hrp0097p1-596 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Graves Disease - Longer Term Impact on BMI

Kanaskar Suniva , Lane Laura , Ashokkumar Ashmethaa , Bignell Henry , Mohammed Zainab , Boelaert Kristien , Cheetham Timothy , Dias Renuka

Background: Graves’ Disease (GD) is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children and develops because of stimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH receptor auto-antibodies (TSHR Ab). An increased risk of obesity has been described in both adults and children following initiation of anti-thyroid drug (ATD) therapy but the longer term impact of GD and it’s treatment on physique in children is unclear.Aims:</strong...

hrp0097p2-221 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Diabetes insipidus as first manifestation of congenital malformation of the neurocranium

Vasiliu Ioana , Frasinariu Otilia , Mocanu Adriana , Daniel Iancu Ionut , Mihaela Trandafir Laura

Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) at neonatal age may occur in the setting of intracranial abnormalities that affect the hypothalamus-pituitary system. These conditions are characterized by defective production, transport or secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This results in inappropriately low ADH levels in the setting of increased plasma osmolality. We present the case of an infant born by C-section at 38 weeks of gestation, with bilateral cheilognatopalatoschisis, naso...

hrp0097p2-123 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Hypophosphatasia: a pediatric patient treated with asfotase alfa

Orlandini Eleonora , Schiavariello Concetta , Tamburrino Federica , Perri Annamaria , Mazzanti Laura , Pession Andrea , Scarano Emanuela

We describe a 5 years-old patient referred to our centre for dysmorphic features and delayed psychomotor development. Negative family history, second child, full-term birth, eutocic delivery, regular growth parameters at birth and neonatal adaptation. Autonomous walking at 20 months with clumsiness; first words at 2 years with dysarthria and dysphagia. Brain MRI and array-CGH were normal. At the neurological examination: perioral hypotonia, sialorrhea, praxic difficulties. At ...

hrp0097p2-211 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

A rare association between congenital hyperinsulinism and congenital isolated ACTH deficiency

Vasiliu Ioana , Bizim Delia , Frasinariu Otilia , Daniel Iancu Ionut , Mihaela Trandafir Laura

Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH) is common in newborns. If hypoglycemia occurs after the first 48 hours following birth, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. We present the case of a baby girl born at 38 weeks of pregnancy, with good adaptation to extrauterine life and blood glucose of 60 mg/dl in the first days of birth. Approximately 2 days after discharge, she was addressed at the emergency unit because of food refusal for approximately 30 hours, with a blood suga...

hrp0097p2-143 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Improving detection of rare overgrowth syndromes referred to the endocrinology ward for analysis of acromegaly

van Essen Trui , Rosenberg Anna , de Herder Wouter , Jan van der Lelij Aart , de Graaff Laura

Background: In our center for adults with rare genetic syndromes, we see adolescents and young adults with overgrowth syndromes, among others. In our 'general endocrinology' outpatient clinic, we also see patients with overgrowth, but in these cases the overgrowth is due to excess of growth hormone (GH). Our clinical impression is that the differentiation between the two is often challenging. Therefore, we believe it is important to emphasize the dif...

hrp0097p2-278 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Endocrine dysfunction in Charge Syndrome – short case series

Costa Cristiana , Laura Fitas Ana , Diamantino Catarina , Lopes Patrícia , Limbert Catarina , Lopes Lurdes

Introduction: CHARGE syndrome is a rare constellation of congenital malformations caused by mutations in CHD7 gene. The acronym stands for coloboma, heart defect, choanal atresia, retarded growth and development, genital hypoplasia, ear abnormalities, and/or hearing loss. Endocrine disorders associated with this syndrome include hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, ...

hrp0095fc1.2 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Comorbidity in congenital hypothyroidism - A nationwide population-based cohort study

Danner Emmi , Jääskeläinen Jarmo , Huopio Hanna , Niuro Laura , Niinikoski Harri , Kero Jukka , Sund Reijo

Aim of the study: The aim of this nationwide population-based register study was to investigate the incidence of congenital malformations, neonatal and chronic comorbidities, and the use of prescribed drugs in patients with primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH).Methods: The study cohort and matched controls were identified from national population-based registers in Finland (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland a...

hrp0095fc9.2 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Can pre-treatment BMI influence long-term anthropometric and metabolic outcomes in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty treated with GnRHa?

Bruzzi Patrizia , Sandoni Marcello , Valeri Lara , Trevisani Viola , Dalla Porta Francesca , Filomena Madeo Simona , Lucaccioni Laura , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: Gonadotropin releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) are effective in improving adult height in children with precocious onset of puberty, rapid progression, and good growth potential. In last years, however, some transient metabolic complications have been described during the treatment without the reassurance of long-term data yet. The aim of our study is to clarify if body mass index (BMI) at diagnosis of idiopathic central precocious puberty (iCPP) c...

hrp0095p1-60 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Prevalence of Autoimmunity in Relatives of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: Time to The Clinical Onset of Diabetes and Associated Risk Factors

Marcelo Irene , Urrutia Ines , Calvo Begoña , Martinez Rosa , Saso Laura , Castaño Luis , Rica Itxaso , Group Collaborative

Introduction: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the presence of pancreatic-autoantibodies, which are diagnostic biomarkers. The detection of autoantibodies in first-degree relatives of patients with T1D is considered a risk factor for developing the disease; however, there is little information on how long it takes from the detection of autoimmunity to the clinical onset of T1D.Objectives:</st...

hrp0095p1-254 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Auxological parameters and metabolic control in children and young patients with type 1 diabetes 1-year after COVID-19 pandemic.

Iughetti Lorenzo , Bruzzi Patrizia , Caccamo Paola , Di Caprio Antonella , Lucaccioni Laura , F. Madeo Simona , Trevisani Viola , Predieri Barbara

Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic, by restricting outside activities, encouraged a sedentary lifestyle due to social distancing and, alongside, an increase in the consumption of canned food and industrialized foods, resulting in a negative impact on the growth of children and young people (CYP). Concerns for consequences in CYP with type 1 diabetes (T1D) rose.Objectives: To investigate 1-year effects of the COVID-19 pandem...