hrp0084p3-1040 | Growth | ESPE2015

Psychomotor Development in Children Born Small for Gestational Age During Early Infancy

Puga Beatriz , Olivan Maria J , Galve Zenaida , Rite Segundo , de Arriba Antonio , Ferrer Marta , Labarta Jose Ignacio , Ferrandez Angel

Background: Neurocognitive retardation is one of the most important consequences that small for gestational age (SGA) children may suffer although conflicting results have been published.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to study psychomotor development (PD) in children born SGA during the first two years of life in order to identify children at risk as early as possible.Method: 108 cases borh SGA have been studie...

hrp0084p3-1171 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

A Familial Case of Congenital Hypothyroidism due to a Mutation in the Thyroglobulin Gene Detected by Next Generation Sequencing

Vigone Maria Cristina , Peroni Elena , Vincenzi Gaia , Gelmini Giulia , de Filippis Tiziana , Sileo Fulvio , Persani Luca , Weber Giovanna

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is a heterogeneous disorder. While the great majority of cases are considered sporadic, the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) may bring significant advances in elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms.Case presentation: We selected a family with three children affected by CH with gland in situ and diagnosed at neonatal screening: the index patient, his sister and his brother. Data at diagno...

hrp0092p2-208 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

Autoimmune Polyendocrine Sydrome Type I: A Neuroendocrine Multi-Systemic Disease with a Variable Expressivity

Carpino Andrea , Pinon Michele , Montin Davide , Tuli Gerdi , de Sanctis Luisa , Matarazzo Patrizia

Introduction: Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I (APS-1) also called autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) is a rare monogenic autosomal recessive disease known by the triad of the major components hypoparathyroidism, primary adrenocortical insufficiency and chronic mucocutaneous candidosis. However, many minor diseases could be present such as other endocrine manifestations (gonadal insufficiency, DM type 1, thyroid dis...

hrp0082p3-d1-663 | Bone | ESPE2014

Hypovitaminosis D: Factors Affecting in Spanish Children and Adolescents

Leis Rosaura , Vazquez Rocio , Maria Seoane Luisa , Barja-Fernandez Silvia , Martinez-Silva Isabel , Aguilera Concepcion M , Olza Josune , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Castro-Feijoo Lidia , Cadarso-Suarez Carmen , Gil Angel , Tojo Rafael

Background: Vitamin D adequate concentration is essential for growth, development and health during vital cycle. Hypovitaminosis D pandemic is associated with a wide range of pathologies.Objective and hypotheses: The objectives of the present study were to characterize vitamin D status in children and adolescents residing in Galicia (Northwest of Spain, latitude 43°N) and to determine if serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration is related ...

hrp0094p2-1 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Circadian rhythm of salivary cortisol and cortisone in school-aged children born very preterm and adequate for gestational age

Ochoa Maria Fernanda , Dominguez Gonzalo , Poggi Helena , Martinez Alejandro , Moore Rosario , Garcia Hernan , D’apremont Ivonne , Allende Fidel , Solari Sandra , Campino Carmen , Fardella Carlos , Baudrand Rene , Carvajal Cristian ,

Introduction: Higher evening cortisol level has been previously described in very preterm infants, possibly reflecting increased Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) tone or alterations in HPA regulation throughout the day. These relatively subtle differences in HPA axis function in preterm compared to full-term children may become meaningful in terms of metabolic risk later in life if sustained over time. Still, only a few studies have investigated wheth...

hrp0097p2-43 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome and the identification of a yet unreported homozygous mutation in AMHR2 gene

Cima Luminita-Nicoleta , Oprescu Raluca , Zubaci Ana , Tarna Mihaela , Iliescu Marina , Dumitrache Sabina , Grosu Iustina , Draghici Isabela , Chirita-Emandi Adela , Puiu Maria , Gabriela Barbu Carmen , Viorica Popescu Mihaela , Fica Simona

Introduction: Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare disorder of sex development (DSD) characterized by the persistence of Müllerian derivatives, the uterus and/or fallopian tubes, in otherwise normally virilized boys. PMDS is caused by mutations in the genes coding anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH, PMDS type 1) or the AMH receptor (AMHR2 gene, PMDS type 2) and it usually presents as undescended testes (cryptorchidism) or inguinal hernia...

hrp0082p1-d2-213 | Reproduction (1) | ESPE2014

The Association of Moebius Syndrome and Kallman Syndrome is Due to a Specific Mutation of TUBB3

Amouyal Melanie , Bouvagnet Patrice , Rochette Galliane , de Roux Nicolas

Background: Between the 6000 monogenic disorders, only few are due to a single mutation. Recently, a specific mutation has been described in TUBB3, encoding tubulin beta 3, in the association of Moebius syndrome (MS) and Kallmann syndrome (KS). MS is a congenital paralysis of eye and face’s muscles and can be caused by mutations of TUBB3. KS combines hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia.Objective and hypotheses: The combination of these two syn...

hrp0097p1-87 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

A novel CACNA1D mutation leading to severe diazoxide unresponsive CHI

Melikyan Maria , Gubaeva Diliara , Novokreschennih Evgeniya

Introduction: Approximately 25% of congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) patients are unresponsive to medical therapy. These cases are usually associated with inactivating ABCC8/KCNJ11 genes mutations or rarely with dominant GCK variants. Activating dominant mutations in the CACNA1D gene were recently found to cause mild form of CHI, muscle hypotonia and autistic features.Objectives: Herein we descr...

hrp0095p2-32 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

A novel pathogenic variant in PLS3 causing severe osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in an adolescent

García-Zarzuela Ana , Domínguez-Riscart Jesús , Paola Arellano-Ruiz , Carmen Rodríguez-Barrios , Silvia Modamio-Høybjør , Mª Lechuga-Sancho Alfonso

Introduction: Bone fragility or predisposition to fractures with low-impact energy is a rare but potentially limiting condition. Variations in PLS3 gene are a cause of monogenic osteoporosis due to the alteration of osteoclast and osteocyte function and bone mineralization. It is characterized by early-onset osteoporosis, peripheral fractures, vertebral compression fractures and thoracic kyphosis. Due to its X-linked inheritance, the phenotype is more severe i...

hrp0092rfc1.4 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 1 | ESPE2019

Estimation of Mody Frequency and Prevalent Subtypes in Pediatric Patients by Targeted NGS

Salamanca Luis , Kadaoui Maria Al , Guerrero Julio , Carcavilla Atilano , Itza Nerea , Mora Cristina , Barreda Ana Coral , Dominguez Jesús , Vallespín Elena , Pozo Angela Del , Solis Mario , Aragonés Angel , Hermoso Florinda , Ramirez Joaquín , Teresa Muñoz Maria , Garzón Lucía , Rodriguez Amparo , Escribano Arantxa , Gonzalez Isabel , Campos Angel

Though up to fourteen different MODY subtypes have been so far described, there are no studies in the literature which have determined their actual frequency and prevalence in pediatric patients.Objectives: To identify the underlying molecular basis in a cohort of pediatric patients with a suspected clinical diagnosis of MODY by targeted NGS.Materials/Methods: Cohort of 60 patient fulfilling MODY c...