hrp0084ha2 | A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) | ESPE2015

A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) Causing Proportionate Short Stature, High Circulating IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and ALS, Mild Microcephaly, thin Long Bones and Decreased Bone Mineral Density in two Unrelated Families

Dauber Andrew , Munoz-Calvo Maria T , Barrios Vicente , Desikan Vardhini , Pozo Jesus , Muzumdar Radhika , Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Hawkins Federico , Domene Horacio , Jasper Hector G , Kloverpris Soren , Yakar Shoshana , Conover Cheryl A , Kopchick John J , Hwa Vivian , Chowen Julie A , Oxvig Claus , Rosenfeld Ron G , Perez-Jurado Luis A , Argente Jesus

Background: PAPP-A2 is a metalloproteinase that specifically cleaves IGFBPs 3 and 5. Papp-a2 knock-out (KO) mice show a reduction in body size and skeletal abnormalities.Objective and hypotheses: Our objective is to report two affected families from Spain and USA. The Spanish family presents a homozygous frameshift mutation in exon 3 of the PAPP-A2 gene (c.1927_ 1928insAT, p.D643fs25X) resulting in a premature stop codon, with 2 of 4 si...

hrp0084lbp-1256 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2015

Higher Expression of the Oncogene YAP1, a Wnt/β-Catenin Target, is associated with Poor Outcome in Pediatric Patients with Adrenocortical Tumors

Abduch Rafael H , Bueno Ana Carolina , Leal Leticia F , Cavalcanti Marcelo M , Brandalise Silvia R , Masterallo Maria J , Yunes Jose A , Martinelli Jr Carlos E , Scrideli Carlos A , Tone Luiz G , Tucci Silvio , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra Z , Castro Margaret , Antonini Sonir R

Background: overexpression of the oncogene Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1), a Hippo pathway target, associates with increased cell proliferation in some human cancers. There is not data on adrenocortical tumors (ACT). YAP1 is a potential target of Wnt/β-catenin pathway, which plays an important role in ACTs.Objective and hypotheses: to evaluate the role of YAP1 and its interaction with the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in ACT.Met...

hrp0094p1-1 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Optimizing the timing of highest hydrocortisone dose in children and adolescents with 21-hydroxylase deficiency

Schroder Mariska A.M. , van Herwaarden Antonius E. , Span Paul N. , Akker Erica L.T. van den , Bocca Gianni , Hannema Sabine E , Kamp Hetty J. van der , Kort Sandra W.K. de , Mooij Christiaan F. , Schott Dina A. , Straetemans Saartje , Tellingen Vera van , Velden Janielle A. van der , Sweep Fred C.G.J , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi L. ,

Context: Children with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) require chronic glucocorticoid administration to substitute glucocorticoids and suppress adrenocorticotropic hormone-induced hyperandrogenemia. There is still no evidence about the best timing of the highest hydrocortisone (HC) dose. Administration of the highest dose in the morning aims to mimic the physiological rhythm of cortisol, while a high dose late in the evening may inhibit the early-morning inc...

hrp0094p1-48 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads A | ESPE2021

Gonadal Outcome in 17beta-HSD deficiency and 5alpha-reductase deficiency

Boogers Lidewij S , Bruggenwirth Hennie T , van Bever Yolande , Hersmus Remko , Bryce Jilian , Ahmed S Faisal , Lucas-Herald Angela K , Baronio Federico , Cools Martine , Ellaithi Mona , Globa Evgenia , Guran Tulay , Tosun Busra Gurpinar , Hiort Olaf , Holterhus Paul-Martin , McElreavey Ken , Niedziela Marek , Stancampiano Marianna Rita , Wolffenbuttel Katja P , Oosterhuis J Wolter , Looijenga Leendert HJ , Hannema Sabine E ,

Introduction: 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency (5α--RD) and 17β-HSD type 3 deficiency (17β-HSDD) are rare differences/disorders of sex development (DSD) in which impairment of steroidogenic enzymes causes undervirilisation in patients with a 46,XY genotype. We aim to enlarge the limited knowledge on long-term gonadal function and gonadal pathology in these conditions.Methods: Data on phenotype, laborato...

hrp0094p2-480 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

TBG deficiency and Central Congenital Hypothyroidism (CCH): Our experience in neonatal screening with TSH and T4

Chueca Maria J. , Grau Gema , Bertholt Laura , Artola Elena , Fernández Concepción , Sarasua Ainhoa , Rodriguez Amaia , Vela Amaia , Belza Amaia , Berrade Sara , Dura Teodoro , Alonso Pablo , Puges Laura , Diez Ignacio , Espada Mercedes , Ederra Maria , Ascunce Nieves , Porras Begoña , Rica Itxaso

Objective: Analyze CCH detection program results from 3 Autonomous Communities: TSH and total T4 (TT4) in dried blood spot (DBS) at initial screening (48 hours of life) and at retesting. Describe the characteristics of neonates with screening compatible with CCH. Consider whether TBG deficiency (TBGD) is an added difficulty in said study.Materials and Methods: Retrospective study (May 2016-May 2020) of all neonates ≥33 weeks and/or ≥1500 gr...

hrp0097rfc13.4 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 2 | ESPE2023

Trio analyses of patients with congenital hypopituitarism reveals novel candidate genes

de Azevedo Correa Fernanda , Habibi Imen , Kolesinska Zofia , Zouaghi Yassine , Zhai Jing , Phan-Hug Franziska , Antoniou Maria-Chiristina , Pignatelli Duarte , Lang-Muritano Mariarosaria , Marek Niedziela , l'Allemands Dagmar , Papadakis Georgios , Ameti Adelina , Messina Andrea , J. Niederlander Nicolas , Boizot Alexia , Santoni Federico , S. Acierno James , Pitteloud Nelly

Background: Congenital Hypopituitarism (CH) is a rare heterogeneous genetic disorder characterized by the deficiency of pituitary hormones. CH can be associated with extra pituitary phenotypes such as midline craniofacial malformations. To date, a minority of patients carry pathogenic variants in more than 30 genes, and thus more than 80% of cases remain unresolved.Objective: To identify de novo pathogenic variants in no...

hrp0097p1-574 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Gonadal histopathology in 17beta-HSD deficiency and 5alpha-reductase deficiency

Boogers L.S. , Brüggenwirth H.T. , van Bever Y. , Hersmus R. , Bryce J. , Ahmed S.F. , Lucas-Herald A.K. , Baronio F. , Cools M. , Ellaithi M. , Globa E. , Güran T. , Hiort O. , Holterhus P.M. , MсElreavey K. , Niedziela M. , Stancampiano M.R. , Tosun B.G. , Wolffenbuttel K.P. , Oosterhuis J.W. , Looijenga L.H.J. , Hannema S.E.

Introduction: In various forms of XY disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) the risk of germ cell cancer is increased. In the 2006 DSD consensus statement this risk was estimated to be intermediate in 17beta-HSDtype3 deficiency (HSD17B3D) and low in 5alpha-reductasetype2 deficiency (SRD5A2D) but based on very few cases. Few studies have been performed since; therefore we aimed to review gonadal pathology in an international cohort with these conditions...

hrp0097p1-584 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

National multi-center study of reevaluation of thyroid function in premature infants of less than 32 weeks of gestation and/or less than 1500g admitted to neonatal units

Campos-Martorell Ariadna , Ares Segura Susana , J Chueca Gandulain Maria , Grau Bolado Gema , Navarro Constanza , Serrano Costa Loreto , Gale Pola Ines , Fernandez Vallespin Laura , Pellicer Casanova Laura , Montaner Ramon Alicia , Puig Amoros Elisabet , Mora Sitja Marina , Rodriguez Amparo , Casano-Sancho Paula

Preterm and low birth weight(LBW) newborns are at risk of thyroid dysfunction during a critical period for neurodevelpment and this dysfunction can be missed in congenital hypothyroidism screening program(CHSP). Consequently, reassessment of thyroid function has been promoted in neonatal units, added to CHSP.Objectives: To evaluate prevalence and risk factors of thyroid dysfunction in≤32weeksGA and/or 1500g newborn, and compare differ...

hrp0097p2-176 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

A patient-centred and multi-stakeholder co-designed, mixed methods, observational, prospective study protocol: Example of the adolescent experience of treatment for X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH)

Saraff Vrinda , Arango-Sancho Pedro , Bacchetta Justine , M. Boot Annemieke , P. Burren Christine , Chinoy Amish , Dharmaraj Poonam , David González-Rodríguez Juan , Gueorguieva Iva , Hayes Wesley , Linglart Agnès , Amelia Gómez Llorente Maria , Ríos Héctor , Schnabel Dirk , Harvengt Pol , M.A. Bailey Karen , Glen Fiona , J. Rylands Angela , Williams Angela , Haf Davies Elin

Background: XLH is a rare, genetic, life-long disease caused by PHEX pathogenic variants. It is associated with progressive accumulation of musculoskeletal features and symptoms that evolve across the patient’s lifetime if untreated. Although the disease is well characterised in children and adults, there are limited data describing the health outcomes and experiences of adolescents, particularly at end of skeletal growth (EOSG), a crucial phase during t...

hrp0089p1-p249 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2018

Neonatal Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism: Age-dependent Reference Intervals for Dried Blood Spot TSH in the Neonatal Period

Corbetta Carlo , Angelis Simona De , Rotondi Daniela , Alberti Luisella , Cassini Pamela , Mariani Tiziana , Caiulo Silvana , Vigone Maria Cristina , Weber Giovanna , Olivieri Antonella

Background: National and international guidelines recommend thyrotropin (TSH) determination as the most sensitive test for detecting primary congenital hypothyroidism (CH) in newborn screening programs. A strategy of a second screening at 2 weeks of age, or 2 weeks after the first screening was carried out, is also recommended in preterm, LBW and VLBW neonates, twins, neonates admitted in NICU, and babies with specimen collection within the first 24 hours of life [1–3]. H...