hrp0094p2-260 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Current growth hormone therapy practices in Belgium for the treatment of short children born small for gestational age

Thomas Muriel , Casteels Kristina , Rochtus Anne , van der Straaten Saskia , Van Aken Sara) , Fudvoye Julie , Boros Emese , Dotremont Hilde , Vanbesien Jesse , Mouraux Thierry , Chivu Olimpia , Logghe Karl , Reynaert Nele , Massa Guy , Depoorter Sylvia , Klink Daniel , Becker Marianne , Lysy Philippe , De Schepper Jean ,

Background and Aim: Recombinant growth hormone (GH) is reimbursed for the treatment of short stature (<-2.5 Z-score) in children born small for gestational age (SGA) without postnatal growth, aged ā‰„ 4 years with a height Z-score >1 below mid-parental height (MPH). We wanted to determine the current GH prescribing practices by pediatric endocrinologists (PE) for SGA related short stature and document the percentages of treated children at risk for...

hrp0095p2-13 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Failure to Thrive as A Manifestation of Neonatal Cushing.

Isabel Scheidt Maria , de Assis Galan Camila , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antonio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme

Failure to thrive is a term used to describe inadequate growth or the inability to maintain growth, which usually occurs in early childhood. Case report: female patient, 7 months old, referred to the pediatric clinic of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre due to a possible syndromic condition. He had no diagnosed comorbidity to date and was using only prophylactic ferrous sulfate and vitamin D. No family history of similar illness. Physical examination showed hypertric...

hrp0097p2-77 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Massive adrenocortical carcinoma with right atrium invasion in a two-year old girl with li fraumeni syndrome – possibility of succesful ressection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Reis Krämmer Bárbara , Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: In Brazil, specially in the south, there is a high prevalence of p53 mutations ā€“ 1:300 compared to 1:5000-1:20000 incidence worldwide. (1) As a consequence, adrenocortical carcinoma as a cause of virilization in children is much more common in our practice.Clinical Case: M.P.O., a 32-month-old girl, was referred to our institution - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - in May 2022 due to progre...

hrp0097p2-78 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Massive adrenocortical carcinoma with right atrium invasion in a two-year old girl with Li Fraumeni syndrome – possibility of succesful ressection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Reis Krämmer Bárbara , Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: In Brazil, specially in the south, there is a high prevalence of p53 mutations ā€“ 1:300 compared to 1:5000-1:20000 incidence worldwide. (1) As a consequence, adrenocortical carcinoma as a cause of virilization in children is much more common in our practice.Clinical Case: M.P.O., a 32-month-old girl, was referred to our institution - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - in May 2022 due to progre...

hrp0097p2-103 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Clitoromegaly as a manifestation of neurofibromatosis type 1

Faviero de Vasconcellos Natália , Reis Krämmer Bárbara , da Costa Rodrigues Ticiana , Antônio Czepielewski Mauro , Guaragna Filho Guilherme , Cristina Pedroso de Paula Leila

Background: Clitoromegaly usually is a sign of virilization, and should lead to prompt evaluation in order to allow adequate treatment. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a syndrome characterized by pigmentary changes, development of benign tumors of peripheral nerve and increased risk of other malignant tumors.Clinical Case: A five year old female patient was referred to the pediatric clinic of Hospital de Clínicas de Por...

hrp0095hdi1.2 | How Do Iā€¦ Session 1 | ESPE2022

How do I manage severe obesity

van den Akker Erica

Pediatric severe obesity is a major threat to health and longevity. Around 7% of children worldwide have early onset severe obesity before the age of 7. Pediatric obesity is caused by an interplay of multiple factors: lifestyle, environmental, sociocultural, psychological, biological and genetic factors. Endocrine, monogenetic or syndromal causes are rare, but currently underdiagnosed and important to identify for the need of specific treatment. Cardiovascular risk factors and...

hrp0092s6.3 | Endocrinology Meets Diversity: Transgender Youth | ESPE2019

Gynecological Aspects and Fertility Issues in Transgender Adolescents

Trotsenburg Mick Van

This presentation briefly gives an overview of typical gynaecological issues and fertility options of transgender adolescents.Typical gynaecological complaints and treatment options will be addressed: e.g. amenorrhea induction prior to cross-sex hormones, irregular bleeding, dysmenorrhea, vaginal discharge but also the limitations of gynaecological examination in female asssigned adolescents.National and international organizations...

hrp0089s8.2 | Thyroid disorders | ESPE2018

Central Hypothyroidism – an Update

van Trotsenburg Paul

Central hypothyroidism can be best defined as lower than desirable thyroid hormone production and secretion because of insufficient stimulation of a normal thyroid gland by a defective pituitary or hypothalamus, resulting in a too low plasma or serum (free) thyroxine (FT4) concentration accompanied by a more or less normal thyrotropin (TSH) concentration. Central hypothyroidism can occur isolated or as part of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency and can be a congenital or ac...

hrp0082s4.1 | Recent Advances in Our Understanding of Hypothyroidism | ESPE2014

Management of Central Hypothyroidism

van Trotsenburg P

Central hypothyroidism (CeH) can be defined as a lower than desirable secretion of thyroid hormone by a normal thyroid gland resulting from (quantitative or qualitative) insufficient TSH secretion. Causes are congenital and acquired functional or anatomic defects of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or both. CeH can be difficult to diagnose, especially in children without a history of brain defects or brain damaging treatment (e.g. irradiation), and when plasma FT4 concentrati...

hrp0082wg6.4 | Turner | ESPE2014

Motor Performance in Turner Syndrome

van Alfen Janielle

The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of motor disabilities in girls with Turner syndrome (TS), the impact on daily life and suggestions for treatment.Girls with TS show substantially lower performance in gross and fine motor function tests and motor milestones are achieved relatively late. Moreover, girls with TS frequently encounter problems in specific motor functioning i.e. oral-motor and visual-motor coordination, motor learning and pr...