hrp0084p3-647 | Bone | ESPE2015

Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type 1A with Genetic Analysis in Three Chinese Children

Li Wenjing , Gong Chunxiu , Wei Liya

Background: Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1A (VDDR1A) is a rare disease caused by CYP27B1 mutations which encodes vitamin D 1α-hydoxylase.Objective and hypotheses: Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1A features of three Chinese cases with CYP27B1 mutations and report the experience of medication for severe hypocalcaemia.Method: Summarise their clinical features analyse the CYP27B1 and vitamin D receptor (VDDR) mutations.<...

hrp0089p3-p051 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Clinical and Genetic Evaluations of Three Patients with Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type 1A

Kulikova Kristina , Kolodkina Anna , Vasiliev Eugeny , Petrov Vasily , Tiulpakov Anatoly

Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1A (VDDR-IA) is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern and caused by mutations in CYP27B1 gene encoding enzyme 1α-hydroxylase. Deficiency of 1α-hydroxylase leads to decrease of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D production. VDDR-IA usually manifests clinically during the 1st year of life. Clinical features of VDDR- IA include progressive growth retardation, hypotonia, rachitic skeletal deformities, hypocalcemic seizures in early infancy. Serum ...

hrp0086rfc2.1 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2016

25-OH-Vitamin D Status in a Pediatric Population of Subjects Affected By Prader-Willi Syndrome Compared to Matched Obese Controls

Fintini Danilo , Pedicelli Stefania , Bocchini Sarah , Bizzarri Carla , Grugni Graziano , Cappa Marco , Crino Antonino

Background: Obesity is usually correlated with a higher prevalence of 25OH vitamin D (25OHD) deficiency. This might be due to either volumetric dilution of vitamin D in the large fat mass or its increased uptake by adipose tissue. To our knowledge, a systematic study on 25OHD levels in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a genetic disorder associated with severe obesity, is not available.Objective and hypotheses: To analyze the 25OHD values in a population of p...

hrp0086rfc2.2 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2016

Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding: ‘Game Changer’ in a Sex-Specific Association Between Cord Vitamin D Status and Infant Linear Growth

Christensen Anna Mathilde Egelund , Beck-Nielsen Signe , Dalgard Christine , Larsen Sos Dragsbaek , Lykkedegn Sine , Christesen Henrik Thybo

Background: Vitamin D deficiency in children clinically manifests as rickets causing growth impairment and bowing of the long bones, potentially increasing the ratio between crown-rump length and length (CRL:L) or sitting height and height (SH:H).Objective and hypotheses: We investigated whether CRL:L in 19-months-olds and SH:H in 36-months-olds were lower with higher cord 25hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD).Method: Participants were includ...

hrp0082p2-d3-310 | Bone (2) | ESPE2014

Outcomes of Vitamin D Analogues and Phosphate Supplements in Patients With Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets , Comparison With Non-Treated Patients

Boros Emese , Rothenbuhler Anya , Heinrichs Claudine , Brachet Cecile , Esterle Laure , Kamenicky Peter , Harvengt Pol , Brailly-Tabard Sylvie , Haidar Hazar , Gaucher Celine , Silve Caroline , Gossiome Charles , Wicart Philippe , Duplan Martin Biosse , Courson Frederic , Chaussain Catherine , Linglart Agnes

Background: Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets (HHR) is caused by persistently elevated FGF23 resulting in renal phosphate wasting and decreased 25 vitamin D hydroxylation. Treatment with vitamin D analogues (VDA) has been added to phosphate supplements in the late seventies.Objective and hypotheses: Our objective was to evaluate the outcomes of VDA and phosphate supplements in adult patients with HHR in comparison with patients who did not receive VDA ...

hrp0084p2-220 | Bone | ESPE2015

Genotype and Phenotype Characteristics in 22 Patients with Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type I

Tahir Sophia , Demirbilek Huseyin , Ozbek Mehmet Nuri , Baran Riza Taner , Tanriverdi Sibel , Hussain Khalid

Background: Vitamin D dependent rickets type I (VDDR1) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the 25-Hydroxyvitamin-D3 1-α-hydroxylase gene(CYP27B1).Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate clinical characteristics and molecular genetic analysis of the pediatric patients with VDDR1 who were being followed at Diyarbakir Children’s State Hospital, Turkey.Method: VDDR1 diagnosis was consid...

hrp0084p3-953 | GH &amp; IGF | ESPE2015

Vitamin D Levels and not Vitamin A are Correlated with Height Velocity in Children with GH Deficiency Who are Under GH Treatment

Xatzipsalti Maria , Polychroni Ioulia , Vazeou Andriani , Maravelia Vasiliki , Papadimitriou Eirini , Stamogiannou Lela

Background: It has been suggested that Vitamin A intake may affect height velocity in children with GH deficiency (GHD) who were under GH replacement (GHR).Objective and hypotheses: Aim of the study was to evaluate vitamin A levels in GHD children under GHR.Method: Vitamin A levels were measured in 38 children (23 males, mean age 10.8 (S.D. 3.3) years) with GHD, after mean duration of GH treatment of 3.1 (S.D....

hrp0095p1-365 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Etiology and Clinical Features in Childhood Panhypopituitarism

Döğer Esra , Öner Ganimet , Bideci Aysun

Introduction: Panhypopituitarism is a deficiency of two or more pituitary hormones. Etiological causes of panhypopituitarism include pituitary developmental disorders, traumatic damage, inflammatory and neoplastic diseases affecting the pituitary, and vascular disorders. In this very rare condition, symptoms and signs related to anterior and posterior pituitary hormone deficiency can also be seen, as well as symptoms and findings related to etiological factors...

hrp0084p3-603 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

A Case of Phaeochromocytoma Diagnosed as Adrenal Incidentaloma

Vuralli Dogus , Agras Pinar Isik , Tapci Esra , Dallar Yildiz Bilge

Background: There are two main problems that should be solved when encountering adrenal incidentaloma. The first of these is to decide whether the adrenal mass is benign or malignant and the second is to determine whether the mass is hormonally active or not.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to focus on the approach to adrenal masses in childhood.Method: A case of phaeochromocytoma, which was diagnosed as incidentaloma is presente...

hrp0095p2-125 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Effects of confinement due to COVID-19 in the child population of Álava on vitamin D status, weight and body composition

and body composition weight , Aguirre-Lopez Leixure , Puy Portillo-Baquedano Mari , Fernandez-Quintela Alfredo , Leniz-Rodríguez Asier , Diez-Lopez Ignacio

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic brought with it a state of alarm as of March 14, 2020, which implied a restriction on the mobility of the general population and home confinement. One of the main concerns raised by isolation was the substantial reduction in energy expenditure due to children spending more time sitting or participating in activities that involve very low rates of energy expenditure, such as watching television, managing the different networks social ...