hrp0092rfc7.2 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 2 | ESPE2019

β-Cell Function and Glucose Effectiveness in the Development of Impaired Fasting Glucose in Obese European Children and Adolescents

Denzer Christian , Kohlsdorf Katja , von Schnurbein Julia , Wabitsch Martin , Vogt Josef

Objectives: Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes in adults. In obese children and adolescents, IFG and impaired glucose tolerance constitute distinct prediabetic stages, which do not necessarily coexist. Pathophysiological mechanisms leading to IFG in children have not been fully elucidated. Available data from cohorts of obese adolescents living in the US suggest a concurrent worsening of insulin sensitivity a...

hrp0089fc12.3 | Diabetes and Insulin 2 | ESPE2018

Impact of Insulin Sensitivity and β-cell Function on the Development of Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) in Obese European Children and Adolescents

Denzer Christian , Vogt Josef , Kohlsdorf Katja , von Schnurbein Julia , Wabitsch Martin

Objectives: Compared to the US, prevalence rates of T2DM in obese children are significantly lower in European countries. Data from cohorts of obese children living in the US suggest a concurrent worsening of insulin sensitivity and ß-cell function over the spectrum of glucose tolerance. If these results can be applied to European populations is currently unknown.Methods: A combination of our novel method for mathematical modelling ...

hrp0094p2-97 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Hungry Bone Syndrome associated to Rickets

Jimenez Catalina , Seiltgens Cristian ,

Introduction: Hereditary causes of rickets often take longer to be diagnosed because they are not very frequent. 1α-hydroxylase alteration is the most frequent vitamin D-dependent rickets. A delay in the treatment associated to a late diagnosis generates an abrupt parathormone deficiency. When initiating treatment, these patients have a risk of hungry bone syndrome.Case: 2-year-8-month-old male patient, with a history of psychomotor...

hrp0082pl2 | Immune-Based Therapies for T1D | ESPE2014

Learning from Histopathology to Design Novel Immune-Therapies for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

von Herrath M

Study of the histopathology of human type 1 and 2 diabetes through the national pancreatic organ donor (nPOD) consortium has yielded interesting new insights that should also aid us in developing improved therapeutic approaches.1. When insulitis is observed, it usually shows a predominance of CD8 T cells, some of which are autoantigen specific (see also Coppieters et al. JEM 2012). It will be therapeutically challenging to remove/prevent CD8 mem...

hrp0092rfc11.5 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

IGF-1 Serum Concentrations and Growth in Children with Congenital Leptin Deficiency (CLD) Before and After Replacement Therapy with Metreleptin

Beghini Marianna , von Schnurbein Julia , Körber Ingrid , Brandt Stephanie , Kohlsdorf Katja , Vollbach Heike , Lennerz Belinda , Denzer Christian , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Leptin, primarily secreted by adipocytes, is a pivotal signal of the body's energy status and exhibits pleiotropic effects. Homozygous mutations in the leptin gene which result in defective synthesis, release or bioactivity, cause intense hyperphagia and early-onset severe obesity, along with multiple metabolic, hormonal, and immunological abnormalities. In vitro and animal model studies suggest that leptin plays a role in linear growth. So far...

hrp0084fc8.4 | Obesity - Basic | ESPE2015

Severe Early-Onset Obesity Caused By Bioinactive Leptin due to a N103K Mutation

Wabitsch Martin , Funcke Jan-Bernd , von Schnurbein Julia , Denzer Friederike , Lahr Georgia , Denzer Christian , Moss Anja , Debatin Klaus-Michael , Gierschik Peter , Farooqi Sadaf , Moepps Barbara , Fischer-Posovszky Pamela

Background: Early-onset severe obesity due to leptin deficiency typically results from a defect of leptin production or secretion due to mutations in the leptin gene. Recently we described a new form of leptin deficiency caused by bioinactivity of the hormone and associated with high circulating leptin levels (New England Journal of Medicine 2015 372 48–54).Method: Serum leptin was measured by ELISA. The leptin gene was seq...

hrp0094p1-120 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity B | ESPE2021

Monogenic obesity in children: focusing on SH2B1 deletion

Giannopoulou Eleni Z , Zorn Stefanie , Schirmer Melanie , Herrmann Gloria , Heger Sabine , Reinehr Thomas , Denzer Christian , Rabenstein Hannah , Schnurbein Julia von , Wabitsch Martin ,

Introduction: Monogenic obesity refers to a group of rare, early-onset forms of obesity and accounts for about 7% of patients with severe pediatric obesity. Recent reports demonstrate the emerging role of Src-homology-2 (SH2) B adaptor protein 1 (Sh2b1), an important component in the leptin-melanocortin pathway, as a key regulator of leptin and insulin signaling, with possible roles in the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes. SH2B1 deletions are found to be a...

hrp0086p1-p43 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Severe Hypertension in a Girl: Cushing Syndrome or Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome? Utility of Molecular Study

Godoy Claudia , Seiltgens Cristian , Fardella Carlos , Lacourt Patricia , Pinochet Constanza , Carvajal Cristian

Background: Apparent mineralocorticoids excess syndrome (AME) is an unusual cause of hypertension, caused by genetic mutation of type 2 11β-hidroxysteroid desydrogenase (11BHSD2) enzime, which metabolizes cortisol(F) to cortisone(E). Patients with AME born from consanguineous parents, are small for gestagional age (SGA) and could have nephrocalcinosis, hypokalemia and high plasma cortisol/cortisone relation (F/E).Objective: To tell the clinical and ...

hrp0094p2-81 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Early-onset osteoporosis due to LRP5

Rios Beatriz , Acuna Pilar , Ochoa Fernanda , Cristian Seiltgens ,

Introduction: Primary osteoporosis are frequently linked to syndromic conditions such as osteogenesis imperfecta which also involves extra esqueletic tissues. With the advancement of medicine, this group has been reduced, due the ability to specifying the causal pathogenic variants. Among these, the LRP5 (Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5) gene mutations are the most frequent cause. LPR5 is a fundamental coreceptor in the wnt/betacatenin signa...

hrp0084p1-156 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

Cushing Syndrome due to Adrenocortical Carcinoma in a 3-month-old Infant with a Large Interstitial Deletion of Chromosome 5q Including the APC Gene

Akkurt Halit Ilker , Schulz Esther , Reinshagen Konrad , Vater Inga , Caliebe Almuth , Johannsen Jessika

Background: Childhood adrenocortical tumours (ACT) are rare and have well been described as part of familial cancer susceptibility syndromes which are caused by single gene mutations including P53, MEN1, PRKAR1A, CTNNB1 and APC. Adenomas are the most common ACT, but adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) occur as well. Childhood ACC can be part of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. ACC can also occur in familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP). FAP is a colon ...