hrp0097lb4 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

A novel variant in PRKAR1A at the exon-intron border leads to aberrant splicing in patients affected by carney complex.

Grosse Martin , Abicht Angela , Gebhard Christian , Grasemann Corinna , Kiewert Cordula , Unger Nicole , Weber Frank , Bierkamp-Christophersen Dirk , J Kaiser Frank , Munteanu Martin

Carney complex 1 (CNC, OMIM# 160980) is an autosomal-dominantly inherited complex tumor predisposition syndrome associated with skin pigment abnormalities and neoplasms of heart, endocrine glands and other organs. CNC is caused by heterozygous constitutional loss-of-function variants in the PRKAR1A-gene. PRKAR1A codes for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit, an enzyme that represents an integral part of protein kinase A (PKA) tha...

hrp0095rfc2.3 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions: Registering New Cases of Paediatric Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions Using an Electronic Reporting Tool

Luisa Priego Zurita Ana , Bryce Jillian , Alves Inês , Boarini Manila , Grasemann Corinna , Högler Wolfgang , Kassim Javaid M , Linglart Agnès , Mohnike Klaus , Mordenti Marina , Mortier Geert , Roos Marco , Sangiorgi Luca , Skarberg Rebecca , Soucek Ondrej , Faisal Ahmed S , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha M

Introduction: The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone) are closely linked to the European Reference Networks on Rare Bone Diseases (ERN BOND) and Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) and with its registry EuRRECa. It is open to all professionals involved in the care of individuals with rare bone and mineral conditions. EuRR-Bone offers an electronic reporting tool (e-REC) for capturing newly encountered cases without collecting ...

hrp0097p1-411 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone): Collecting Core Data Elements and Clinician and Patient-Reported Outcomes

Luisa Priego Zurita Ana , Cherenko Mariya , Alves Inês , Boarini Manila , Grasemann Corinna , Högler Wolfgang , Kassim Javaid M , Linglart Agnès , Mohnike Klaus , Mordenti Marina , M de Rooij Tess , Roos Marco , Sangiorgi Luca , Skarberg Rebecca , Soucek Ondrej , Faisal Ahmed S , M Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha

Introduction: The European Registries for Rare Bone and Mineral Conditions (EuRR-Bone) was created in collaboration with the European Reference Network on Rare Bone Diseases (ERN BOND) and the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN) to support the needs of healthcare providers, patients and researchers by providing high-quality registries. The Core Registry collects a set of Core Data Elements as well as longitudinal patient and clin...

hrp0097p1-414 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Multidisciplinary approach in achondroplasia – real world experience after drug approval of vosoritide

Kunkel Philip , Al Halak Maesa , Bechthold-Dalla Pozza Susanne , Grasemann Corinna , Keller Alexandra , Muschol Nadine , Nader Sean , Palm Katja , Poetzsch Simone , Rohrer Tilman , Rutsch Frank , Schnabel Dirk , Voelkl Thomas , Vogt Bjoern , Wechsung Katja , Weigel Johannes , Woelfle Joachim , Pfaeffle Roland , Gausche Ruth , Beger Christoph , Mohnike Klaus

Background: Achondroplasia (Ach) is a rare growth disorder caused by a point mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene that results in dysproportionate extreme short stature and can lead to a wide range of multisystemic complications throughout the individual's life with reduced quality of life. In the past, orthopaedic and neurosurgical therapies have been developed to partially improve mobility, reduce pain and prevent neurological disabi...

hrp0089p2-p035 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P2 | ESPE2018

Pseudopubertas Praecox in a 4 Year Old Boy with Bilateral Atypical Adrenocortical Adenomas

Brichta Corinna , Wurm Michael , Hodde Franka , van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Schwab Karl Otfried

Introduction: Adrenocortical tumors are very rare in children, with a prevalence of just 0.3 cases/million/year. Autonomic hormone production by adrenal cortical tumors may cause peripheral precocious puberty.Case report: A 4-year-old boy was presented by his parents because of pubertal behavior with aggressive features and a significant increase in the size of the penis. The parents also noticed a strong growth spurt and sweat odor. The boy had a good g...

hrp0092p2-32 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Pediatric Patients with Heterozygous ALPL Mutation show a Broad Clinical Phenotype

Melanie Brichta Corinna , Wurm Michael , Krebs Andreas , Lausch Ekkehart , Van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Schwab Karl Otfried

Introduction: Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a congenital disorder of the bone and mineral metabolism. It is based on mutations in the ALPL gene, which codes for tissue-unspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSAP). Methods:The casuistic of 3 children with heterozygous ALPL mutation are presented. The patients were identified by laboratory data screening for reduced AP activity at the Children's Hospital of the University Hospital Freiburg....

hrp0089rfc13.6 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 2 | ESPE2018

Close Correlation between Salivary and Blood Steroids in Normal Boys: Salivary Testosterone Best Characterizes Male Puberty

Schwab Karl Otfried , Dickhuth Karoline , Mumm Rebekka , Stier Bernhard , Doerfer Juergen , Grueninger Dirk , Brichta Corinna Melanie , van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Wurm Michael , Krebs Andreas

Aims: The golden standard to characterize pubertal maturation is the analysis of steroid hormones in the blood. The aim of the investigation was to assess whether the analysis of salivary steroids is similarly able to characterize male pubertal development.Methods: The investigation included 165 normal boys (mean age 12.7±2.8 years, mean body mass index 19.6±4.2 kg/m2). Pubic hair stages were stratified by Tanner and testicular volum...

hrp0084p3-1060 | Hypo | ESPE2015

Transient Congenital Hyperinsulinism and Renal Fanconi Syndrome

Brichta Corinna Melanie , Pohl Martin , Lausch Ekkehart , Kohlhase Jurgen , van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Wurm Michael , Krause Alexandra , Schwab Karl Otfried

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism is the most common cause of persistent hypoglycaemia in early infancy. Mutations in the HNF4A gene lead to transient hyperinsulinism in early infancy and maturity-onset diabetes of youth (MODY1), later in life. Fanconi syndrome is a generalised dysfunction of the renal proximal tubule with a loss of glucose, amino acids, phosphate, low molecular weight proteins, bicarbonate and urate, causing growth failure and rickets in childho...

hrp0084s2.3 | Adipose tissue: Beyond classical concepts | ESPE2015

Lipodystrophies: New Approaches for Diagnostic Workup and Treatment

Vigouroux Corinne

Lipodystrophic syndromes are rare and heterogeneous diseases, characterized by a generalized or partial loss of adipose tissue (lipoatrophy) associated with metabolic complications usually associated with obesity: insulin-resistant diabetes, dyslipidemia, ovarian hyperandrogenism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Molecular genetic studies in different types of lipodystrophies showed that primary adipocyte alterations leading to impaired adipogenesis ...

hrp0089rfc3.1 | Diabetes and Insulin 1 | ESPE2018

Diagnostics of Early Atherosclerosis Risk in Kids (DEAR-Kids): Retinal Vessel Analysis in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes – Retinal Arteriolar Narrowing Caused By High HbA1c

Wurm Michael , Leonie Kuhnemund , Maier Lisa , Mi Xia , Lichte Kai , Hallermann Kristiane , Krause Alexandra , Brichta Corinna , van der Werf-Grohmann Natascha , Krebs Andreas , Hanssen Henner , Deibert Peter , Schwab Karl Otfried

Background/Objective: Micro-and macrovascular changes are the cause for diabetes complications. Retinal vessel analysis is a unique method to examine microvascular changes in brain derived vessels.Subjects/Methods: Sixty-seven pediatric and adolescent type 1 diabetes patients and 58 healthy control persons underwent nonmydriatic retinal photography of both eyes. Arterioles and venules positioned in the region 0.5 to 1 diameter of the optic disc measured ...