hrp0094p2-27 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

High doses op’-DDD cause metrorragia in young girls

Thomas-Teinturier Cecile , Bouvattier Claire , Linglart Agnes ,

Gynecomastia is a well-known effect of treatment with op’-DDD in male adults. Metrorragia in young girls is a less known effect because only a few children receive this drug, mostly for bad prognosis adrenocortical carcinoma. Moreover, it has been reported that op’DDD causes precocious puberty, but cases are not well documented. We report 2 cases of young girls receiving high-dose op’-DDD who presented recurrent metrorragia. Case 1: An 18 month old girl was diag...

hrp0089p2-p384 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2018

Graves’s Disease During Pregnancy: The Impact on the Fetus and the Newborn

Belin Florine , Rodrigue Danielle , Claire Claire , Bouvattier , Teinturier Cecile , Fouati Khadidja , Linglart Agnes , Lambert Anne-Sophie

Introduction: Graves’s disease is frequent in women, its prevalence being 0.5–2% and its incidence 0.1–1% during pregnancy. Both TSH anti-receptor antibodies and the synthetic antithyroid drugs cross the placenta, increasing the risk of hypo- and/or hyperhtyroidism. Our objective is to describe the thyroid status of fetus and newborns from women with Graves’s disease referred to our Department.Materials and methods: We included childr...

hrp0097p1-153 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Precocious puberty: a new score to assist therapeutic management

Clemenceau Claire , Cuny Ariane , Feray Dagmara , Gayet Claire , Naccache Alexandre , Fraissinet François , Castanet Mireille

Context: Premature breast enlargement before the age of 8 in girls is caused by a broad spectrum from premature thelarche to central precocious puberty. Treatment with GnRH analogues aim to delay either early onset of menstruation with its psychological consequences and/or early epiphyseal fusion. The Indication of treatment is a challenge classically based on the result of the luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulation test.<p class="ab...

hrp0095p1-374 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

Is testosterone supplementation required after induction of puberty in Duchenne muscular dystrophy? A follow-up study

Wood Claire , Mitchell Rod , Guglieri Michela , Straub Volker , Cheetham Tim

Introduction: Pharmacological doses of glucocorticoids (GC) reduce inflammation and preserve muscle function in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) but cause almost universal pubertal delay. Long term consequences of GC on androgen status in young men who have received testosterone for pubertal induction remain unknown.Objective: To determine the longer-term outcome after a 2-year pubertal induction regimen using...

hrp0086p1-p359 | Gonads &amp; DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Feasibility Study for Avoiding Early Surgery in Girls with 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21OHD)

Bougneres Pierre , Bouvattier Claire , Cartigny Maryse , Michala Lina

Background: Genital surgery in disorders of sex development (DSD) has been an area of debate over the past 20 years. One can question and even defy the routine practice to surgically align genitalia to the sex of rearing, as early as possible. However, despite multitude of data showing detrimental effects to genital sensation and sexuality, few patients born with ambiguous genitalia have remained unoperated into adolescence.Objective and hypotheses: To a...

hrp0086p1-p740 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Standard Triptorelin Therapy May Not Fully Suppress Pubertal Progress in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria

Butler Gary , Lam Francis , Besser Rachel , Goedhart Claire , Brain Caroline

Background: Adolescents presenting with persistent gender dysphoria (GD) may undergo pubertal suspension via the use of GnRH analogues such as triptorelin (Gonapeptyl Depot) to allow further consideration of the dysphoria. Locally, a standard monthly dose of this drug is administered for an initial target duration of 12 months prior to re-assessment.Objective and hypotheses: The need to obtain full gonadotrophin and sex hormone suppression to ensure accu...

hrp0082fc1.2 | Adrenal | ESPE2014

Clinical Phenotype of Patients with MCM4 Mutation Suggests Pubertal Delay in Males in Addition to Adrenal Failure, Absent Adrenarche, and Short Stature in Boys and Girls

Hughes Claire , Clark Adrian , Metherell Louise , Costigan Colm

Background: We previously reported the first human mutation in mini-chromosome maintenance homologue 4 (MCM4) in a cohort of patients with adrenal failure, immunodeficiency and chromosomal fragility.Objective and Hypotheses: To report the full endocrine phenotype of 14 patients with MCM4 mutations.Method: Patients case notes were examined and investigations performed to fully assess adrenal function, pubertal development, gonadal f...

hrp0082p1-d1-173 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

A Girl with Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome and Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1B, a Unique Example of Multiple Imprinting Defects

Bakker Boudewijn , Sonneveld Laura , Woltering Claire , Kant Sarina

Background: Although multiple imprinting defects have been found by genetic analysis in a subset of patients with Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS), very few patients have been described with both genetic and clinical signs and symptoms of multiple diseases caused by imprinting defects.Methods: Methylation analysis of the KCNQ1OT1 gene was performed by Southern blot, methylation analysis of the GNAS region was done by MLPA.<p class="abs...

hrp0082p2-d2-578 | Sex Development (1) | ESPE2014

46,XX Ovotesticular DSD: Is it Lawful to Wait for Gonadal Surgery?

Bouvattier Claire , Cuny Ariane , Beaudoin Sylvie , Bargy Frederic

Background: Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD) is characterized by the presence of both testicular and ovarian tissue in the gonads of an individual. Selective gonadal surgery is usually performed in infancy.Objective and hypotheses: Little is known about the long-term outcome of conservative gonadal surgery in ovotesticular DSD. We present our experience in a 46,XX girl diagnosed in the neonatal period.Method: The pat...

hrp0084p1-109 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion of Recombinant LH and FSH During Early Infancy Promotes Testicular Descent in Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Lambert Anne Sophie , Lucchini Philippe , Bouvattier Claire , Bougneres Pierre

Context: Cryptorchidism, a common consequence of HH, is treated with orchiopexy. We previously observed that continuous subcutaneous infusion of gonadotropins restored normal serum testosterone and inhibin B concentrations in two infants with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) and was associated with testicular descent in one.Objective: Test if subcutaneous gonadotropin infusion within the first year of life can allow testicular descent in eight boys wit...