hrp0092p2-195 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

The Clinical Features and Effect of Growth Hormone Treatment in 3-M Syndrome Cases with Severe Growth Retardation

Pinar Öztürk Ayse , Altunoglu Umut , Karakiliç Özturan Esin , Toksoy Güven , Poyrazoglu Sükran , Bas Firdevs , Uyguner Oya , Darendeliler Feyza

Background: 3-M syndrome is an autosomal recessive growth disorder characterised by severe prenatal and postnatal growth retardation caused by mutations in CUL7,OBSL1 or CCDC8.Clinical characteristics include dysmorphic facial features and skeletal abnormalities.Aim: Evaluation of clinical and molecular findings and the effect of growth hormone (GH) threrapy in seven patients with 3-M syndrome from five different familie...

hrp0084p3-1180 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Outcome of Thyrotoxicosis in Childhood and Adolescence in a Geographically Define Area; a 24-Year Experience

Kourime Mariam , McGowan Sheena , Al-Towati Mabrouka , Ahmed Faisal , Stewart Graham , Williamson Scott , Hunter Ian , Donaldson Malcolm

Background: Paediatric thyrotoxicosis is both rarer and more severe than in adulthood, rendering management difficult, and often unsatisfactory.Objective: To review outcome in a geographically defined area between 1989 and 2013; hence to develop an algorithm for improved clinical care.Method: Retrospective case note review plus questionnaire to family doctor requesting update. GravesÂ’ disease (GD) was defined as positive TSH-R...

hrp0097p2-292 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Accuracy of opportunistic height measurements in a tertiary pediatric hospital in Riyadh

Almulhem Beshaier , Babiker Amir , Awadalla Asma , Masud Nazish , Albraikan Ahmed , Almutairi Bassam , Al Dubayee Mohammed , Abed Omer

Background: Short stature is the commonest problem encountered in endocrine clinics. Accuracy in opportunistic measurements is helpful in guiding subsequent management regarding medication doses including growth hormone treatment. Our study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors affecting inaccurate height measurements in different non-Endo clinic visits in our tertiary institute.Methods: A retrospective cohort study...

hrp0095rfc2.3 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions: Registering New Cases of Paediatric Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions Using an Electronic Reporting Tool

Luisa Priego Zurita Ana , Bryce Jillian , Alves Inês , Boarini Manila , Grasemann Corinna , Högler Wolfgang , Kassim Javaid M , Linglart Agnès , Mohnike Klaus , Mordenti Marina , Mortier Geert , Roos Marco , Sangiorgi Luca , Skarberg Rebecca , Soucek Ondrej , Faisal Ahmed S , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha M

Introduction: The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone) are closely linked to the European Reference Networks on Rare Bone Diseases (ERN BOND) and Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) and with its registry EuRRECa. It is open to all professionals involved in the care of individuals with rare bone and mineral conditions. EuRR-Bone offers an electronic reporting tool (e-REC) for capturing newly encountered cases without collecting ...

hrp0097p1-411 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone): Collecting Core Data Elements and Clinician and Patient-Reported Outcomes

Luisa Priego Zurita Ana , Cherenko Mariya , Alves Inês , Boarini Manila , Grasemann Corinna , Högler Wolfgang , Kassim Javaid M , Linglart Agnès , Mohnike Klaus , Mordenti Marina , M de Rooij Tess , Roos Marco , Sangiorgi Luca , Skarberg Rebecca , Soucek Ondrej , Faisal Ahmed S , M Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha

Introduction: The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone) was created in collaboration with the European Reference Network on Rare Bone Diseases (ERN BOND) and the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) to support the needs of healthcare providers, patients and researchers by providing high-quality registries. The Core Registry collects a set of Core Data Elements as well as longitudinal patient and clin...

hrp0095p1-136 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Time Taken to Reach a Diagnosis In Children With XY DSD In Expert Endocrine Centres In Europe

Ali Salma , Bryce Jillian , Hiort Olaf , Verrijn Stuart Annemarie , Cools Martine , Luczay Andrea , De Sanctis Luisa , Baronio Federico , Navardauskaite Ruta , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi , Yeste Diego , Gan Hoong-Wei , Persani Luca , Capalbo Donatello , Nordenstrom Anna , Faisal Ahmed S.

Background: Reaching a definitive diagnosis in individuals with XY DSD is challenging and the time taken to reach a diagnosis is an important clinical benchmark that has not been sufficiently explored in this group of conditions.Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic process with a focus on the time to diagnosis in children with XY DSD reported via the e-reporting platform (e-REC) of the European Registries for Rare Endoc...

hrp0092p1-6 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Health status of children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in the United Kingdom: results of a multi-centre cohort study

Bacila Irina-Alexandra , Mahdi Sundus , Acerini Carlo L , Krone Ruth , Patel Leena , Alvi Sabah , Randell Tabitha , Gevers Evelien , Dattani Mehul , Cheetham Timothy , Kyriako Andreas , Ryan Fiona , Crowne Elizabeth , Davies Justin H , Ahmed S. Faisal , Krone Nils P

Introduction: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is associated with long-term health problems. However, little is known about co-morbidities and their onset in children and young persons (CYP).Objective: To establish the health status of CYP with CAH across the United Kingdom.Methods: A multi-centre prospective study recruited 102 patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency targeting...

hrp0089p1-p231 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Altered Vascular Function in Boys with Hypospadias – Role of Reactive Oxygen Species

Lucas-Herald Angela K , Alves-Lopes Rheure , Haddow Laura , O'Toole Stuart , Basith Amjad S , Flett Martyn , Steven Mairi , Lee Boma , Montezano Augusto C , Faisal Ahmed Syed , Touyz Rhian M.

Background: Hypospadias in boys may be associated with a lack of androgen exposure during the masculinisation programming window. As testosterone has effects on the vasculature, we assessed whether boys with hypospadias show any evidence of vascular dysfunction.Methods: Excess foreskin tissue was obtained from boys undergoing hypospadias repair (cases) or circumcision (controls) and small arteries dissected from this tissue. Vascular contractility was as...

hrp0094fc1.3 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Re-appraising the use of urinary steroid profiles for assessing therapy control in children with 21-hydroxylase deficiency – results from the CAH-UK cohort study

Bacila Irina , Lawrence Neil , Alvi Sabah , Cheetham Timothy , Crowne Elizabeth , Das Urmi , Dattani Mehul , Davies Justin H. , Gevers Evelien , Krone Ruth , Kyriakou Andreas , Patel Leena , Randell Tabitha , Ryan Fiona , Ahmed Faisal S. , Keevil Brian , Taylor Norman , Krone Nils ,

Introduction: Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) have specific plasma and urinary steroid patterns, with 11-oxygenatedC19 steroids established as key adrenal-specific androgens. Monitoring glucocorticoid (GC) replacement remains a challenge in the absence of reliable biomarkers.Aim: To reassess the urinary steroid profile of children with CAH in relation to plasma ...

hrp0094p1-72 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders A | ESPE2021

Clinical characteristics of children with Congenital Hyperinsulinism: Results from the European Registries for Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) Project

Plachy Lukas , Bryce Jillian , Mohnike Klaus , Gan Hoong-Wei , Shaikh Guftar , Rozenkova Klara , Mozzillo Enza , Maltoni Giulio , Navardauskaite Ruta , Casteels Kristina , Stuart Annemarie Verrijn , Dastamani Antonia , Empting Susann , Verkauskiene Rasa , Ahmed S. Faisal , Sumnik Zdenek ,

Introduction: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a group of rare endocrine disorders characterized by repeated episodes of hypoglycemia caused by an excessive insulin secretion from the pancreas beta cells. The etiopathogenesis, phenotype, treatment, and prognosis of individual CHI cases are variable and not completely described.Aims: To gather and describe clinical and genetic data about CHI cases diagnosed within the large EuRRECa net...