hrp0097p1-59 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Diagnostic value of soluble LEPR levels in the serum of patients with disease-causing biallelic LEPR variants

Zorn Stefanie , Tews Daniel , von Schnurbein Julia , Flehmig Bertram , Pridzun Lutz , Wabitsch Martin , Malene IV , Chantana Yay , Khun Leang Chhun , Ban Manet , Tyla Martin , Ngee Lek

Introduction: The soluble leptin receptor (sLR) is the main binding protein of leptin in the serum. It reflects the amount of membrane-bound leptin receptors (LEPR) as the sLR is produced by proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain of membrane-bound LEPR. Low sLR but high leptin levels were measured in patients with severe obesity. In patients with monogenic obesity caused by biallelic LEPR variants, sLR levels were found to be either undetect...

hrp0097p1-256 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Serum leptin concentrations in a pooled cohort of 6.105 children and adolescents: Reference values as a function of dependence on sex, age, pubertal stage and BMI-SDS

Brandt Stephanie , Vogel Mandy , Kratzsch Jürgen , Tews Daniel , Pridzun Lutz , Flehmig Bertram , B Ranke Michael , Körner Antje , Kiess Wieland , F Blum Werner , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Current reference values for leptin in childhood and adolescence are presented separately for girls and boys, and as a function of age without considering the variability of fat mass. This complicates the interpretation of measured serum leptin concentrations since fat mass is the major determinant of circulating leptin concentrations. To fill this gap, we aimed at pooling existing data (age, BMI, sex, tanner stage (TS), serum leptin concentrations...

hrp0092mte5 | Managing Endocrinopathies in McCune-Albright Syndrome | ESPE2019

Managing Endocrinopathies in McCune-Albright Syndrome

Tessaris Daniele

McCune Albright Syndrome (MAS, OMIM # 174800) is a rare congenital sporadic disorder with an estimated prevalence ranging from 1 in 1,00,000 to 1 in 100,000. MAS is caused by a post-zygotic somatic activating mutation of the GNAS1 gene resulting in an increased GSα protein signaling leading to hyperfunction of glycoprotein hormone receptors, autonomous cell proliferation, and hormonal hypersecretion. The mosaic constitutive activation of this signal transducer is clinical...

hrp0092rfc15.2 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

BMP4 Mutations as a Novel Cause of Normosmic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Topaloglu A. Kemal , Yildirim Ruken , Damla Kotan Leman , Akkus Gamze , Unal Edip , Turan Ihsan , Dilek Semine , Tastan Mehmet , Gurbuz Fatih , Yuksel Bilgin

BMP4, a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family which is part of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, is involved in the embryonic development of various organ and tissues including the cranio-facial structures, olfactory placode, pituitary, eyes, heart, and kidneys. Mutations in this gene are associated with orofacial cleft and microphthalmia in human patients. BMP4 plays an important role in the embryonic development of the GnRH neurons ...

hrp0086p1-p455 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Seven-year Follow-up of Mothers from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise in Pregnancy and their Offspring

Chiavaroli Valentina , Hopkins Sarah , Derraik Jose , Seneviratne Sumudu , Biggs Janene , Rodrigues Raquel , Cutfield Wayne , Hofman Paul

Background: We have previously shown in a randomised controlled trial that moderate-intensity exercise over the last 20 weeks of gestation in healthy nulliparous women led to a birth weight reduction of approximately 250 g.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to assess the long-term effects of exercise in pregnancy on anthropometry and body composition in mothers and offspring 7 years after the intervention. We hypothesized that women who exercised in preg...

hrp0094p2-33 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with a CYP21A2 deletion overlapping Tenascin-X gene

Rodrigues Ivo Catarina , Fitas Ana Laura , Madureira Ines , Diamantino Catarina , Gomes Susana , Goncalves Joao , Lopes Lurdes ,

Introduction: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of genetic diseases characterized by impaired cortisol synthesis. 95% of CAH cases result from mutation in the CYP21A2 gene encoding 21-hydroxilase. TNX-B gene partially overlaps CYP21A2 and encodes a matrix protein called Tenascin-X (TNX). Complete tenascin deficiency causes Enlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). A variant called CAH-X, has recently been described, resulting from CYP21...

hrp0094p2-75 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Afebrile seizure in a toddler girl with alopecia: a case report

Crisostomo Mafalda , Simoes Joana , Canteiro Rodrigues Claudia , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Calcium homeostasis is primarily regulated by vitamin D. In the absence of the active hormone or a functional receptor, bones are inadequately mineralized, leading to the development of rickets. Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 2 (VDDR2) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene.Case Report: A 12-months-old girl was transported to the local hospital ED with a three-minute ...

hrp0092rfc1.4 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 1 | ESPE2019

Estimation of Mody Frequency and Prevalent Subtypes in Pediatric Patients by Targeted NGS

Salamanca Luis , Kadaoui Maria Al , Guerrero Julio , Carcavilla Atilano , Itza Nerea , Mora Cristina , Barreda Ana Coral , Dominguez Jesús , Vallespín Elena , Pozo Angela Del , Solis Mario , Aragonés Angel , Hermoso Florinda , Ramirez Joaquín , Teresa Muñoz Maria , Garzón Lucía , Rodriguez Amparo , Escribano Arantxa , Gonzalez Isabel , Campos Angel

Though up to fourteen different MODY subtypes have been so far described, there are no studies in the literature which have determined their actual frequency and prevalence in pediatric patients.Objectives: To identify the underlying molecular basis in a cohort of pediatric patients with a suspected clinical diagnosis of MODY by targeted NGS.Materials/Methods: Cohort of 60 patient fulfilling MODY c...

hrp0084p2-257 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Developing a Targeted, Mobile-Health Technology (E-Book) to Promote Self-Care During Diabetes Transition

Dwyer Andrew , Unal Samaita , Emmanouilidis Severine , Aquarone-Vaucher Marie-Paule , Pichard Silvia , Gyuriga Teresa , Korpes Joelle , Jornayvaz Francois , Gonzalez-Rodriguez Elena , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Stoppa Sophie , Zanchi-Delacretaz Anne , Puder Jardena , Amati Francesca , Bouthors Therese , Phan-Hug Franziska , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: For young adults with type 1 diabetes, transition from a paediatric setting to an adult care setting is a vulnerable period with risks for gaps in care. These emerging adults need to develop skills for managing their diabetes yet it is often challenging to cover all anticipatory guidance topics related to type 1 diabetes. In the context of a structured transition clinic, we hypothesized that by leveraging teens’ facility with technology and marketing/design we...

hrp0094p2-480 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

TBG deficiency and Central Congenital Hypothyroidism (CCH): Our experience in neonatal screening with TSH and T4

Chueca Maria J. , Grau Gema , Bertholt Laura , Artola Elena , Fernández Concepción , Sarasua Ainhoa , Rodriguez Amaia , Vela Amaia , Belza Amaia , Berrade Sara , Dura Teodoro , Alonso Pablo , Puges Laura , Diez Ignacio , Espada Mercedes , Ederra Maria , Ascunce Nieves , Porras Begoña , Rica Itxaso

Objective: Analyze CCH detection program results from 3 Autonomous Communities: TSH and total T4 (TT4) in dried blood spot (DBS) at initial screening (48 hours of life) and at retesting. Describe the characteristics of neonates with screening compatible with CCH. Consider whether TBG deficiency (TBGD) is an added difficulty in said study.Materials and Methods: Retrospective study (May 2016-May 2020) of all neonates ≥33 weeks and/or ≥1500 gr...