hrp0082p1-d2-113 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (1) | ESPE2014

Prenatal Maternal Weight and Weight Status and Lipid Profile of the Offspring

Riano-Galan Isolina , Rodriguez-Dehli Cristina , Velazquez Ines Olaya , Fernandez-Somoano Ana , Valvi Damaskini , Rebagliato Marisa , Ibarluzea Jesus , Tardon Adonina

Background: Childhood obesity is a serious public health concern. To identify risk for obesity in early childhood is important.Objective: To analyse association of pre-pregnancy maternal weight with BMI and metabolic profile at 4 years.Methods: 2604 pregnant mothers and 1960 children from the Spanish population-based cohort study Environment and Childhood (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) Project (INMA). Research protocol was approved by...

hrp0082p2-d3-394 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

From the Need of Preventing Infantile Obesity as soon as Possible: a New Score at Birth

Sanz Nuria , Asencio M Jesus , Buj Angeles , Marzo Corpus , Rodriguez Juan Manuel , Sanchez Consol , Ibanez Lourdes , Marcos Maria Victoria

Background: Infantile obesity is nowadays a pandemic disease and needs a paediatrician interventional attitude. Since 1990 until 2010 it has trebled and the World Health Organization recommends prevention ‘as soon as possible’ even during the first year of life. A Spanish study (Aladino 2011) stimated the prevalence of overweight in boys as a 26.3% and in girls a 25.9% and the prevalence of obesity as a 22% and a 16.2% respectively. Our aim was to set up a new score ...

hrp0084p1-27 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Activation of Insulin Signaling in Gastrocnemius after Central Leptin Infusion is Associated with an Increase in Proliferation and Muscle Fibre Size

Barrios Vicente , Burgos-Ramos Emma , Canelles Sandra , Rodriguez Amaia , Gomez-Ambrosi Javier , Chowen Julie A , Fruhbeck Gema , Argente Jesus

Background: Skeletal muscle is the largest tissue involved in the insulin-stimulated disposal of glucose, with its size being controlled by hormonal status, among other factors. Leptin plays a primary role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis with a substantial degree of insulin and leptin cross-talk in muscle. However, the relationship between the leptin’s central effects on insulin sensitivity in muscle and associated structural changes remain unclear.<p class="...

hrp0084p2-260 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Adherence to Diabetes Care in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Spain: Results from the Chrystal Study

Siguero Juan Pedro Lopez , Vazquez Luis Alberto , Villoro Renata , Jiang Dingfeng , Merino Maria , Reviriego Jesus , Perez-Nieves Magaly

Background: CHRYSTAL (Costs and Health Related qualitY of life Study for Type 1 diAbetes mellitus pediatric patients in Spain) is an observational study conducted in 2014 on a representative sample of 275 patients aged 1-17 years with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) in Spain.Objective and hypotheses: One of the objectives of the study was to describe the adherence to diabetes care using the Self Care Inventory (SCI), and to compare results by HbA1c level...

hrp0084p3-700 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Spain: Results From the CHRYSTAL Study

Vazquez Luis Alberto , Siguero Juan Pedro Lopez , Villoro Renata , Jiang Dingfeng , Merino Maria , Reviriego Jesus , Perez-Nieves Magaly

Background: Costs and health related quality of life study for type 1 diabetes mellitus (CHRYSTAL) pediatric patients in Spain is an observational study conducted in 2014 on a representative sample of 275 patients aged 1–17 years with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in Spain. The study collects diabetes specific health related quality of life (HRQoL) using the Diabetes Module of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). This scale has been identified to be one of ...

hrp0094fc2.1 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2021

Efficacy and Safety Results of a Phase 2 Trial of Setmelanotide in Obesity Due to SH2B1 Variants and 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome

Argente Jesus , Farooqi Sadaf , Oral Elif , Goldstone Anthony , Ohayon Olga , Scimia Cecilia , Yuan Guojun , Stewart Murray , Chung Wendy ,

Background: Variants in SH2B1 or a 220–kilobase pair distal deletion of chromosome 16p11.2, including SH2B1, are associated with severe, early-onset obesity and hyperphagia. The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist setmelanotide is being investigated in individuals with rare variants in genes in the MC4R pathway.Methods: This ongoing, Phase 2 study (NCT03013543) enrolled individuals aged ≥6...

hrp0094fc7.4 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

Endocrine sequelae in 157 paediatric survivors of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Guemes Maria , Martin-Rivada Alvaro , Arribas Marta Bascuas , Andres Esteban Eva Maria , Angulo Blanca Molina , Argente Jesus ,

Introduction: As successful rates of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are on the rise, late endocrine and metabolic effects of these survivors have become more prevalent.Aims: We aimed to characterise the endocrine abnormalities observed following HSCT.Subjects and methods: A retrospective descriptive study in paediatric post-HSCT patients (< 18 years-old) follow...

hrp0094p2-188 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Development of a predictive normogram to assess the risk of liver steatosis in childhood obesity

Martos-Moreno Gabriel A. , Maria Andres-Esteban Eva , Martinez-Villanueva Julian , Sirvent Sara , Hawkins Federico G. , Argente Jesus ,

Background: Liver steatosis (LS) results from ectopic fat deposition and can be present in obesity even at early ages. Similar to insulin resistance, the onset of LS does not seem to depend exclusively upon the severity of obesity and shows a large interindividual variability.Objective: Our objective was to develop a predictive normogram for LS in children and adolescents with obesity ba...

hrp0094p2-248 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Reduction in pappalysin and stanniocalcin levels explain the decrease in IGF-I bioavailability in anorexia nervosa

Martin-Rivada Alvaro , Guerra-Cantera Santiago , Campillo-Calatayud Ana , Camarneiro Ricardo , Graell Montserrat , Barrios Vicente , Argente Jesus ,

Background: Pappalysins (PAPP-A, PAPP-A2) and stanniocalcins (STC-1, STC-2) are novel regulators of the GH-IGF axis, modulating IGF bioavailability through control of cleavage of IGFBPs and release of IGF from the ternary complex. Changes in the peripheral IGF system, including low IGF concentrations independently of GH secretion, have been reported in scenarios of malnutrition such as anorexia nervosa (AN). The role of pappalysins and stanniocalcins in the pa...

hrp0097p2-44 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

New variant in DHX37 associated to 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis

Dominguez-Riscart Jesus , Garcia-Zarzuela Ana , Arellano-Ruiz Paola , Benito-Sanz Sara , Delgado-Cotan Lourdes , Maria Lechuga-Sancho Alfonso

Introduction: 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD) represents a heterogeneous group of disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) characterized by abnormal gonadal development leading to a wide phenotypic spectrum. Variable degrees of external genitalia undervirilization are observed, ranging from micropenis to female-like genitalia and partially or fully-developed Mullerian derivatives.Case Report: A 6 years-old boy follow...