hrp0092p3-251 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

A Case of Graves Disease with Negative Thyrotropin Stimulating Antibodies in a Pediatric Patient with Type 1 Diabetes

Burdea Liliana , Robinson Sylvia , Minutti Carla

Background: Graves disease (GD) is an autoimmune condition caused by direct stimulation of the thyroid epithelial cells by thyrotropin (TSH) receptor antibodies (TRAb). The action of TRAb can be stimulating, blocking or neutral. Antibodies with agonist action are also called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI). The diagnosis of GD is typically confirmed with TSI titer which is positive in >90% of patients. In patients that have negative TSI, high...

hrp0084p2-507 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Fanconi Anemia Endocrine Abnormalities – Case Report

Abreu Liliana , Martins Sofia , Marques Olinda

Background: Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare, genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous, autosomal or x-linked recessive chromosome instability disorder characterized by multiple congenital anomalies, bone marrow failure, and increased susceptibility to specific malignancies. Other findings, including short stature, skin pigmentation, and endocrine abnormalities have been recognized, most notably GH deficiency (GHD), hypothyroidism, and hypogonadism.Case...

hrp0092p3-199 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Prolactinomas in a Pediatric Population

de Beldjenna Liliana Mejia , Vanegas Sara , Audrey Matallana , Siuffi Mirey

Introduction: Prolactinoma is the most frequent pituitary tumor (40 %) in children and adolescents is more common in females, sporadic and benign. It is classified into microprolactinoma (< 1.0 cm) and macroprolactinoma (>1.0 cm). In girls it presents clinically as amenorrhea and galactorrhea and occasionally as increased intracranial pressure. Management consist of medications and surgery.Objectives: To char...

hrp0092p1-364 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

GH Values in Serum and Blood Spots on Filter Paper Samples in Neonates Until 30 Days of Life by Electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA).

Miras Mirta , Silvano Liliana , Campi Veronica , Ochetti Mariana , Sobrero Gabriela , Castro Laura , Martin Silvia , Testa Graciela , Franchioni Liliana

Growth Hormone deficiency (GHD) in newborn is an infrequent condition, which can cause threat to life due mainly to hypoglycemia that begins in the first week of life. A GH basal level (whether random or associated with spontaneous hypoglycemia) that distinguishes infants with GHD from those with GH sufficiency in the neonatal period is not conclusive. Few data have been reported about the GH measurements in serum and dried blood spots on filter paper samples in healthy neonat...

hrp0082p2-d1-459 | Growth | ESPE2014

Comparison Between GH assay: serum GH Cut-off Levels by ECLIA Performed in Pharmacological Estimulation Tests in Children With Short Stature

Aguirre Cecilia , Sobrero Gabriela , Schvab Giselle , Silvano Liliana , Alvarez Julia , Ochetti Mariana , Lescurat Maria , Paez Alejandra , Munoz Liliana , Martin Silvia , Miras Mirta

Background: The diagnosis of GH deficiency in children is based on clinical, auxological, radiographic and biochemical criteria which include response to Pharmacological Estimulation Tests (PhT). It is well known that GH concentrations vary according to the assay method used. Currently in our population, the proposed cut-off value of serum GH PhT is 4.7 ng/ml measured by ICMA using the IRP 98/574.Objective and hypotheses: The aims of this study were to d...

hrp0095p1-45 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus due to a variant in MAPK8IP1: a case report

Angulo-Mosquera Mario , Aguirre Marisol , Pachajoa Harry , Lemus Rodrigo , Mejia-Zapata Liliana , Larrañaga Isabella

Introduction: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type II) is an increasing problem in childhood. With the advancement of genetic testing and genome-wide association studies, mutations in genes causing loss or dysfunction of the pancreatic cell have been associated with type II diabetes. A heterozygous mutation of the MAPK8IP1 (Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1) gene is associated with a rare form of diabetes with few cases reported...

hrp0095p2-190 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Results of treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in patients with Turner syndrome. Albanian experience

Gjikopulli Agim , Kollcaku Laurant , Tomori Sonila , Velija Liliana , Hoxha Petrit , Grimci Lindita

Introduction: Turner syndrome (TS), sometimes referred as congenital ovarian dysgenesis syndrome, is a genetic disorder that results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing (monosomic) or partially absent (mosaicism). It can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height. It is one of the most common syndromes that is included in the list of diseases treated with rhGH during the last 22 years in Albania. This s...

hrp0092p3-186 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

Variable Expressivity in Three Generation from a Colombian Family with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia with Mutation c.482G>A (p.Gly161Asp) in the Gene MEN1 not Described in Colombia

Mejia de Beldjenna Liliana , Diaz Lorena , Vanegas Sara , Perafan Lina , Pachajoa Harry

Introduction: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is an autosomal illness dominant caused by mutations in the gene menina (MEN1) with high penetrance, characterized by neoplasia parathyroid glands, anterior pituitary, endocrine pancreas and duodenum. Although it has been associated with other types of cancer like breast cancer.Methods and materials: Clinical analysis, mutational and sequencing report Sanger from gene MEN...

hrp0089p2-p133 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Tri-Ponderal Mass Index: A Good Anthropometric Index to Evaluate Adiposity in Children and Adolescents

Klunder Miguel Klunder , Peregrina Myrna Bravo , Gonzalez Desiree Lopez , Clark Patricia , Lora America Liliana Miranda

Background: The adiposity measurement by reliable methods such as dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is not feasible in routine medical care and instead of this, the anthropometric methods are used. However, these methods could be inaccurate to estimate the body fat content. Additionally, in pediatric patients, some anthropometric indexes requires percentiles or Z-scores for their interpretation, like the body mass index (BMI) or the waist circumference (WC). Although anthropomet...

hrp0082p2-d3-612 | Turner Syndrome | ESPE2014

Anti-Mullerian Hormone: a Marker of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Mendes Catarina , Pinho Liliana , Borges Teresa , Oliveira Maria Joao , Cardoso Helena

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) patients typically exhibit short stature and gonadal dysgenesis with pubertal delay and infertility. Up to 30% of these girls will have spontaneous pubertal development, however only 2% achieve a spontaneous pregnancy. Biochemical markers reflecting the ovarian reserve in girls and adolescents with TS are therefore needed.Objective and hypotheses: Evaluation of the ovarian reserve in girls and adolescents with TS using se...