hrp0095p1-86 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Detailed cardiac phenotyping of obese patients with mutations in the genes POMC and MC4R

Ruck Lisa , Usadel Lea , Krabusch Philipp , Wiegand Susanna , Flück Christa , Kühne Titus , Cone Roger , Litt Michael , Helm Marcus , Kühnen Peter

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and the melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) are playing a key role within the leptin-melanocortin-pathway and thereby for satiety regulation. Mutations within these genes are leading to hyperphagia and early-onset obesity. However, observations of cardiac abnormalities including left ventricular dilatation and reduced contractibility in the MC4R knockout mouse model and reports about a reduced blood pressure in human MC4R variant carriers, led us to inve...

hrp0095p1-305 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Once-Weekly Somapacitan vs Daily Growth Hormone in Children Born Small for Gestational Age: 1-year Results from a Randomised Phase 2 Trial

Juul Anders , Backeljauw Philippe , Bakhtadze Bagci Ekaterine , Højby Michael , Kawai Masanobu , Juul Kildemoes Rasmus , Linglart Agnès , Zuckerman-Levin Nehama , Horikawa Reiko

Treatment of short stature in children born small for gestational age (SGA) requires daily growth hormone (GH) injections that can be burdensome for patients and caregivers. Once-weekly somapacitan is a long-acting GH in phase 3 development for replacement therapy in children with GH deficiency. We report the 52-week results of the first phase 2, multinational, randomised, open-label, controlled, dose-finding trial (NCT03878446) investigating efficacy and safety of somapacitan...

hrp0092fc2.4 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism Session 1 | ESPE2019

New Imaging Approaches to the Quantification of Musculoskeletal Alterations in X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets (XLH)

Raimann Adalbert , Mehany Sarah N. , Feil Patricia , Weber Michael , Pietschmann Peter , Boni-Mikats Andrea , Klepochova Radka , Krssak Martin , Haeusler Gabriele , Schneider Johannes , Raum Kay , Patsch Janina

Background: X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare genetic disorder of phosphate metabolism caused by mutations in the PHEX gene. XLH patients exhibit short stature and skeletal deformities, which are caused by defective bone mineralization site leading to increased porosity and decreased matrix stiffness. Bone mineral density measurements have been shown to be insensitive to the cumulative bone alterations. The velocity of the first arriving signal (vFAS) ...

hrp0092fc8.5 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 1 | ESPE2019

LGR4-Wnt β-Catenin Signalling Directs GnRH Network Development, with Defects Leading to Self-Limited Delayed Puberty

Mancini Alessandra , Howard Sasha R. , Cabrera Claudia P. , Barnes Michael R. , David Alessia , Wehkalampi Karoliina , Vassart Gilbert , Cariboni Anna , Garcia Marie Isabelle , Guasti Leonardo , Dunkel Leo

Background: The initiation of puberty is dependent upon an augmentation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion from the hypothalamus. Development of the GnRH neuroendocrine network in embryonic life depends on coordinated migration of neurons from the vomeronasal organ in the nose to the forebrain. We have previously demonstrated that dysregulation in GnRH neuronal migration leads to delayed pubertal onset. Late puberty affects up to 2% of the ...

hrp0092p1-424 | Thyroid (2) | ESPE2019

Transition for Patients with Chronic Thyroid Diseases

Ratnasabapathy Piriya , Bouthors Thérèse , Antoniou Maria-Christina , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Busiah Kanetee , Hauschild Michael

Background: Children and adults with chronic thyroid disorders (TD) need continuous monitoring as periods of inadequate thyroid hormone substitution can impact metabolism, puberty and fertility. Transition from pediatric to adult-oriented care is often characterized by discontinuity in care resulting in poor health outcomes and impaired quality of life. Transition care (TC) for young adults with TD remains largely unknown.Objecti...

hrp0089fc1.6 | Adrenals & HPA Axis | ESPE2018

A Novel Stem Cell Model for the Triple A Syndrome

Da Costa Alexandra Rodrigues , Qarin Shamma , Bradshaw Teisha Y. , Watson David , Prasad Rathi , Barnes Michael R. , Metherell Louise A. , Chapple J. Paul , Skarnes William C. , Storr Helen L.

Triple A syndrome (AAAS) is a rare, incurable, recessive disorder, characterised by achalasia, alacrima, adrenal failure and a neurodegenerative phenotype. The AAAS gene encodes ALADIN, is a nuclear pore complex (NPC) protein necessary for nuclear import of DNA protective molecules, important for redox homeostasis. ALADIN’s role is not fully characterised: its discovery at the centrosome and the endoplasmic reticulum suggests a role outside the NPC. To date, the ...

hrp0089fc2.1 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism 1 | ESPE2018

Burosumab, a Fully Human anti-FGF23 Monoclonal Antibody, for X-linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH): Sustained Improvement in two Phase 2 Trials in Affected Children 1–12 years old

Linglart Agnes , van't Hoff William , Whyte Michael P. , Imel Erik , Portale Anthony A. , Boot Annemieke , Hogler Wolfgang , Padidela Raja , Mao Meng , Skrinar Alison , Martin Javier San , Carpenter Thomas O.

In XLH, excess fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) causes hypophosphatemia and consequent rickets, skeletal deformities, and growth impairment. The efficacy and safety of burosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody against FGF23, was evaluated in two Phase 2 trials in children with XLH. In CL201, 52 children with XLH (5–12 years old, Tanner ≤2) were randomized 1:1 to receive subcutaneous burosumab every 2 (Q2W) or 4 (Q4W) weeks, with doses titrated up to 2 mg/kg to...

hrp0089rfc13.6 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 2 | ESPE2018

Close Correlation between Salivary and Blood Steroids in Normal Boys: Salivary Testosterone Best Characterizes Male Puberty

Schwab Karl Otfried , Dickhuth Karoline , Mumm Rebekka , Stier Bernhard , Doerfer Juergen , Grueninger Dirk , Brichta Corinna Melanie , van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Wurm Michael , Krebs Andreas

Aims: The golden standard to characterize pubertal maturation is the analysis of steroid hormones in the blood. The aim of the investigation was to assess whether the analysis of salivary steroids is similarly able to characterize male pubertal development.Methods: The investigation included 165 normal boys (mean age 12.7±2.8 years, mean body mass index 19.6±4.2 kg/m2). Pubic hair stages were stratified by Tanner and testicular volum...

hrp0089p1-p083 | Diabetes & Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

HERV-W-Env Protein Expression in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patients

Bouthors Therese , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Diaz-Escagedo Patricia , Antoniou Maria-Christina , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Levet Sandrine , Medina Julie , Demolder Amandine , Perron Herve , Hauschild Michael

Introduction: The envelope protein of Human Endogenous Retrovirus type W (HERV-W-Env) has been shown to be associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis in adults patients. This protein is expressed in pancreas of T1D patients and it seems to correlate with macrophage infiltrations. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that HERV-W-Env inhibits insulin secretion and promotes hyperglycemia. Furthermore, HERV could be implicated in other auto-immune disorders. The ...

hrp0089p2-p141 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Associations between Total Leptin, Bio-inactive Leptin, Soluble Leptin Receptor and Anthropometrics in Children with Severe Early-onset Obesity (SEOO) – the German-Polish Study (EOL-GPS)

Zachurzok Agnieszka , Malecka-Tendera Ewa , Petriczko Elzbieta , Mazur Artur , Pridzun Lutz , Flehmig Bertram , Schnurbein Julia von , Ranke Michael B. , Wabitsch Martin , Brandt Stephanie

Background: Severe early-onset obesity (SEOO) in children is more frequently observed in subjects with genetic disorders of which those of leptin pathway can be analyzed biochemically and genetically.Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate anthropometrics and leptin parameters, specifically searching for bio-inactive leptin, in children with SEOO.Methods: Study cohort includes children ...