hrp0092p3-322 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Bartter Syndrome Complicated with Growth Hormone Deficiency Due to a Suprasellar Arachnoid Cyst

Hashim Raihana , Atapattu Navoda , Fernando Jerard , Prematilake Dilusha , Gunasekara Buddi , Suntharesan Janani , De Silva Dimarsha

Introduction: Bartter syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic renal tubular disorder characterized by hypokalemia, salt-wasting and metabolic alkalosis. Polyuria, polydipsia, hypokalemia and salt loss are responsible for the growth retardation seen in BS. Persistent growth failure despite optimizing medical therapy may be due to growth hormone (GH) deficiency.Case diagnosis and treatment: A 9-year-old girl diagnosed with Bartter...

hrp0089fc4.3 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

The Reduction in Longitudinal Growth Induced By PAPP-A2 Deficiency is Associated with Reduced Body Weight, Increased Energy Expenditure and Behavior Modification

Suarez Juan , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Rubio Leticia , de Fonseca Fernando Rodriguez , Chowen Julie , Argente Jesus

Background: Pregnancy associated plasma protein (PAPP)-A2 is an insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein (BP) protease that regulates IGF-1 availability, affecting postnatal growth. We have recently reported the first mutations in human PAPP-A2 causing short stature and changes in bone size and mineral density. However, the IGF system is involved in diverse physiological functions and to date it is unknown how mutations in PAPP-A2, which significantly reduce f...

hrp0094p2-224 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Inflammation associated to body composition in European prepubertal children: Results from the IDEFICS study

Argente Pilar , Esther Gonzalez , Intemann Timm , Moreno Luis , Molnar Denes , Kaprio Jaakko , Russo Paola ,

Background: Obesity is characterised by excessive fat accumulation coursing with a chronic mild inflammatory state, with adipose tissue (AT) being the main site of increased systemic cytokine production. Increased adiposity early in life is the main risk factor for cardiometabolic disorders later in life, with the abnormal accumulation of lipids in AT leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Inflammatory process that involves metabolic and card...

hrp0092p1-7 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Influence of Internal Standards Choice on Quantification of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) Using Mass Spectrometric Based Methods

Greaves Ronda , Hartmann Michaela F. , Zakaria Rosita , Shun Ho Chung , de Rijke Yolanda B. , van den Berg Sjoerd , Cooke Brian , Hoad Kirsten , Graham Peter , Davies Stephen , Mackay Lindsey , Ping Loh Tze , Wudy Stefan A.

Objective: This project aims to evaluate the effect of two isotopically labelled internal standards on the quantification of 17OHP by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) as an orthogonal technique.Methods: Three LC-MS/MS and one GC-MS/MS laboratories, spanning four countries worldwide, who routinely measure serum17OHP, compared two internal ...

hrp0092p1-158 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Influence of Internal Standards Choice on Quantification of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) Using Mass Spectrometric Based Methods

Greaves Ronda , Hartmann Michaela F. , Zakaria Rosita , Ho Chug Shun , de Rijke Yolanda B. , van den Berg Sjoerd , Cooke Brian , Hoad Kirsten , Graham Peter , Davies Stephen , Mackay Lindsay , Loh Tze Ping , Wudy Stefan A.

Objective: This project aims to evaluate the effect of two isotopically labelled internal standards on the quantification of 17OHP by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) as an orthogonal technique.Methods: Three LC-MS/MS and one GC-MS/MS laboratories, spanning four countries worldwide, who routinely measure serum17OHP, compared two internal ...

hrp0092p2-12 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

A Case of X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy Presenting with Primary Adrenal Insufficiency and Normal VLCFA

Özkaya Beyhan , Acar Sezer , Özdemir Taha R. , Nalbantoglu Özlem , Köprülü Özge , Arslan Gülçin , Kutbay Yasar B. , Özkan Behzat

Introduction: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by a mutation in the ABCD1 gene. Although its clinical presentation varies, X-ALD is generally characterized by progressive demyelination of the central nervous system, primer adrenal insufficiency, and elevated plasma very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) levels. Herein, we aimed to present a case of X-ALD with normal VLCFA caused by a path...

hrp0089fc15.3 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2018

Methylation of the C19MC microRNA Locus in the Placenta: A Mechanism whereby Maternal Body Size Links to that of the Child

Xargay-Torrent Silvia , Prats-Puig Anna , Mas-Pares Berta , Bassols Judit , Petry Clive J , Girardot Michael , de Zegher Francis , Ibanez Lourdes , Dunger David B , Feil Robert , Lopez-Bermejo Abel

Background: The C19MC locus microRNA gene cluster is imprinted in the placenta. Imprinted genes control prenatal development and placental functions, and are epigenetically regulated. The factors that affect the DNA methylation status of C19MC regulatory region are unknown, as is the impact of this differential methylation on the offspring’s body size.Objectives: To study in humans 1) the association of placental C19MC DNA...

hrp0089rfc3.3 | Diabetes and Insulin 1 | ESPE2018

Significant Prevalence of Severe Monogenic Immune Defects Among Children with Type 1 Diabetes and Low T1D-Genetic Risk Score

Pruhova Stepanka , Strakova Veronika , Elblova Lenka , Johnson Matthew B , Dusatkova Petra , Obermannova Barbora , Petruzelkova Lenka , Kolouskova Stanislava , Snajderova Marta , Fronkova Eva , Svaton Michael , Lebl Jan , Hattersley Andrew T , Sumnik Zdenek

Introduction: Monogenic Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a rare disease caused by pathogenic variant in a single gene leading to dysregulation of immune system. T1D is combined with other autoimmunity like immune cytopenias, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic eczema, autoimmune thyroid disease etc in these patients. Pathogenic variants in the AIRE, FOXP3, LRBA, IL2RA, CTLA4, STAT3 and STAT1 genes have...

hrp0089p3-p398 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Recombinant Growth Hormone Therapy in Prepubertal Children with Idiopathic Short Stature in Korea: A Phase III Randomized Trial

Im Minji , Kim J , Suh B-K , Ko CW , Lee K-H , Shin CH , Hwang JS , Kim HS , Chung WY , Kim CJ , Han H-S , Kwon NY , Cho SY , Yoo H-W , Jin D-K

Several studies have evaluated the effects of growth hormone (GH) on auxological and biochemical parameters in children with non-GH-deficient, idiopathic short stature (ISS). This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of GrowtropinR-II (recombinant human GH) in Korean patients with ISS. This was a 1-year, open-label, multicenter, phase III randomized trial of Growtropin-II in Korean patients with ISS. In total, 70 prepubertal subjects (39 males, 31 females) betwee...

hrp0086fc7.1 | Gonads & DSD | ESPE2016

Early Loss of Germ Cells in Testis of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Patients

Aliberti Paula , Marino Roxana , Ramirez Pablo , Garrido Natalia Perez , Solari Alberto J. , Sciurano Roberta , Ponzio Roberto , Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Warman Diana M. , Mutti Maria L. Galluzzo , Lubieniecki Fabiana , Bailez Marcela , Rivarola Marco A. , Belgorosky Alicia , Berensztein Esperanza B.

Background: In Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a hereditary disease in which AR mutations in 46,XY patients present with partial (PAIS) or complete (CAIS) defects in virilisation.Objective and hypotheses: The aim was to analyze the effect of lack of androgen action in germ cell (GC) health and survival along postnatal development, previous to Sertoli cell (SC) pubertal maturation.Method: The histological features and quant...