hrp0089p2-p234 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

High Protein Nutritional Supplementation Increases Serum IGF-I Concentrations in Short Children with Low IGF-I

Mattsson Elin , Bang Peter

Background: Milk supplementation increases serum IGF-I concentrations in healthy children and the effect is attributed to elevation of insulin and/or direct effects of milk proteins. Low serum IGF-I concentrations are common among children with short stature and may be associated with GH deficiency but poor nutrition/malabsorption may also contribute. Effects of nutritional supplementation on serum IGF-I is poorly studied in short children.Aim: To invest...

hrp0086p2-p650 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Delaying Puberty with GnRHa does not Promote Adult Height in GH Treated Children Who Enters Puberty at Average Age

Hansson Felicia , Bang Peter

Background: Delaying puberty with GnRHa in an attempt to improve final height in GH treated children is relatively common in clinical practice. Such treatment is only supported by one retrospective study in which pubertal start was relatively early.Objective and hypotheses: To retrospectively assess adult height in children with short stature treated with GH and receiving or not receiving GnRHa. We hypothesized that delaying puberty with GnRHa improves a...

hrp0084p2-211 | Bone | ESPE2015

Fibrous Cortical Defects and Non-Ossifying Fibromas in Patients with Precocious Puberty

Lee Bang Won , Shin Kyung-Sue

Background: Fibrous cortical defects (FCDs) and non-ossifying fibromas (NOFs) are the most common benign lesions of the skeletal system, with an estimated incidence of up to 30% in children and adolescents.Objective and hypotheses: Although their aetiologies are unknown, FCDs and NOFs develop mostly in regions of intense bone growth. We hypothesized that patients with precocious puberty (PP) would have a higher prevalence of FCDs and NOFs than age-matche...

hrp0095p1-312 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Global Increlex® Registry, post-authorisation surveillance registry monitoring the long-term safety and effectiveness of mecasermin in children and adolescents with Severe Primary IGFD (SPIGFD): objectives and study design

Bang Peter , Mazain Sarah , Perrot Valérie , Sert Caroline

Background: Severe primary insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency (SPIGFD) is a rare growth disorder characterised by severe short stature. Replacement therapy with recombinant human IGF-1 (rhIGF-1; mecasermin [Increlex®]) is currently the only available treatment for children/adolescents with SPIGFD. We describe the methodology of the Global Increlex Patient Registry (NCT00903110), designed to monitor long-term safety and effectiveness of meca...

hrp0089rfc15.4 | Growth and syndromes | ESPE2018

Characteristics, Effectiveness and Safety Data from Clinically Relevant Subgroups of Patients with Severeprimary IGF-I Deficiency (SPIGFD): Results from the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) Registry

Woelfle Joachim , Polak Michel , Perrot Valerie , Sert Caroline , Bang Peter

Background: The EU-IGFD registry was established to monitor the safety and effectiveness of recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) (mecasermin (rDNA origin) injection; Increlex®) for short stature in children with SPIGFD, including those with Laron syndrome (LS).Objective: To report patient characteristics, effectiveness and safety data in clinically relevant patient subgroups.Methods: Data were compiled from this ongoin...

hrp0089p1-p184 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Characteristics, Effectiveness and Safety Data for Patients with Growth Failure Treated with Recombinant IGF-I (rhIGF-I) and Achieving Adult or Near-adult Height (AH): Results from the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD) Registry

Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Perrot Valerie , Sert Caroline , Bang Peter

Background: The EU-IGFD registry comprises data for children with severe primary IGF-I deficiency (SPIGFD) receiving rhIGF-I (mecasermin [rDNA origin] injection; Increlex®) for growth failure.Objective: To report patient characteristics, effectiveness and safety data for children receiving rhIGF-I for SPIGFD and achieving AH.Methods: Patients from this ongoing observational study (NCT00903110) were included in analy...

hrp0086fc15.6 | Late Breaking | ESPE2016

Type 1 Diabetes Associated Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Reference Values in Children and Adolescents

Oberg Daniel , Salemyr Jenny , Ortqvist Eva , Juul Anders , Bang Peter

Background: The disturbance of the GH-IGF-axis in type 1 diabetes (T1DM) with low circulating IGF-I, GH hypersecretion, and hyperinsulinemia, which may be associated with high tissue IGF-I, have implications on long-term vascular complications.Objective and hypotheses: To establish disease, sex and age related serum IGF-I reference values for children with T1DM and test the hypothesis that IGF-I SDS is lower in T1DM than in healthy controls and negativel...

hrp0086rfc6.7 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management | ESPE2016

Characteristics of Responders and Poor-responders to Increlex® Therapy – Data from Children Enrolled in the European Increlex® Growth Forum Database (EU-IGFD)

Bang Peter , Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Perrot Valerie , Sert Caroline

Background: The post-authorization registry, EU-IGFD, was initiated in Dec-2008 to collect data in children with growth failure receiving Increlex® (Mecasermin [rDNA Origin] Injection).Objective and hypotheses: To report patient characteristics, safety and effectiveness data in poor-responders (i.e. with change in year 1 Height SDS <0.3).Method: European, multicentre, open-label, observational study; eCRF data collection.<...

hrp0082p1-d3-161 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Safety and Effectiveness of Increlex® Therapy in Children Enrolled in the Increlex® Growth Forum Database in Europe: 4 Years Interim Results

Polak Michel , Woelfle Joachim , Bang Peter , Sicsic Aude , Fiorentino Bruno

Background: The post-authorization registry, European Increlex® (Mecasermin (rDNA Origin) injection) growth forum database (EU-IGFD) was initiated in Dec 2008 to collect data on children with growth failure treated with Increlex®.Objective: To report 4-year safety and effectiveness data.Methods: Multicenter, open-label observational study, eCRF data collection.Results: As of 30...