condition is associated with very high titers of TRAb and large goiters, but its pathogenesis remains unclear. The recognition of this form of GD in children is of particular importance, as higher antithyroid ...

hrp0082p2-d2-468 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Successful GH Treatment for Severe Growth Failure in Paediatric Patients with Anorexia Nervosa

Fjellestad-Paulsen Anne , Bargiacchi Anne , Doyen Catherine , Raverdy Cecile , Carel Jean-Claude , Leheuzey Marie-France , Leger Juliane

Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN), a state of chronic nutritional deprivation prevalent in children and young adolescents, is associated with major changes to the hypothalamic–pituitary axis including the GH–IGF1 axis, thyroid function, hypercortisolemia, and hypogonadotropic–hypogonadism, with delayed puberty and a low growth velocity (GV) at a time critical for the pubertal growth spurt, potentially affecting adult height. The effects of supraphysiological hum...

hrp0084p1-141 | Turner & Puberty | ESPE2015

Adult Height after Growth Hormone Treatment and its Association with X Chromosome Dosage in Turner Syndrome: a Cross-Sectional Database Analysis of the French National Rare Disease Network

Fiot Elodie , Zenaty Delphine , Boizeau Priscilla , Haignere Jeremie , Santos Sophie Dos , Leger Juliane , FrenchTurner Syndrome Study Group

Background: In Turner syndrome (TS), Shox haploinsufficiency accounts largely, but not entirely, for the short stature of patients, which has been estimated at a mean loss of 20 cm with respect to target height. GH treatment has been shown to improve adult height (AH), although individual outcomes vary markedly. Little is known about the relationship between the dosage effects of the X-linked gene and responsiveness to GH.Objective: To determine whether ...

hrp0097fc12.5 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Teprotumumab in an adolescent with severe corticosteroid-resistant Graves ophthalmopathy: success but unexpected neurological manifestations

Atger-Lallier Laura , Elmaleh Monique , Pedron Beatrice , Storey Caroline , De Filippo Gianpaolo , Martinerie Laetitia , Leger Juliane , Carel Jean-Claude

Moderate to severe Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) is rare in children and most patients have mild GO. This complex inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the orbital fat and muscles is linked to circulating TSH receptor antibodies and involves the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) on orbital fibroblasts. Severe GO features include proptosis, diplopia and vision loss. Intravenous glucocorticoid pulse therapy is the first line medical treatment for moderate to sever...

hrp0082p2-d1-565 | Sex Development | ESPE2014

Novel NR5A1 Gene Mutations Associated with 46,XY Disorders of Sex Development

Fabbri Helena , de Andrade Juliana Gabriel Ribeiro , Maciel-Guerra Andrea Trevas , Guerra-Junior Gil , de Mello Maricilda Palandi

Background: Disorders of sex development (DSD) characterize incomplete or disorganized genital or gonadal development. One in 4500 births requires genetic and endocrine studies due to abnormal external genitalia or gonadal dysgenesis and only 50% of the cases receive a definitive diagnosis. There are several genes that participate in both sex determination and differentiation processes. Mutations in NR5A1 gene, which encoding SF1, a transcription factor, are responsib...

hrp0097p1-93 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Incidence and etiology of congenital hyperinsulinism in Slovakia

Lobotkova Denisa , Minova Martina , Ferenczova Juliana , Dankovcikova Adriana , Sevecova Maria , Tarnokova Simona , Huckova Miroslava , Skopkova Martina , Gasperikova Daniela , Stanik Juraj

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is the most common cause of the persistent hypoglycemia in children and occurs in approximately 1 in 50,000 live births. Genetic testing provides information on the pancreatic histological subtype (i.e. focal vs diffuse) and determines further management and prognosis of the patients. At least 11 known monogenic forms and several syndromes have been associated with CHI. Mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes coding pot...

hrp0097p2-246 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Results from a Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Medical Devices in Paediatric Type I Diabetes

Biester Torben , Reschke Felix , Danne Thomas , Julien Marc , Lusar Irja , Cheng Katharine , Cavaller-Bellaubi Maria , Katz Michelle , Niemoeller Elisabeth , Renard Eric , Sturny Maren , Geertsma Robert , Vassal Gilles

Objectives: To discuss all challenges involved with providing children (including the very young) and adolescents with diabetes (CwD) with the latest appropriate technology, such as automated insulin delivery systems (AIDs), to manage their blood glucose and help improve their quality of life and suggest ways in which access to new types of devices available to adults can be improved for children with T1D.Methods: In con...

hrp0095p1-257 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

A novel mutation in INS gene in an infant with neonatal diabetes mellitus: A case report and functional study

Suh Junghwan , Jin Kim Su , In Lee Hae , Lee Myeongseob , Song Kyungchul , Saem Choi Han , Kwon Ahreum , Wook Chae Hyun , Kim Ho-Seong

Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is a hyperglycemic status usually diagnosed before first 6 months of life, which is caused by monogenic mutations. INS gene mutation is the second most common cause of permanent NDM, causing misfolding of proinsulin and accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to apoptosis of the pancreatic beta cells. We report a case of NDM in a 2-month-old girl with a novel heterozygous mutation of the INS gene, and functional studies to confirm th...