hrp0089p1-p181 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Long Term Effects of Childhood Growth Hormone Treatment on Height and Body Mass Index in Adolescents and Adults with Silver-Russell Syndrome

Lokulo-Sodipe Oluwakemi , Canton Ana P. M. , Giabicani Eloise , Ferrand Nawfel , Child Jenny , Wakeling Emma L. , Binder Gerhard , Netchine Irene , Mackay Deborah J.G. , Inskip Hazel M. , Byrne Christopher D. , Davies Justin H. , Temple I. Karen

Growth hormone (GH) is commonly used during childhood to treat short stature in Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS), but final height and long-term body mass index (BMI) data are limited.Objective: To evaluate height and BMI in older individuals with molecularly confirmed SRS and compare those previously treated with GH to those untreated.Methods: Growth data on individuals aged ≥13 years with SRS were evaluated from UK, French and...

hrp0095rfc6.4 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Sertoli cell dysfunction at diagnosis in children with haematological malignancies

Lopez Dacal Jimena , Prada Silvina , Gabriela Ropelato Maria , Gabriela Ballerini Maria , Eugenia Rodriguez Maria , E. Gutierrez Marcela , Soria Marcela , Morán Lorena , Ferraro Cristina , Bedecarrás Patricia , Drelichman Guillermo , Aversa Luis , Bergadá Ignacio , A. Rey Rodolfo , P. Grinspon Romina

Aim: To determine Sertoli cell function at diagnosis and after 3 months of chemotherapy.Methods: A prospective cohort study was performed including children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia, or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Serum levels of AMH were evaluated at diagnosis and after 3 months during chemotherapy. Results were analysed as standard deviation scores according to pubertal stage and expressed ...

hrp0082ha2 | Pubertal onset in girls is strongly influenced by genetic variation in promoters affecting FSH action | ESPE2014

Pubertal Onset in Girls is Strongly Influenced by Genetic Variation in Promoters Affecting FSH Action

Hagen Casper P , Sorensen Kaspar , Aksglaede Lise , Mouritsen Annette , Mieritz Mikkel G , Tinggaard Jeanette , Wohlfart-Veje Christine , Petersen Jorgen H , Main Katharina M , Meyts Ewa Rajpert-De , Almstrup Kristian , Juul Anders

Background: FSH stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and estradiol synthesis which is responsible for breast development. Age at pubertal onset varies substantially among healthy girls. Although more than half of the variation is heritable, only a small part has been attributed to specific genetic polymorphisms identified so far.Objective and Hypotheses: We assessed the effect on pubertal onset of three genetic polymorphisms affecting FSH action.<p...

hrp0094fc1.6 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Tumor DNA methylation profiling as a prognostic marker for pediatric patients with adrenocortical tumors

Bueno Ana Carolina , da Silva Rui M P , Stecchini Monica F. , Gutierrez Junier M , Cardinalli Izilda A , Scrideli Carlos A , Junqueira Thais , Molina Carlos A F , Ramalho Fernando S , Tucci Silvio , Coeli-Lacchini Fernanda B , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra N Z , Brandalise Silvia R , Yunes Jose A , de Castro Margaret , Vencio Ricardo Z N , Antonini Sonir R ,

Abnormal DNA methylation contributes to tumor progression and is emerging as a prognostic marker in several types of cancers. To investigate whether DNA methylation is associated with pediatric adrenocortical tumor (pACT) presentation and patient prognosis, we analyzed the methylation profile of 57 tumors (MethylationEPIC BeadChip Array-Illumina) and patients’ clinicopathological features and outcome. The study comprehended 40 girls and 17 boys, with median age at diagnos...

hrp0092fc2.1 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 1 | ESPE2019

Continued Improvement in Clinical Outcomes with Burosumab, a Fully Human Anti-FGF23 Monoclonal Antibody: Results from a 3-Year, Phase 2, Clinical Trial in Children with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH)

Linglart Agnès , Carpenter Thomas O. , Högler Wolfgang , Imel Erik A. , Portale Anthony A. , Boot Annemieke , Padidela Raja , Van't Hoff William , Mao Meng , Skrinar Alison , Scott Roberts Mary , San Martin Javier , Whyte Michael P.

In children with XLH, excess FGF23 causes hypophosphatemia with consequent rickets, skeletal deformities, and impaired growth and mobility. We previously reported that burosumab improved phosphate homeostasis and rickets in children with XLH. Here, we report final data from this Phase 2 Study CL201 (NCT02163577).Fifty-two children with XLH (5-12 years old, Tanner ≤ 2) were randomized 1:1 to receive subcutaneous burosumab every 2 (Q2W) or 4 (Q4W) we...

hrp0092s9.1 | Heterogeneity of Paediatric Diabetes | ESPE2019

Diversity in Monogenic Diabetes Management and Prognosis

Njølstad Pål Rasmus

Monogenic forms of diabetes have specific treatments that differ from the standard care provided for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, making the appropriate diagnosis essential. Misclassification of all diabetes types may occur and healthcare providers should be aware of this possibility. A systematic approach to subjects who are newly diagnosed with diabetes can assist classification of common forms of diabetes and identify those in whom molecular investigation would be advantageo...

hrp0086p1-p134 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

A RCT Comparing the Effect of Three Different Vitamin D Supplementation Regimens on Se 25 OH Vit D in Asymptomatic Vit D Deficient Children

Simon Anna , Pragathesh P , Priyambada Leena

Background: Vitamin D plays a significant role in musculoskeletal health and various extraskeletal functions making the prevention and treatment of this vitamin (now considered as a hormone) of utmost importance. Literature on requirement/supplementation of vitamin D in asymptomatic children is scarce and this study was an attempt to see the effect of three different doses of cholecalciferol supplementation regimens in children with asymptomatic vitamin D deficiency.<p cla...

hrp0084fc1.2 | Adrenal | ESPE2015

Involvement of the Wnt/β-catenin Pathway, SF1, DAX1 and Stem/Progenitor Cell Markers in Paediatric Adrenocortical Tumors

Cavalcanti Marcelo M , Leal Leticia F , Coelli Fernanda B , Scrideli Carlos A , Molina Carlos A F , Tucci Silvio , Martinelli Carlos E , Yunes Jose A , Mastellaro Maria J , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra N , Castro Margaret , Antonini Sonir R

Background: Activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is frequent in adrenocortical tumors (ACTs). This pathway and DAX1, a negative regulator of SF1 expression, control adrenal stem/progenitor cells, which can be involved in ACTs formation.Objective: To analyse the association between the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and the expression of a stem cell marker (NANOG), STAT3, DAX1 and SF1 in ACTs.Methods: Patients:...

hrp0095p1-512 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Physical Activity: An Underestimated Factor in the Management of Arterial Hypertension in Women with Turner-Syndrome?

Sebastian Oberhoffer Felix , Bačová Martina , Li Pengzhu , Arnold Leonie , Alexander Haas Nikolaus , Dalla-Pozza Robert

Introduction: Turner syndrome (TS) is a rare X-chromosomal disease, which affects one in 2500-3000 female newborns. TS is associated with a distinct cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Arterial hypertension is present in up to 50% of young TS women and closely related to the onset of aortic dilatation and dissection. The effective management of arterial hypertension can be considered as crucial to improve overall cardiovascular outcome of TS women. In the ...

hrp0092rfc14.4 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

GHR Transcript Heterogeneity May Explain the Phenotypic Variability in Patients with Homozygous GHR Pseudoexon (6ψ) Mutation

Chatterjee Sumana , Rose Steven J , Mushtaq Talat , Cottrell Emily , Maharaj Avinaash V , Williams Jack , Savage Martin O , Metherell Loiuse A , Storr Helen L

Objectives: The homozygous GHR pseudoexon (6ψ) mutation leads to aberrant splicing of the GHR gene with clinical and biochemical heterogeneity. We investigated whether the phenotypic variability could be explained by transcript heterogeneity i.e. ratio of abnormal (6ψ GHR) to normal (WT GHR) transcripts and/or the presence of concurrent defects in other short stature (SS) genes.Methods: 6&#968...