hrp0089p2-p284 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Endocrine and Metabolic Complications in Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease: An Italian Cohort Study

Bigi Elena , Bruzzi Patrizia , Palazzi Giovanni , Predieri Barbara , Lucaccioni Laura , Pancaldi Alessia , Lodi Mariachiara , Cellini Monica , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: Children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) show endocrine complications and metabolic alterations. The physiopathology of these conditions is not completely understood: iron overload due to chronic transfusions, ischemic damage, and inflammatory state related to vaso-occlusive crises may be involved. Aims of this study were to evaluate the growth pattern and the endocrine and metabolic alterations in a cohort of children with SCD and to detect the relationship between...

hrp0089p1-p217 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Reduced Androgen Receptor Expression in Patients with 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism

Hornig Nadine , Demiri Jeta , Murga Eva , Caliebe Almuth , Schweikert Hans-Udo , Audi Laura , Werner Ralf , Hiort Olaf , Holterhus Paul-Martin

Background: Individuals born with a 45,X/46,XY karyotype can present with diverging phenotypes from normal male, Turner-like to ambiguous genitalia, the latter classically being called mixed gonadal dysgenesis. No correlation between phenotype and degree of mosaicisms in the karyotype could be ascertained so far, making clinical management of these patients difficult.Objective: To understand, if androgen action through the androgen receptor (AR) is compr...

hrp0089p3-p370 | Thyroid P3 | ESPE2018

Thyroid Carcinoma in Children: 7 Years’ Experience of a Single Center

Preda Cristina , Ciobanu Gabriela Delia , Ungureanu Maria-Christina , Leustean Letitia Elena , Teodoriu Laura , Balaceanu Raluca , Grigorovici Alexandru

Introduction: Thyroid cancer is the most common pediatric endocrine cancer, constituting 0.5%–3% of all childhood malignancies. Cancer can be present in multinodular thyroid disease but the majority of malignant nodules are solitary. Thyroid malignancies in children are almost always well differentiated.Aim: Prevalence, clinical features, pathological profile and therapy of thyroid cancer in children.Patients and method: Retro...

hrp0086fc4.2 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

Immune-Fat-Bone Axis in Obese Children: The Role of LIGHT

Brunetti Giacomina , Piacente Laura , Ventura Annamaria , Aceto Gabriella , Colucci Silvia , Cavallo Luciano , Grano Maria , Faienza Maria Felicia

Background: Obesity during childhood has been demonstrated to exert profound and lasting effects on bone strength and fracture risk. Furthermore, obesity is characterized by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, with an increase in the mediators of innate immunity. It has been found that skeletal homeostasis is influenced by immune cells. LIGHT (lymphotoxin-like inducible protein that competes with glycoprotein D for herpesvirus entry on T cells) is emerging among cytokin...

hrp0086fc4.5 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

Novel Association between the Non-synonymous A803G Polymorphism of the N-acetyltransferase 2 Gene and Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in Obese Children and Adolescents

Marzuillo Pierluigi , Grandone Anna , Di Sessa Anna , Umano Giuseppina Rosaria , Cirillo Grazia , Perrone Laura , del Giudice Emanuele Miraglia

Background: The N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) A803G polymorphism leading to substitution of lysine to arginine at residue 268 and codifying for a cytosolic enzyme catalysing acetyl-CoA-dependent N- and O-acetylation reactions, has been associated with decreased insulin sensitivity in a large adult population with the A allele associated with insulin resistance (IR)-related traits.Objective and hypotheses: We screened for this polymorphism, for th...

hrp0086fc12.5 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2016

Abnormal Corticospinal Tract Decussation in Kallmann Syndrome due to ANOS1 (KAL1) Mutations: An Explanation of the Mirror Movements Frequently Observed in These Patients

Gonzalez-Briceno Laura , Sonnet Emmanuel , Guimiot Fabien , Laquerriere Annie , Kerlan Veronique , Salem Douraied Ben , Gunczler Peter , de Roux Nicolas

Background: Mirror movements (MM) are frequently associated to Kallmann syndrome (KS). They are mainly observed in patients with ANOS1 (KAL1) mutations. MM have never been reported in ANOS1 mutated females. A defect in the contralateral inhibition of the pyramidal tract has been proposed as the mechanism of MM in KS but never demonstrated.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the molecular mechanism of a familial case of gonadotropic deficiency in whi...

hrp0086rfc9.3 | Pathophysiology of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Molecular Analysis of a Large Cohort of MODY Patients by Next Generation Sequencing

Artuso Rosangela , Orlandini Valerio , Palazzo Viviana , Giunti Laura , Landini Samuela , Provenzano Aldesia , La Barbera Andrea , Giglio Sabrina , Stagi Stefano

Background: Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a monogenic form of diabetes that accounts for 2–5% of all cases but it is underestimated because it’s often misdiagnosed as T1D or T2D whose symptoms are often overlapping. It is a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous disorder characterised by autosomal dominant inheritance, a young age of onset and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction.Objective and hypotheses: Actually in about ...

hrp0086p2-p275 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Pancreatic Reserve and Metabolic Control of Type 1 Diabetes in a Cohort of Spanish Children and Adolescent

Laura Bertholt Zuber Maria , Cristina Luzuriaga Tomas Maria , Andres de Llano Jesus , Freijo Martin Concepcion , Naranjo Gonzalez Cristina

Objective: To evaluate the pancreatic reserve and metabolic control in our patient diagnosed of type 1 diabetes over the last 20 years.Method: Retrospective cohort study of all patients <15 years, diagnosed in our community between 01/01/1995 and 31/12/2014. Variables: gender, age at diabetes debut, age at study, c-peptide after stimulation with glucagon at debut and 1 month after, HbA1c at debut, 1 month, 1 year, 2 years, 5 and 10 years of debut. Co...

hrp0086p1-p336 | Gonads &amp; DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescence: New Therapeutic Approach with Inositol and Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Torge Nunzia , Iezzi Maria Laura , Varriale Gaia , Farello Giovanni , Basti Claudia , Zagaroli Luca , Lasorella Stefania , Verrotti Alberto

Background: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by clinical and/or biochemical hyperandrogenism, oligo-anovulation and/or ultrasound finding of polycystic ovaries. Insulin-resistance represents the etiopathogenetic key of PCOS: a deficit of Inositol’s tissue availability seems to be responsible for this clinical picture. Hyperglycemia resulting insulin-resistance, determines a state of chronic inflammation, which increases oxidative stress.<p class="abst...

hrp0086p2-p666 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Usefulness of Growth Hormone Transient Treatment Suspension in Prepubertal Children Treated with Growth Hormone

Martinez Barahona Maria , Cecenarro Laura , Murillo Valles Marta , Luisa Granada Ybern M. , Ropero Ramos Esther , Bel Comos Joan

Background: The primary goal of treatment is to achieve a final height within the normal range and avoid the physical and psychological consequences of short stature (SS). If after a time, treatment efficacy criteria are not achieved, it is necessary to revalue its usefulness. There is no consensus about which conduct should be adopted in these cases. An alternative, is the suspension of rhGH treatment and evaluate the clinical and biochemical results to decide to continue or ...