hrp0084p3-1233 | Turner | ESPE2015

Growth Curves for Turkish Girls with Turner Syndrome: Results of the Turkish Turner Syndrome Study Group

Darendeliler Feyza , Bereket Abdullah , Bas Firdevs , Bundak Ruveyde , Sari Erkan , Aydin Banu K , Darcan Sukran , Dundar Bumin , Buyukinan Muammer , Kara Cengiz , Mazicioglu Mumtaz M , Adal Erdal , Akinci Aysehan , Atabek Mehmet E , Demirel Fatma , Celik Nurullah , Ozkan Behzat , Simsek Enver , Cinaz Peyami , Group Turner Syndrome Study

Background: Children with Turner syndrome (TS) have a specific growth pattern that is quite different from that of healthy children. Many countries have population specific growth charts for TS.Objective and hypotheses: Considering national and ethnic differences, we undertook this multicentered collaborative study to construct growth charts and reference values for height, weight, and BMI from birth to adulthood for spontaneous growth of Turkish girls w...

hrp0092p2-286 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Management of Childhood Thyroid Nodules in Children a Large Group of Cases From a Single Center

Sieniawska Joanna , Makuch Magdalena , Mlodawska Anna , Maslowska Kamila , Krawczyk Sylwia , Kapczuk Iga , Ben-Skowronek Iwona

Background: Thyroid nodules are quite common in the adult population (13%)but are relatively rarely diagnosed in childhood (0.2-5%).There is a significantly higher risk of malignancy of paediatric thyroid nodules than that in adult patients. The authors of this publication present the observations of the occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with thyroid nodules in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology, Medical University...

hrp0092p3-291 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Rare Causes for Paediatric Virilizing Tumors

Suntharesan Jananie , Atapattu Navoda , Prematilake Dilusha , Hashim Raihana , Gunasekara Buddhi , De silva Dimarsha

Introduction: Excessive androgen secretion from gonads, adrenal gland and tumors arising from germ cells lead to gonadotropin independent precocious puberty in male and virilization in females. Rapid progression of symptoms with peripheral precocity need urgent evaluation to identify the underlying etiology. We report three cases of malignancy with excess androgen secretion within a year in a tertiary care children hospital in Sri Lanka....

hrp0094p1-188 | Pituitary B | ESPE2021

Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a large French cohort : New genetic findings

Talbi Abir , Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Study Group , de Roux Nicolas ,

Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare condition caused by a dysfunction of the GnRH Axis. The clinical variability of the disease is accompanied by genetic heterogeneity. Indeed, more than 40 genes are implicated in the pathogenesis of this condition. The main goal of this present study was to characterize genetic defects in a large cohort of French CHH patients using a targeted NGS panel.Patients: a cohort of 120 unrelated patients (7...

hrp0089p3-p385 | Thyroid P3 | ESPE2018

Rare Case Report of Thyroiditis De Quervain in a Six Years Old Girl

Liapi Maria , Jorch Norbert , Hamelmann Eckard

Introduction: Subacute thyroiditis or De Quervain’s Thyroiditis is a self-limited inflammatory thyroid disease that is considered to be caused by a viral infection. Its incidence during the first decade of life is extremely rare. During the acute phase of the disease which lasts 2 to 6 weeks, the inflammatory process results in a temporary release of thyroid hormone with biochemical hyperthyroidism with or without symptoms. This phase is followed by a period with failing ...

hrp0086p1-p472 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Risk factors for Atherosclerosis after Anticancer Treatment in Childhood: The Assessment of Lipid Parameters and Indicators of Susceptibility to Atherosclerosis in a Group of Pediatric Patients after Anticancer Treatment

Połubok Joanna , Jasielska Olimpia , Gonera Aleksandra , Kozicka Marta , Sęga-Pondel Dorota , Kazanowska Bernarda , Barg Barg

Introduction: Lipid disorders are a common complication of anticancer therapy. These disorders may be included in both the metabolic syndrome or also may be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The aim of our study is to evaluate lipid profile in children after anticancer treatment.Materials and methods: Study group consisted of 44 patients (aged 3.25–16 years) with solid tumors, at least one year after cessation of anticancer t...

hrp0092p3-114 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Rare Case of Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy in A 14-Year Old Patient

Cristina Patricia Dumitrescu , Monica Mailat

Background: Lipodystrophies are a group of rare disorders characterized by varying degrees of body fat loss. The metabolic abnormalities associated with lipodystrophy include insulin resistance, often leading to diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia that may be severe enough to cause acute pancreatitis and hepatic steatosis that may lead to cirrhosis.They can be either genetic or acquired, generalized or partial. Acquired generalized l...

hrp0082p3-d3-795 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Response to Treatment in a Group of Patients with Childhood Obesity

Martin Concepcion Freijo , Zuber Maria Laura Bertholt , Revuelta Inmaculada Palenzuela , Rebollo Ana Rebollo

Background: The childhood obesity is a common reason for consultation, due to the increase of this disease in our society, the instruction of the patient and the family consumed many resources.Objective: Study the obese children who attended during the year 2012 valuing the results at 4 and 8 months.Method: 37 obese children(SDS >2), valuing sex, age, family history (FH), anthropometrics measures at birth and the time of the st...

hrp0082p2-d2-581 | Sex Development (1) | ESPE2014

Rare Disease Registries: Perception of Parents and Young People

Jayasena Arundathi , Muscarella Miriam , Ahmed Faisal

Background: Rare-disease registries are considered to be the key for improving patient care through research and audit. In the field of paediatric endocrinology, the views of parents and affected young people about such registries are unclear.Objective: To conduct a survey to understand the views of parents and young people with rare conditions.Method: A structured questionnaire was completed by two groups of clinic attendees, thos...

hrp0086p1-p231 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

A Rare Form of Insulin Resistance with Pseudoacromegaly

Stone Stephen , Wambach Jennifer , Cole F. Sessions , Wegner Daniel , Urano Fumihiko

Background: Insulin resistance occurs in a variety of common endocrine disorders including obesity, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and metabolic syndrome. Additionally, rare syndromes exist that result in extreme insulin resistance. These conditions help contribute to our knowledge of the mechanisms of insulin signalling and resistance.Objective and hypotheses: We report a case of a 12 year old female presenting to endocrinology clinic for...