hrp0094fc1.3 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Re-appraising the use of urinary steroid profiles for assessing therapy control in children with 21-hydroxylase deficiency – results from the CAH-UK cohort study

Bacila Irina , Lawrence Neil , Alvi Sabah , Cheetham Timothy , Crowne Elizabeth , Das Urmi , Dattani Mehul , Davies Justin H. , Gevers Evelien , Krone Ruth , Kyriakou Andreas , Patel Leena , Randell Tabitha , Ryan Fiona , Ahmed Faisal S. , Keevil Brian , Taylor Norman , Krone Nils ,

Introduction: Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) have specific plasma and urinary steroid patterns, with 11-oxygenatedC19 steroids established as key adrenal-specific androgens. Monitoring glucocorticoid (GC) replacement remains a challenge in the absence of reliable biomarkers.Aim: To reassess the urinary steroid profile of children with CAH in relation to plasma ...

hrp0094p1-114 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

EuRRECa Registry Genetic Obesity Survey Results

Shaikh Guftar , Akker Erica van den , Bryce Jillian , Ali Salma , Amin Rakesh , Cools Martine , Dattani Mehul , Grugni Graziano , Khairi Ranna El , Persani Luca , Peters Catherine , Rossum Elisabeth van , Waele Kathleen De , Gan Hoong-Wei , Ahmed Faisal ,

Introduction: The diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare diseases is often difficult as most clinicians do not encounter them. Therefore, centralization and collaboration between centers of expertise is necessary. European Reference Networks (ERN’s) such as RareEndoERN provide a platform for this, with one of its main thematic groups having a specific focus on rare growth and obesity disorders. Genetic obesity encompasses a heterogeneous group of c...

hrp0097p1-324 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

PROGRES, a multi-country, non-interventional, prospective study of patients receiving human growth hormone treatment under routine clinical care: Study update

Geffner Mitchell , Maniatis Aristides , Ibañez Lourdes , La Torre Daria , Huang Carol , Darendeliler Feyza , Dattani Mehul , Maghnie Mohamad , Phillip Moshe , Horikawa Reiko , Gomez Roy , Viswanathan Shilpa , Carlsson Martin , Wajnrajch Michael

Objectives: Children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) are usually treated with once-daily injections of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH). Somatrogon is a long-acting rhGH (LAGH) approved in the EU and other countries for once-weekly treatment of children with short stature. The Pfizer Registry of Outcomes in Growth hormone RESearch (PROGRES) study will assess the long-term safety and effectiveness of once-weekly somatrogon and once-daily rhGH prepar...

hrp0092s2.3 | Novel Mechanisms and Therapies in Bone and Growth Plate: Investing in the Future Health of Children | ESPE2019

Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis in Children: Targeting the Spine in Osteoporosis Diagnosis, Monitoring and Treatment

Ward Leanne M.

Despite significant advances in the medical management of childhood diseases, glucocorticoids (GCs) continue to be the mainstay of therapy for numerous serious conditions, including hematological malignancies, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and inflammatory disorders. In order to understand the natural history of bone development in GC-treated children, a pan-Canadian longitudinal observational research study called "STOPP" (STeroid...

hrp0089ss1.2 | Special Symposia: Nutrition and Growth | ESPE2018

Fascinating Growth Phenomena: What Causes Individual Catch-up Growth and Population Secular Change?

Wit Jan M

Catch-up growth (CUG) is characterized by a period of supranormal height velocity following a transient period of growth inhibition. The two classical hypotheses on the mechanism are the neuro-endocrine hypothesis (a central mechanism that would recognize the degree of mismatch between actual size and target size) and the growth plate hypothesis (local regulation of growth according to a preset cellular program of senescence, characterized by decreasing growth proliferation ra...

hrp0084p3-705 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Borgerink M M H , van Albada M A , Venema G , Bakker-van Waarde W M

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of mortality in diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM). Dyslipidemia will increase this risk. Several guidelines have been published, how to treat dyslipidemia in T1DM, yet some studies have shown that the number of patients who are treated according to these guidelines is low.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the frequency of dyslipidemia in children and adolescents with T1DM and if they are tr...

hrp0097s12.1 | What's new for the HPG Axis | ESPE2023

Minipuberty - Looking into the future

Main Katharina M.

The transient activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis shortly after birth has been described as early as in the 70ies. This discovery has since been applied clinically as a ‘window of opportunity’ for diagnostic evaluation of patients suspected of endocrine disorders and differences of sex development. With the advent of increasingly more sensitive and specific analytical methods for peptide and steroid hormones produced in the pituitary, gonads...

hrp0082ha2 | Pubertal onset in girls is strongly influenced by genetic variation in promoters affecting FSH action | ESPE2014

Pubertal Onset in Girls is Strongly Influenced by Genetic Variation in Promoters Affecting FSH Action

Hagen Casper P , Sorensen Kaspar , Aksglaede Lise , Mouritsen Annette , Mieritz Mikkel G , Tinggaard Jeanette , Wohlfart-Veje Christine , Petersen Jorgen H , Main Katharina M , Meyts Ewa Rajpert-De , Almstrup Kristian , Juul Anders

Background: FSH stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and estradiol synthesis which is responsible for breast development. Age at pubertal onset varies substantially among healthy girls. Although more than half of the variation is heritable, only a small part has been attributed to specific genetic polymorphisms identified so far.Objective and Hypotheses: We assessed the effect on pubertal onset of three genetic polymorphisms affecting FSH action.<p...

hrp0089p1-p174 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Identification of ADAMTS6 as a Novel Candidate Gene for Idiopathic Short Stature with Advanced Bone Maturation

Warman Diana M , Ramirez Pablo , Marino Roxana , Garrido Natalia Perez , Touzon Maria Sol , Pentreath Matias Pujana , Mattone Maria Celeste , Rivarola Marco , Belgorosky Alicia

Aggrecan (ACAN) is the major proteoglycan in the articular cartilage, critical for the structure and function of growth plate cartilage.Case Report: 11-year-old (y) boy admitted at 1.8 y of chronological age (CA), due to poor growth rate Height (H): 76 cm (−2.75 SDS). Initial physical examination: mild dysmorphic features and prepubertal external genitalia (two scrotal testes, 1 cc volume each). Neurologic maturation was normal. Initial bo...

hrp0084p2-535 | Puberty | ESPE2015

GH Deficiency with Advanced Bone Age: GHRH Receptor Mutation Detected by Exome Sequencing Associated to Non-Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

Correa Fernanda de Azevedo , Franca Marcela M , Fang Qing , Ma Qianyi , Bachega Tania A , Mendonca Berenice B , LJorge Alexander , Carvalho Luciani R , Camper Sally A , Arnhold Ivo J P

Background: Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency (IGHD) is usually associated with a delayed bone age. A genetic cause for IGHD is more frequently found in patients with familial cases and/or consanguineous parents.Objective and hypotheses: To diagnose the genetic cause of IGHD and clarify the unusual clinical presentation of advanced bone age in one patient born to consanguineous parents.Method: Sanger sequencing of GH1, <e...