hrp0094p2-201 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Weight status and body composition of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

Brener Avivit , Azoulay Erez , Yackobovitch-Gavan Michal , Lopez Adar , Sheppes Tamar , Yaacov Hadar , Gilboa Inbar , Waksman Yarden , Lebenthal Yael ,

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has tremendous effects on lifestyle that could potentially cause health-related problems. Therefore, extreme preventive measures were taken, including the closure of schools and after school activities. This dramatic alteration in daily routine could lead to adverse consequence of increasing obesity. In this study we aimed to investigate the change in weight status and body composition parameters of children and adolescents du...

hrp0097p1-588 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

The effect of gestational Graves’ disease on the mother-infant dyad: a retrospective observational cohort study

Cohen-Sela Eyal , Brener Avivit , Raviv Orian , Yackobovitch-Gavan Michal , Almashanu Shlomo , Marom Ronella , Anteby Matan , Hiersch Liran , Lebenthal Yael

Context: Pregnancy and parturition involve a complex interplay between maternal health and that of her offspring. Graves’ disease and its management have been associated with adverse pregnancy, labor and delivery, as well as neonatal outcomes. Adaptation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis can be reflected by measuring thyroid function levels in newborn screening (NBS).Objective: To investigate the character...

hrp0095rfc3.6 | Early Life and Multisystem Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Continuous growth reference from 24th week of gestation to 24 months by sex for length, weight, and head circumferences, based on the healthiest of Swedish Birth Registry 1990-99 and the GrowUp 1990 Gothenburg cohort

Niklasson Aimon , Gelander Lars , Holmgren Anton , FM Nierop Andreas , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin

Background: Since growth patterns change with time due to secular changes, there is a need to regularly update growth references1. We developed the first continuous birth size reference, from gestational age 24weeks with infancy growth references2, computerized 2006 and used in Swedish health care settings and neonatal units. We now aimed to update this reference by exchanging GrowUp1974Gothenburg cohort to a selected population of health...

hrp0086p1-p1 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Leptin is Associated with Serum Aldosterone in Paediatric Subjects, Independently of Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure and Plasma Renin Activity

Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro , Campino Carmen , Baudrand Rene , Carvajal Cristian , Grob Francisca , Garcia Hernan , Bancalari Rodrigo , Loureiro Carolina , Mendoza Carolina , Arancibia Monica , Vecchiola Andrea , Tapia Alejandra , Valdivia Carolina , Fuentes Cristobal , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Fardella Carlos

Background: Leptin is considered to play an important role in the development of hypertension in obesity. The excessive synthesis of aldosterone contributes to the development and progression of metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunctions. Leptin is a newly described regulator of aldosterone synthesis that acts directly on adrenal glomerulosa cells to increase CYP11B2 expression and enhance aldosterone production in human adrenal cells lines and in animal models.<p class="ab...

hrp0082p3-d2-683 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Two Different Diagnosis of Pseudohypoaldosteronism

Bulus Derya , Andiran Nesibe , Colakoglu Elif Yagli , Altuntas Nilgun

Background: Pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) is a disorder caused by aldosterone resistance with impaired sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion from the body. PHA is subdivided into primary (genetic) and secondary (transient) forms. Primary PHA is caused by mutations in genes encoding epithelial sodium channel or mineralocorticoid receptors. The secondary PHA may occur due to urinary tract malformations, urinary tract infections (UTI), drugs, etc. We present here two cases ...

hrp0097p1-394 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Assessment of five domains of neurodevelopment and growth in congenital hypothyroidism: Serial 6-year follow-up study of 408 patients

Kyung Jung Mo , Kyo Ha Eun , Ryung Cha Hey , Yong Han Man

Background: There is a link between congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and neurodevelopmental abnormalities, but no longitudinal studies have yet identified reliable quantifiable measures.Purpose: To evaluate associations between CH and abnormalities in neurodevelopment and growth, and identify the timing of these abnormalities and the best time for intervention.Methods: Data from the ...

hrp0082fc9.6 | Beta cells | ESPE2014

Sulfonylurea Therapy Corrects Hypotonia, Attention Deficits, Improves Complex Neuropsychological Functions and Motricity in Patients with Neonatal Diabetes Secondary to Mutation in Potassium Channel Subunits, Through a CNS Effect

Beltrand Jacques , Vaivre-Douvret Laurence , Busiah Kanetee , Fournier Emmanuel , Boddaert Nathalie , Vera Myriam , Bahi-Buisson Nadia , Bui-Quoc Emmanuel , Ingster-Moati Isabelle , Flechtner Isabelle , Simon Albane , Scharfmann Raphael , Cave Helene , Elie Caroline , Polak Michel

Background: Sulfonylurea therapy (SU) allows a better metabolic control than insulin in patients with neonatal diabetes secondary to mutation in potassium channel subunits (ND-K). Most of these patients have neurological and neuromotor developmental impairments whose changes under SU has not been studied in a systematic and prospective way in a large cohort.Objective and Hypotheses: To demonstrate the beneficial effect of SU on neuropsychological functio...

hrp0094p1-168 | Growth B | ESPE2021

Mother’s smoking during pregnancy influence intrauterine and postnatal growth - the GrowUp 1990 Gothenburg cohort population

Holmgren Anton , Niklasson Aimon , Aronson A. Stefan , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin ,

Background/Objective: Smoking during pregnancy is known to influence prenatal/postnatal growth of the offspring. We investigated the impact of smoking in the Swedish reference population for new reference for height, weight and BMI, the GrowUp1990Gothenburg cohort.Material/Methods: The study was based on 1907 healthy children (918girls/989boys) born at term in Sweden with Nordic parents and longitudinal growth measurements. 155girls/180b...

hrp0089rfc11.2 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism 2 | ESPE2018

Nationwide Hypophosphatemic Rickets Study

Siklar Zeynep , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah , Abacı Ayhan , Baş Firdevs , Demir Korcan , Guran Tulay , Akberzade Azad , Bober Ece , Ozbek Mehmet Nuri , Kara Cengiz , Poyrazoğlu Şukran , Aydın Murat , kardelen Aslı , tarım Omer , Eren Erdal , Hatipoğlu Nihal , Buyukinan Muammer , Akyurek Nesibe , Cetinkaya Semra , Bayramoğlu Elvan , Eklioğlu Beray Selver , Ucakturk Ahmet , Abalı Saygın , Gokşen Damla , Kor Yılmaz , Unal Edip , Esen Ihsan , Yıldırım Ruken , Akın Onur , Cay Atilla , Dilek Emine , Kırel Birgul , Anık Ahmet , Catlı Gonul , Berberoğlu Merih

Aim: Hypophosphatemic rickets (HR) is a rare renal phosphate wasting disorder commonly related to X-linked form, caused by PHEX mutations and it treatment and follow-up is challenging due to imperfect treatment options. Here we presented nationwide data on HR with initial and follow-up data on the patients presented to the pediatric endocrinology clinics before the age of 18 years.Results: From 24 centers, 158 patients (93 male/65 female) were i...

hrp0095rfc4.2 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Effect of Setmelanotide Treatment in Children and Adolescents With Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Deficiency, Leptin Receptor (LEPR) Deficiency, and Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS)

Argente Jesús , Kühnen Peter , M. Haqq Andrea , Wabitsch Martin , K. Chung Wendy , van den Akker Erica , Á. Martos-Moreno Gabriel , Mohamed Iqbal Anoop , Forsythe Elizabeth , Dubern Béatrice , Malhotra Sonali , Yuan Goujun , Touchot Nicolas , Dollfus Hélène , Farooqi Sadaf , Clément Karine

Background: The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) pathway is a key regulator of energy balance and satiety. Variants in genes upstream of MC4R encoding leptin receptor (LEPR), proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1(PCSK1) and those involved in Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) can impair MC4R pathway signaling. Clinically, these variants are characterized by hyperphagia (Pathologic insatiable hunger) and early-onset, severe obesity. E...