hrp0082p3-d3-808 | Gonads and Gynaecology | ESPE2014

Phenotypic and Genotypic Characteristics of Patients with Turner Syndrome

Fedala Soumeya , Haddam Mahdi , Chentli Farida , Meskine Djamila , Akkache Lyna , Youcef Hafsa Si

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is the most common chromosomal abnormality in females (prevalence 1/2500 births). It is related to the absence or abnormality of one of the two X chromosomes. It is characterized by a short stature, gonadal failure and a many diseases that reduce life expectancy of patients.Objective and hypotheses: Report Clinical, hormonal, Cytogenetics and evolutionary ST characteristics then correlate the karyotype and clinical expres...

hrp0082p3-d3-845 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Skeletal Maturity of Radius, Ulna, and Short Bones in TW3 Method for Children in Korea

Lee Jieun , Kim Jaesuk , Cho Jurae

Purpose: The Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) system is the method of choice for skeletal maturity assessment in both clinical practice and auxological research (Tanner et al. 1983), and it has been used to estimate skeletal maturity in groups of children from all over the world. This study aimed on analyzing the characteristic of the RUS maturity of Korea children by evaluating RUS maturity of Korea children using the TW3 method, compared with children in China and Japan<stron...

hrp0084p3-1064 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Comparison of Diagnosis Value of Glucometer with Laboratory Method in Neonatal Hypoglycaemia

Ghergherehchi Robabeh , Gharehbaghi Manizheh Mostafa , Hazhir Nazanin

Background: Neonatal hypoglycaemia is an emergency condition requiring immediate treatment to prevent serious outcomes. Today blood glucose meter is a current methods for detecting blood glucose in health centre of our country.Objective and hypotheses: To determine the accuracy of blood glucose meter in comparison to laboratory method in detecting neonatal hypoglycaemia.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the neonat...

hrp0097p1-236 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

The impact of covid-19 pandemic on the incidence type 1 diabetes in children

Kurmacheva Nataliia , Svinarev Michail , Chernenkov Yuriy , Gumeniuk Olga , Aranovich Vera

Viral infections may increase the risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D), and recent reports suggest that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) might have increased the incidence of pediatric T1D (M. Rahmati et al., 2022). In general, the course of viral infection in children is mild, the question of the long-term effects of COVID-19 on a child and adolescent, in particular, on pancreatic beta cells, remains unclear.Purpose: To ...

hrp0097p2-195 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Morbid obesity revealing a rare genetic disease

Ould Mohand Ouamer , Mekki Azzedine

Introduction: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disease characterized by hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction associated with major hypotonia during the neonatal period. In childhood, the main problems are the appearance of hyperphagia with the risk of morbid obesity, learning difficulties and behavioral disorders. It concerns one case in 25.000 births.Observation: A 15-year-old boy from a non-consanguineous ma...

hrp0095hdi1.2 | How Do I… Session 1 | ESPE2022

How do I manage severe obesity

van den Akker Erica

Pediatric severe obesity is a major threat to health and longevity. Around 7% of children worldwide have early onset severe obesity before the age of 7. Pediatric obesity is caused by an interplay of multiple factors: lifestyle, environmental, sociocultural, psychological, biological and genetic factors. Endocrine, monogenetic or syndromal causes are rare, but currently underdiagnosed and important to identify for the need of specific treatment. Cardiovascular risk factors and...

hrp0095fc10.2 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

The first-year growth response to once-weekly growth hormone (GH) treatment can be predicted from the pre-treatment blood transcriptome in children with GH deficiency (GHD)

Garner Terence , Clayton Peter , Murray Philip , Bagci Ekaterine , Højby Michael , Stevens Adam

Growth response to daily GH treatment can be predicted using pre-treatment gene expression profiles.1 Once-weekly GH treatment potentially reduces the burden of daily injections2 and thus may be a major advancement in care for patients with GHD, vs standard, daily GH treatment. Here we investigate the prediction of first-year growth response based on pre-treatment blood transcriptome in children with GHD undergoing treatment with daily or once-weekly GH. ...

hrp0095rfc3.5 | Early Life and Multisystem Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Chronotropic Insufficiency impairs Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Boys and Adolescents with Klinefelter Syndrome

Spiekermann Julia , Höppner Jakob , Sinningen Kathrin , Hanusch Beatrice , Brinkmann Folke , Schündeln Michael M. , Kleber Michaela , Kiewert Cordula , Grasemann Corinna

Background: Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is associated with an increased metabolic and cardiovascular risk profile1,2 and a metabolic syndrome is evident at a prepubertal age in 10% of the affected boys. Boys with KS tend to avoid competitive sports and describe themselves as ‘not good at sports’. Cardiopulmonary fitness in adults with KS has been found to be compromised by chronotropic insufficiency (CI) and a reduced maximal oxygen uptake...

hrp0095p1-214 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Development and validation of simultaneous quantification of urinary catecholamines and free metanephrines by UHPLC-MS/MS method

Eugenia Rodriguez Maria , Gabriela Ballerini Maria , Ambao Veronica , Vieites Ana , Sanso Gabriela , Rey Rodolfo , Bergada Ignacio , Gabriela Ropelato Maria

Background: Neuroendocrine tumors from adrenal and extra-adrenal chromaffin cells are characterized by overproduction of catecholamines (CA), leading to the increase of urinary O-methylated metabolites (uO-Met) excretion, reliable biomarkers for the initial screening, diagnosis and monitoring of patients with pheochromocytoma and paragangliomas (PPGLs).Objective: To develop and validate a UHPLC-MS/MS method for the simul...

hrp0095p1-102 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Growth and Growth Delay in Children with Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Single Center Study

Cristina Maggio Maria , Genesia Alizzi Clotilde , Corsello Giovanni

Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (sJIA) is a chronic autoinflammatory disease, with significant complications that can give short-term and long-term disability with reduced quality of life. Growth delay and short stature are described in >40% of cases, with a complex pathogenesis. Chronic inflammation, long-term corticosteroids treatment, hepatic involvement, malnutrition decrease IGF-1 and GH biological effects. Corticosteroids inhibit growth velocity, bone maturatio...