hrp0084p3-1070 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Severe Neonatal Hypoglycemia in the Newborn Despite Prenatal Diagnosed Cerebral Midline Malformations: a Review of Three Cases

Reschke Felix , Gemulla Gita , Flury Monika , Brenner Sebastian , Schuetzle Heike , Gurth Heidrun , Hahn Gabriele , Taut Heike , Glajzer Jack , Gottschalk Hans-Christian , Hubner Angela

Background: Brain abnormalities like cerebral midline malformations (CMM) can be detected by fetal sonography. CMM with neonatal hypopituitarism may cause severe hypoglycemia.Case presentation: We report about three cases of term eutrophic newborns, which all presented with severe neonatal hypoglycemia despite prenatally diagnosed CMM. All three patients were born vaginally and were immediately breastfed after normal postnatal adaptation. In the first ca...

hrp0097p1-31 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Metabolic trajectories during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis described by breath analysis

Awchi Mo , Dev Singh Kapil , Bachmann-Brenner Sara , Burckhardt Marie-Anne , Hess Melanie , Zumsteg Urs , Zeng Jiafa , N. Datta Alexandre , Frey Urs , Szinnai Gabor , Sinues Pablo

Objective: This feasibility study aimed to investigate the anabolic effect of insulin on metabolites captured in exhaled breath during acute diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) for a better pathophysiological understanding.Research Design and Methods: Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) with DKA (n=5) and without DKA (n=7) and children with epilepsy without ketogenic diet (n=18) were re...

hrp0095rfc9.6 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Craniopharyngiomas diagnosed as incidentalomas - Results of KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007

Boekhoff Svenja , Bison Brigitte , Eveslage Maria , Sowithayasakul Panjarat , Beckhaus Julia , Friedrich Carsten , L. Müller Hermann

Purpose: Childhood-onset craniopharyngiomas (CP) are diagnosed due to clinical symptoms (symCP) or incidentally (incCP). In childhood-onset CP, studies on history before CP diagnosis have revealed symptoms and complaints related to CP, which were documented in CP patients’ records with a median duration of 5 months prior to CP diagnosis. We investigated clinical manifestations and outcome in incCPs and symCPs.Methods:</stro...

hrp0095p1-548 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Legal degree of disability in childhood-craniopharyngioma survivors during long-term follow-up: Results of the HIT-ENDO study

Boekhoff Svenja , Eveslage Maria , Beckhaus Julia , Friedrich Carsten , L. Müller Hermann

Background: Cranioparyngiomas are rare low-grade embryonic malformational tumors of the sellar/parasellar region. The prognosis after diagnosis during childood and adolescence is influenced by endocrine and hypothalamic long-term sequelae. A legal status of the degree of disability (GdB), according to the German Social Code Book V that is worthy of support provides financial means for psychosocial rehabilitation and participation of craniopharyngioma survivors...

hrp0089fc10.4 | Late Breaking | ESPE2018

Hypothalamus Sparing Surgery Improves the Outcome of Patients with Severe Initial Hypothalamic Involvement of Childhood Craniopharyngioma: Results of the Prospective Multinational Trial KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007

Bogusz Agnieszka , Boekhoff Svenja , Warmuth-Metz Monika , Calaminus Gabriele , Eveslage Maria , Muller Hermann L

Context: Quality of survival (QoS) is frequently impaired in childhood-onset craniopharyngioma (CP) patients due to sequelae caused by the hypothalamic syndrome. The debate, whether primary hypothalamic involvement (HI) has apriori prognostic impact or surgical hypothalamic lesions (HL) determine outcome, is controversial. Accordingly, we analyzed, whether CP patients at high risk for hypothalamic obesity due to primary HI of anterior and posterior hypothalamic structures bene...

hrp0089p1-p072 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Increasing Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Among Youth with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D): Icomparison of Youth from the T1D Exchange (T1DX) and the DPV Initiative

Miller Kellee , Hermann Julia , Maahs David , Hofer Sabine , Foster Nicole , Holl Reinhard

Objectives: To assess change in rates of pediatric CGM use over the past 5 years across demographic and clinical characteristics and association with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), data from 2 registries were compared: the US-based T1DX and the German/Austrian DPV.Methods: Registry participants in DPV and T1DX aged <18yrs with T1D duration ≥ 1yr with available data in any of the following years were included in the analysis (N for each year by registr...

hrp0082p1-d2-151 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Sequential Measurements of IGFI Serum Concentrations in Patients With Severe Primary IGFI Deficiency (SPIGFD) and Growth Failure Treated With Recombinant IGFI (Increlex®)

Bettendorf Markus , Kapelari Klaus , Kneppo Carolin , Muller Hermann L , Schnabel Dirk , Wolfle Joachim

Introduction: Increlex® was approved as an orphan drug for treatment of growth failure in children and adolescents with SPIGFD in 2007 with relatively little data available. Therefore sequential measurements of serum IGFI, glucose, insulin and potassium were performed in SPIGFD patients treated with Increlex® to evaluate their significance in safety and efficacy.Design: Blood samples were taken after meals before and 30, 6...

hrp0082p1-d3-192 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Diencephalic Syndrome in Childhood Craniopharyngioma: Results of German Multicenter Studies on 485 Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Craniopharyngioma

Hoffmann Anika , Gebhardt Ursel , Sterkenburg Anthe , Warmuth-Metz Monika , Muller Hermann L

Background: Childhood craniopharyngiomas are known to be associated with an increased risk of excessive weight gain and hypothalamic obesity. Atypical clinical manifestations include the development of a diencephalic syndrome (DS) with a failure to thrive or weight loss.Objective and hypotheses: In a retrospective study we analyzed 21 of 485 childhood craniopharyngioma patients (4.3%) who presented with a low weight (<−2 BMI SDS) at time of dia...

hrp0094p1-83 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Pregnancies after childhood craniopharyngioma – Results of Kraniopharyngeom 2000/2007

Sowithayasakul Panjarat , Boekhoff Svenja , Bison Brigitte , Otte Anna , Muller Hermann L. ,

Background: Data on female fertility, pregnancy, and outcome of offspring after childhood-onset craniopharyngioma (CP) are rare.Study design: Observational study on pregnancy rate and outcome of offspring after CP in postpubertal, female patients recruited in KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2000/2007 since 2000.Results: 451 CP patients (223 female) have been recruited. 269 CP patients (133 female) were postpubert...

hrp0094p1-90 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Craniopharyngiomas presenting as incidentalomas: results of KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007

Boekhoff Svenja , Bison Brigitte , Eveslage Maria , Sowithayasakul Panjarat , Muller Hermann L. ,

Purpose: Childhood-onset craniopharyngiomas (CP) are diagnosed due to clinical symptoms (symCP) or incidentally (incCP). We investigated clinical manifestations and outcome in incCPs and symCPs.Methods: IncCP were discovered in 4 (3m/1f) and symCP in 214 (101m/113f) CP recruited 2007–2014 in KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007. Age, sex, height, body mass index (BMI), tumor volume, degree of resection, pre- and postsurgical hypothalamic involveme...