hrp0086p1-p130 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Triple X Syndrome: An Evaluation of Bone Mineral Status and Metabolism

Stagi Stefano , Scalini Perla , Di Tommaso Mariarosaria , Parpagnoli Maria , Paci Silvia , Masoni Fabrizio , Chiarelli Francesco , Verrotti Alberto , Guarducci Silvia , Giglio Sabrina , Romano Silvia , de Martino Maurizio

Background: However, no study has considered the effect of a supernumerary X chromosome on bone mineral status and bone metabolism.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate bone mineral status and metabolism in a cohort of patients with nonmosaic triple X syndrome.Method: Nineteen girls (median age 10.9, range 7.7–15.9 years) with nonmosaic triple X syndrome were cross-sectionally studied and compared to an age- and body-size-matc...

hrp0095rfc4.6 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

European Consortium of Lipodystrophies Registry, 2022

von Schnurbein Julia , Gambinieri Alessandra , Fernández-Pombo Antia , Akinci Baris , Vatier Camille , Cecchetti Carolina , Adiyaman Cem , Vigoroux Corrine , Araujo-Vilar David , Savage David , Gilio Donatella , Bismuth Elise , Sorkina Ekaterina , Vorona Elena , Santos Silva Ermelinda , Nobecourt Estelle , Csajbok Eva , Santini Ferrucio , Prodam Flavia , Nagel Gabriele , Aimaretti Gianluca , Latanzi Giovanna , Ceccarini Giovanni , Novelli Giuseppe , Yildirim Simsir Ilgin , Jeru Isabelle , Štotl Iztok , Carel Jean-Claude , Writzl Karin , Heldt Katrin , Miehle Konstanze , Kleinendorst Lotte , D’Apice Maria-Rosaria , Beghini Mariana , Vantyghem Marie-Christine , Broekema Marjoleine , Faßhauer Mathias , Stumvoll Michael , Sbraccia Paolo , Ozen Samim , Magno Silvia , Scherer Thomas , Daffara Thomaso , Pekkolay Zafer , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Lipodystrophy syndromes comprise a large group of extremely rare diseases characterized by loss or dysfunction of adipose tissue. Due to their extreme rarity and variability, research in the field of lipodystrophy is difficult for single centres warranting larger co-operations.Methods: Therefore, the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies decided to found an international registry in 2016. This registry is ba...

hrp0095p1-375 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Effects of long-term puberty suppression and gender-affirming hormones on body composition and metabolic profile in a preclinical mouse model and a cohort of transboys

Dubois Vanessa , Ciancia Silvia , Claessens Frank , Craen Margarita , El Kharraz Sara , Kim Nari , Klink Daniel , Sommers Vera , Vanderschueren Dirk , Cools Martine

Background: The increasing number of transgender adolescents presenting in early puberty requires to investigate the effects of long-term puberty suppression and gender-affirming hormones (GAH) on body composition and metabolism. Clinical studies have ethical and practical limitations. A preclinical mouse model may be helpful to gain mechanistic insights.Methods: Prepubertal (4week-old) female mice were treated with the ...

hrp0095p1-572 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Long-term GnRHa use and bone health in transgender adolescents: can a mouse model inform clinical practice?

Ciancia Silvia , Dubois Vanessa , Claessens Frank , Craen Margarita , Doms Stefanie , El Kharraz Sara , Kim Nari , Klink Daniel , Vanderschueren Dirk , Cools Martine

Background: Transgender individuals increasingly present at gender services in childhood. Consequently, to suppress pubertal development, more adolescents are long-term exposed to gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa), from onset of puberty until start of gender-affirming hormones (GAH), around 16 years. Prolonged GnRHa may compromise bone health more than shorter-term treatment. If earlier start of GAH, when psychologically indicated, may partially...

hrp0092p1-261 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2019

Long-Term Urological and Psychosexual Outcome of Men Born with Hypospadias

Tack Lloyd , Van Hoecke Eline , Springer Alexander , Riedl Stefan , Tonnhofer Ursula , Weninger Julia , Hiess Manuela , Van Laecke Erik , Hoebeke Piet , Spinoit Anne-Françoise , Cools Martine

Introduction: According to EAU's guidelines, hypospadias (HS) repair is best performed between 6 and 18 months of age. Little is known about the long-term patient satisfaction or urological outcome following HS surgery.Aims: To examine the psychosexual and urological outcome of young adult men (16-21 years old) born with all forms of non-syndromic HS as compared to healthy controls, as well as patient and parental sa...

hrp0092p1-271 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2019

Endocrine and Reproductive Outcome of Men Born with Various Degrees of Hypospadias

Tack Lloyd , Springer Alexander , Mahmoud Ahmed , Tilleman Kelly , Riedl Stefan , Tonnhofer Ursula , Hiess Manuela , Weninger Julia , Van Laecke Erik , Hoebeke Piet , Spinoit Anne-Françoise , Cools Martine

Introduction: Limited, small-scale studies have revealed that men with proximal hypospadias (HS) or with other signs of undermasculinisation (i.e. complex HS) are at risk of reduced fertility and/or impaired testicular hormone synthesis. However, the extent of this phenomenon and if milder forms of isolated HS are also affected, remains unclear.Aims: To explore reproductive hormones and semen quality of young men (16-21 ...

hrp0089p1-p049 | Diabetes & Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Life Changing Decisions due to Etiological Genetic Diagnosis in Families of Children with Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)

Bril Gherta , Vaxillaire Martine , Gruber Noah , Mazor-Aronovitch Kineret , Ben-Ami Michal , Ben-David Rachel Frumkin , Yeshayahu Yonathan , Sand Olivier , Bonnefond Amelie , Froguel Philippe , Pinhas-Hamiel Orit

Background: Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction, and usually referred to monogenic forms of diabetes mellitus to distinguish them from the more common type 1 (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D). Fourteen different MODY genetic subtypes have been identified so far. Making a definite diagnosis is very challenging because of overlapping clinical phenotypes between diabetes subtypes. Neverth...

hrp0086fc15.1 | Late Breaking | ESPE2016

NR5A1 is a novel disease gene for 46,XX testicular and ovotesticular disorders of development

Baetens Dorien , Stoop Hans , Peelman Frank , Todeschini Anne-Laure , Rosseel Toon , Coppieters Frauke , Veitia Reiner , Looijenga Leendert , De Baere Elfride , Cools Martine

Background: While many causes of 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) have been elucidated, the mechanisms leading to 46,XX testicular or ovotesticular DSD are poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that both conditions may represent a phenotypic spectrum and that they might be caused by (different) mutations in the same genes.Methods: Whole exome sequencing was used to identify the molecular cause in ten unrelated patients with 46,XX (ovo)testi...

hrp0082p2-d3-350 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

Wellbeing of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Influence of Metabolic Control and Family Factors

Vanbesien Jesse , Berlanger Laurence , Bohler Susanne , Laridaen Jolien , Gies Inge , Van Aken Sara , De Waele Kathleen , Cools Martine , Maris Ellen , Vanderfaeillie Johan , De Schepper Jean

Background: Adolescence is often a period of worse metabolic control and less wellbeing in diabetic children. We studied global (GW) and diabetic-related (DRW) wellbeing in diabetic adolescents and the influence of sex, age, ethnic origin, family composition (single- or two-parent family), family income and metabolic control.Method: 133 (71 girls, 120 autochthonous, 20 treated with CSII, 107 from a two-parent family, 68 from families with a monthly incom...

hrp0082p2-d1-564 | Sex Development | ESPE2014

46,XY Neonates and Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia: Who to Investigate?

Baetens Dorien , Mladenov Wilhelm , Chiaie Barbara Delle , Desloovere An , Iotova Violeta , Menten Bjorn , Van Laecke Eric , Hoebeke Piet , De Baere Elfride , Cools Martine

Background: Extensive and time-consuming hormonal and genetic work-up provides a genetic diagnosis in around 20% of 46,XY cases with ambiguous genitalia. It is currently unclear if such extensive screening might also be indicated in 46,XY newborns with milder undervirilization.Method: All 46,XY neonates and infants (n=32, EMS 2–12) referred to our pediatric endocrine service for atypical male genitalia in the period 2007–2013 were inve...