hrp0094p1-52 | Bone B | ESPE2021

Impact of Vertebral Fracture on Auxological Profile and Insulin-like Growth Factors of Children after Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment

Bae Ahn Moon , Kim Sung Eun , Lee Na Yeong , Ki Kim Seul , Hee Kim Shin , Kyoung Cho Won , Soon Cho Kyoung , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu ,

Purpose: To investigate the overall prevalence of vertebral fractures (VF) following childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treatment and examine the association of VF with growth trajectory and insulin-like growth factorsMethods: Children (n = 172; 59.3 % male) diagnosed with ALL at age between 2 and 18 years were assessed for VF by screening the lateral thoracolumbar spine radiographs (GenantÂ’s semi-quantitative met...

hrp0097p2-222 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Height control using estradiol valerate considering chronological and bone age in patient with Marfan Syndrome

Kim Insung , Hwang JiHoon , Sung Juyoung , Eun Kim Sung , Lee Dong-Yun , Kim Min-Sun , Yoon Cho Sung , Jin Dong-Kyu , Seok Choi Doo

Introduction: Estrogen treatment can be used for pediatric patients with Marfan syndrome who wish to control the rate of excessive height growth. However, the appropriate timing of treatment initiation is controversial and studies were limited. In this study, the authors aimed to find out when the initiation of estradiol therapy is most appropriate for controlling height growth rate in patients with Marfan syndrome.Methods:</stro...

hrp0095p1-324 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

The diagnosis of aortic dilatation in Chinese children and adolescents with Turner syndrome

Wei Su , Longwei Sun , Zhuoguang Li , Xia Liu , Longjiang Zhang , Xiu Zhao , Shumin Fan , Boning Li , Ying Xie , Weiwei Xiao , Zhe Su

Objective: Patients with Turner syndrome (TS) have an increased risk of aortic dilatation (AD), which is associated with higher mortality. The diagnosis of AD in children is more difficult than that in adults. This study aimed to investigate the application of cardiovascular assessment criteria in diagnosing AD in Chinese children and adolescents with TS.Methods: In this retrospective study, a comprehensive cardiovascula...

hrp0095p1-523 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

The diagnosis of aortic dilatation in Chinese children and adolescents with Turner syndrome

Wei Su , Longwei Sun , Zhuoguang Li , Xia Liu , Longjiang Zhang , Xiu Zhao , Shumin Fan , Boning Li , Ying Xie , Weiwei Xiao , Zhe Su

Objective: Patients with Turner syndrome (TS) have an increased risk of aortic dilatation (AD), which is associated with higher mortality. The diagnosis of AD in children is more difficult than that in adults. This study aimed to investigate the application of cardiovascular assessment criteria in diagnosing AD in Chinese children and adolescents with TS.Methods: In this retrospective study, a comprehensive cardiovascula...

hrp0095p2-191 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

A case report of gonadal Y-chromosome mosaicism 45, X Turner syndrome complicated by HCG-secreting gonadoblastoma

Zheng Rujiang , Ma Huamei , Liu Juncheng , Chen Huadong , Liang Jianbo , Chen Hongshan , Li Yanhong , Chen Qiuli , Zhang Jun , Guo Song , Wang Bing , Du Minlian

Objective: We report a case of a 5y3m patient who complained of breast development with "45, X Turner syndrome (TS) and HCG-secreting gonadoblastoma (Gb)" with Y chromosome mosaicism. Aim to understand the diagnosis of TS and improve the diagnosis and treatment of HCG-secreting tumors.Methods: The data of clinical diagnosis and treatment of this patient were summarized, and the literatures were reviewed.<p ...

hrp0092p1-225 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (1) | ESPE2019

The Phenotypic Spectrum of Kabuki Syndrome in Patients of Chinese Descent

Wang Yirou , Li Niu , Su Zhe , Xu Yufei , Liu Shijian , Chen Yao , Li Xin , Shen Yiping , Wang Jian , Wang Xiumin , Bodamer Olaf

Background: Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare dominant disorder of transcriptional regulation with a complex phenotype including cranio-facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability, developmental delay, hypotonia, failure to thrive, short stature and variable cardiac and renal anomalies. Mutations in either KMT2D or KDM6A cause KS. While the phenotype of KS has been reported in many ethnicities, little is known about the phenotypic spectrum of KS...

hrp0097fc14.1 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Sleep health characteristics in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Golob Laura , Liu Wenxi , Mercado-Munoz Yesica , Singh Anvita , Hodges James , Siegel Lianne , Morero Helena , Gao Zan , Simon Stacey , Sarafoglou Kyriakie

Introduction: Cortisol secretion is circadian-driven and plays a significant role in sleep quality. In children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) hydrocortisone is the preferred treatment. Hydrocortisone has a short half-life producing alternating hyper- and hypocortisolemia, a non-physiologic cortisol profile, likely disrupting sleep. However, minimal literature exists on sleep health in children with CAH.Objective:</str...

hrp0086p1-p463 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Exposure to Phthalates Is Associated with Overweight or Obesity in 4-Year-Old Children

Lee Jieun , Ah Lee Young , Woon Jung Hae , Young Kim Hwa , Min Lee Gyung , Youn Kim So , Jeong Kyung A. , Hee Choi Keun , Lim Youn-Hee , Bae Sanghyuk , Hong Yun-Chul , Ho Shin Choong , Won Yang Sei

Background: Childhood obesity is a major health concern. Exposure to environmental chemicals may play a role in childhood obesity.Objective and hypotheses: We investigated whether urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations was associated with overweight or obese status in 4-year-old children.Method: Forty-hundred thirteen children born as term, appropriate-for-gestational-age infants (226 males) were included in this study. BMI wa...

hrp0082p1-d2-245 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Thyroid Dysfunction in Children After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Short Term Follow-Up for 12 Months

Jeon Yeon Jin , Jung In Ah , Kim Shin Hee , Cho Won-Kyoung , Lee Jae-Wook , Cho Kyoung Soon , Park So Hyun , Chung Nak-Gyun , Jung Min-Ho , Cho Bin , Suh Byung-Kyu

Background: We evaluated 12 months follow-up of thyroid function in patients who underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) during childhood and adolescents.Methods: We studied 83 hematologic-malignancy patients (46 boys and 37 girls, acute lymphoblastic leukemia=25, acute myeloid leukemia=51, chronic myelogenous leukemia=7) who underwent HSCT between January 2006 and December 2011.The mean age at HSCT was 9.78±4...

hrp0084fc1.6 | Adrenal | ESPE2015

An Update on Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Using Cell-free Foetal DNA in Maternal Plasma

New Maria , Tong Yu , Jiang Peiyong , Pina Christian , Chan K C Allen , Khattab Ahmed , Liao Gary J W , Yau Mabel , Kim Se-Min , Chiu Rossa W K , Sun Li , Zaidi Mone , Lo Y M Dennis

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) arises from mutations in CYP21A2 gene, which encodes for the steroidogenic enzyme 21-hydroxylase. Currently employed chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis provide genetic results at ~14 weeks of gestation at the earliest. At this time, the genitalia of the affected female foetuses have already become virilized. To prevent genital ambiguity, prenatal treatment with dexamethasone must begin on or before gestational ...