hrp0092p3-156 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Growth Status of Children and Adolescent Born Full Term Small-for-Gestational-Age in Korea: Data from the KNHANES-V (2010–2011)

Kim Ji Hyun , Kim Dong Ho , Lim Jung Sub

Background: Currently, little information is available on current growth status according to birth weight at gestational age (BWGA) on Korean adolescents. Herein, the current height and weight of Korean adolescents who were born as small for gestational age (SGA) were compared to those of the non-SGA groups.Methods: Data from the population-based nationwide Korean survey 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examinatio...

hrp0084p1-158 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

The Expression of Related Neuroendocrine Factors with Puberty Onset in Rat at Different Developmental Stages

Jung Mo Kyung , Kim Ki Eun , Kwon Ah Reum , Wook Hyun Wook Hyun , Kim Duk Hee , Kim Ho-Seong

Introduction: Kisspeptin is well known gatekeeper of puberty onset to date. However, several neuroendocrine factors are also discovered to be associated with puberty onset and, especially neuropeptide Y (NPY) and neurokinin B, participate in the neuronal network integrating reproduction. However, the interactions between neuroendocrine factors and the reproductive axis have not yet been fully explored. We report herein the expression profile of NPY gene and neurokinin B gene i...

hrp0092p2-276 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Novel Thyroid Hormone Receptor β-Gene Mutations in Resistance to Thyroid Hormone

Kim Heung Sik , Kim Se Jin , Kim Ga Hyun , Kang Seok Jin

The syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is caused by decreased tissue responsiveness to thyroid hormone. With the exception, inheritance of RTH is autosomal dominant. The receptors are encoded by two genes (THRA and THRB), each of which undergoes alternate splicing to generate receptor subtypes (TRa1, TRβ1, and TRβ2), with differing tissue distributions.Here we describe a child with novel heterozygous mutations for THRB. Nine-months-old ...

hrp0095p1-75 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

The association between C-reactive protein, metabolic syndrome, and prediabetes in Korean children and adolescents

Hyun Kim Ji , Bin Lee Jong , Sub Lim Jung

Purpose: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a state of chronic inflammation, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) indicates inflammation. This paper evaluates the association between hsCRP and MetS and its components in Korean children and adolescents.Methods: We analyzed the data of 1,247 subjects (633 males, 14.2 ± 2.7 years) from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2016-2017. T...

hrp0089p3-p143 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Acanthosis Nigricans in Obese Children and Adolescents in relation to Severity of Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Hee Park Kyung , Jung Lim Hyun , Myoung Kim Yoon

Acnathosis nigricans (AN) is known to be common dermatologic manifestation in obese children and adolescents. The aim of this study is to examine the association of AN and insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents. One hundred seventy-nine obese subjects aged 6-17 years who participated in the intervention study, Childhood and Adolescents Obesity via Activity and Nutrition (ICAAN) study, were enrolled in 2017-2017. AN was diagnosed by physician. Anthropomet...

hrp0092p1-216 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

Birth Anthropometry with Cord Blood Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and Leptin in Korean Appropriate-For-Gestational-Age Infants Born at ≥28 Weeks' Gestation

Kang Seok Jin , Kim Se Jin , Lee Ga Hyun , Kim Heung Sik

Background: We investigated the relationship of birth anthropometry with cord blood insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and leptin levels in Korean infants born at ≥28 weeks' gestation.Methods: One hundred five appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) infants, defined as infants with birth weights (BWs) between the 10th and 90th percentiles for gestational age, were enrolled. Enrolled infants were stratified into...

hrp0092p1-217 | GH and IGFs (1) | ESPE2019

Association Between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Growth Hormone Deficiency in Patients with Childhood-Onset Hypopituitarism

Kim Se Jin , Kim Heung Sik , Lee Ga Hyun , Kang Seok Jin

Background & Aims: Although, there has been reports demonstrating association between adult-onset hypopituitarism and development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), studies are lacking regarding the development of NAFLD in children and young adult with childhood-onset hypopituitarism. We aimed to identify association between NAFLD and hypopituitarism in these patients.Methods: 76 Korean children and young a...

hrp0092p2-24 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Adult Height and Growth Pattern in Patients with Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Lee Ga Hyun , Kim Se Jin , Kang Seok Jin , Kim Heung Sik

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), mostly caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency, is autosomal recessive disorder characterized by impaired cortisol synthesis. It can be presented with a combination of aldosterone and cortisol deficiency and androgen excess. Therefore, excess production of androgen and glucocorticoid replacement can result to early bone maturation and ultimately diminished adult height (AH).Objectives...

hrp0097p2-62 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Growth patterns according to glycemic control, CGM apply, and diabetic complications in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients

Suh Junghwan , Kim Sujin , Lee Myeongseob , Song Kyungchul , Kwon Ahreum , Wook Chae Hyun , Kim Ho-Seong

Introduction: Chronic diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) may alter linear growth, but previous reports regarding growth in children with T1DM has been inconsistent. This study aims to investigate height and growth velocity of T1DM patients after diagnosis of diabetes and whether they are affected by various factors.Methods: This retrospective study, included 151 patients (male, 45.0%; mean age at diagnosis,...

hrp0084lbp-1270 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2015

Long-Term Safety and Effectiveness of Daily and Weekly GH Treatment in Pediatric Patients

Kim Jae Hyun , Hwang Il Tae , Chung Sochung , Rhie Young-Jun , Chae Hyun-Wook , Shin Choong Ho

Background: Daily GH has been used to treat growth disorders in children for a long time. The weekly sustained-release GH formulation has been approved for treatment in GH deficiency (GHD). It provides a practical strategy for improving adherence. However, there is still a lack of sufficient clinical research data of weekly GH.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of two formulations of daily (Eutropin injection) an...