hrp0089p1-p242 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

AMH Level of Infants with Premature Thelarche and Possible Relationship between AMH and Mini-puberty

Sahin Nursel Muratoglu , Bayramoglu Elvan , Ozcan Hatice Nursun , Kurnaz Erdal , Keskin Meliksah , Erdeve Senay Savas , Cetinkaya Semra , Aycan Zehra

Background/aims: AMH levels of mini puberty are higher than prepubertal period. In this study we investigated AMH levels in infants with premature thelarche who are presumed to have exaggerated mini puberty due to inadequate/late suppression of pubertal activation.Methods: Fifty five female infants between 3 months and 3 years of age with premature thelarche were enrolled in the study and 49 healthy girls in the same age group were included in the study....

hrp0086p2-p856 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

A Rare Cause of Short Stature: Patient with 3M Syndrome Revealed a New Mutation in Osbl1 Gene

Keskin Melikşah , Sahin Nursel Muratoglu , Kurnaz Erdal , Bayramoglu Elvan , Erdeve Senay Savas , Aycan Zehra , Cetinkaya Semra

The 3M syndrome is a rare autosomal disorder that can lead to short stature, dysmorphic features and skeletal abnormalities with normal intelligence. A-one year and four month-female patient had been reffered to our clinic for growth and developmental delay. Case history revealed a birth weight of 1740 grams on 39th week of gestation, with 42 cm body height and no prior hereditary conditions of clinical significance in her family. On physical examination, her height was 67 cm ...

hrp0095p2-24 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Long-Term Follow-Up of a Case with Clinical Image Syndrome

Okur Iclal , Arasli-Yilmaz Aslihan , Elmaogullari Selin , Karacan-Kucukali Gulin , Keskin Meliksah , Muratoglu-Sahin Nursel , Kurnaz Erdal , Savas-Erdeve Senay , Cetinkaya Semra

Introduction: IMAGE Syndrome (#614732) is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome as a result of CDKN1C mutation characterized by the association of intrauterine growth retardation, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and genital anomalies. Here, long-term follow-up of a case with clinical IMAGE syndrome, no genetic mutation was detected, will be presented.Case: A three-month-old baby boy was brought wi...

hrp0092p3-180 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

APECED Syndrome in Childhood: Rare Clinical Presentations to Keep in Mind

Arasli Yilmaz Aslihan , Elmaoğullari Selin , Muratoğlu Şahin Nursel , Savaş Erdeve Şenay , Aycan Zehra , Çetinkaya Semra

Introduction: APECED Syndrome; is a rare, autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the autoimmun regulatuar AIRE gene on the chromosome 21. Although classical triad is mucocutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism and adrenal insufficiency; endocrine / non-endocrine involvement may also be seen. Possible involvement should be evaluated without any clinical signs. We report a case of APECED syndrome with autoimmune hypophysitis secondary to growth hor...

hrp0086p2-p176 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

A Case: Hydrocephalus Secondary to Suprasellar Arachnoid Cyst with Reset Osmostat and Isolated GH Deficiency

Kurnaz Erdal , Aycan Zehra , Akdemır Ozısık Pınar , Keskin Meliksah , Bayramoglu Elvan , Muratoglu Sahin Nursel , Savas Erdeve Senay , Cetinkaya Semra

Background: Hyponatremia is defined as a serum sodium level below 135 mEq/l. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Hyponatremia has many causes and can be classified as acute/chronic or hypo/hypo/euvolemic. The main rule in fluid and electrolyte disorders (and especially in hyponatremia) is excluding hypothyroidism and hypocortisolism and then making the correct diagnosis. Hypothyroidism and hypocorticolism can also cause euvolemic chronic hyponatremia but t...

hrp0094p2-85 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

One gene, two diseases: osteogenesis imperfecta, or Bruck syndrome?

Arı Hasan , Cetinkaya Semra , Guleray Lafcı Naz , Şakar Merve , Karacan Kucukali Gulin , Keskin Melikşah , Muratoğlu Şahin Nursel , Savaş Erdeve Şenay ,

Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder characterized by diffuse osteoporosis, recurrent fractures, and resulting deformities. Bruck syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease that manifests with many symptoms of OI. In addition to the deficiency of type I collagen in OI, congenital joint contractures also occur in BS. BS is caused by mutations of FKBP10 (BS type 1) and PLOD2 (BS type 2) genes encoding the chaperone-collagen com...

hrp0094p2-314 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Shox Gene Pathologies In Children With Short Stature And Madelung Deformity

Şakar Merve , Muratoğlu Şahin Nursel , Cetinkaya Semra , Karacan Kucukali Gulin , Kurnaz Erdal , Guleray Lafcı Naz , Ozalkak Şervan , Aycan Zehra , Savaş Erdeve Şenay ,

Introduction: SHOX deficiency is the most common cause of monogenic short stature and results in short stature with a highly variable phenotype. In this study, we aimed to detect SHOX gene pathologies in patients who applied to the pediatric endocrine outpatient clinic with short stature and who were found to have Madelung deformity on hand-wrist radiography, and to evaluate the clinical, laboratory features and responses to growth hormone (GH) treatment.<...

hrp0097p2-214 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

APECED and COVID 19: Two Case Reports

Tuğçe Tunca Küçükali Elif , Özdemir Uslu Zülal , Akın Agâh , Muratoğlu Şahin Nursel , Çetinkaya Semra

Introduction: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy(APECED) is a rare autoimmune disease caused by a loss-of-function mutation in the autoimmune regulator gene(AIRE). AIRE gene mutation disrupts the negative selection of self-reactive T cells in the thymus, causing autoimmune reactions in endocrine and non-endocrine tissues. Impairment in T cell function is also associated with susceptibility to specific infections along with autoimmun...

hrp0097p2-25 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Coexistence of Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome, Sacrococcygeal Teratoma and Horseshoe Kidney

ÖzdemİR Uslu Zülal , Akin Agah , Tuğçe Tunca Küçükal&idot; Elif , Muratoğlu Şah&idot;n Nursel , Çet&idot;nkaya Semra

Introduction: Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality of the pituitary gland manifesting with varying degree of anterior pituitary insufficiency. It is presented with isolated growth hormone deficiency or multiple anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies. It is characterized by the triad of thin or interrupted pituitary stalk, hypoplasia or aplasia of adenohypophysis and ectopic or absent neurohypophysis. It is manifested with hyp...

hrp0086wg7.3 | ESPE Paediatric Endocrine Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals Working Group (PENS) | ESPE2016

Empowering Nurses as Scholars

Lipman Terri

Background: Nurses are expert in providing patient care and have numerous and varied clinical responsibilities. Nurse may feel unprepared for the pursuit of scholarly role-writing for publication/engaging in research/giving professional presentations may seem overwhelming. It is essential that nurses have the skills and are empowered to become scholars.Objective and hypotheses: The purpose of this systematic review was to explore the following questions:...