hrp0084p1-66 | DSD | ESPE2015

46, XX Ovotesticular DSD in the Absence of SRY Gene Associated to SOX3 Duplication

Grinspon Romina P , Nevado Julian , Alvarez Maria de los Angeles Mori , Rey Rodolfo A , del Rey Graciela , Chiesa Ana

Background: Ovotesticular DSD is a rare disorder defined by the presence of both ovarian and testicular tissues in the same individual. SRY is present in approximately 1/3 of patients with 46, XX ovotesticular DSD. In SRY-negative ovotesticular DSD, the mechanism responsible for the presence of testicular tissue is not yet understood.Case presentation: A male patient was referred to us for hypospadias and bilateral cryptorchidism at 2.5...

hrp0095p1-522 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Positive impact of the TuiTek® patient support programme on caregivers of patients receiving treatment for growth hormone deficiency in Argentina

Sordelli Micaela , Debicki Matías , Gonzalez Judit , María Sosa Ana , Hernán Cejas Leopoldo , Ginaca Romina , Jheeta Amrit , Malik Sumaira , Koledova Ekaterina , Assefi Aria

Background: Good adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) is crucial to achieve optimal growth outcomes in children with GH deficiency (GHD). Controlling factors that negatively impact adherence is difficult in clinical practice. In order to obtain a better understanding of caregiver behaviour, an Argentinian patient support programme (PSP) implemented TuiTek®, a personalised programme comprising behavioural change training, call guides...

hrp0095p2-163 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: Two Familial Cases with CDKN1C gene variants

Freire Analía , Braslavsky Débora , Scaglia Paula , Esnaola Azcoiti María , Armando Romina , Rothenfusser Anna , Casali Bárbara , Arberas Claudia , Rey Rodolfo , Gabriela Ropelato María , Bergadá Ignacio

Introducción: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a congenital disorder that includes features such as overgrowth, macroglossia, abdominal wall defects, neonatal hyperinsulinism, lateralized overgrowth and predisposition to embryonal tumors during infancy. BWS may be clinically diagnosed by a scoring system and genetic diagnosis is mainly focused to imprinting disorders on the 11p15.5 region. The presence of pathogenic inactivating variants on the mate...

hrp0095p2-185 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Coexistence of (likely) pathogenic variants in two genes, EZH2 and PTEN, contribute to overgrowth and developmental delay phenotype in a female patient

Suco Sofia , Scaglia Paula , Esnaola Azcoiti Maria , Armando Romina , Braslavsky Debora , Sanguineti Nora , Arberas Claudia , Gabriela Ropelato Maria , Izquierdo Agustin , Bergada Ignacio , Keselman Ana

Introduction: Overgrowth syndromes comprise an heterogeneous group of rare disorders characterized by generalized or segmental excessive growth commonly associated with additional features, such as developmental delay, visceromegaly and macrocephaly. They may present with inherent health concerns and, in some instances, an increased risk of tumor development requiring prompt diagnosis and appropriate referral.Objective: ...

hrp0084p2-539 | Puberty | ESPE2015

GnRH Infusion in Females with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Freire Analia , Arcari Andrea , Grinspon Romina , Ballerini Maria Gabriela , Sanguineti Nora , Bergada Ignacio , Escobar Maria Eugenia , Ropelato Maria Gabriela , Gryngarten Mirta

Background: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) in females is an uncommon and heterogeneous condition. There is little data regarding biochemical profile of gonadotropins to further substantiate the diagnosis.Objective: To evaluate the gonadotropaic secretion profile after GnRH infusion in a female cohort diagnosed with HH.Patients and methods: GnRH iv infusion test (0–120 min) were performed in 17 patients (17.5±2.3 years...

hrp0095rfc6.4 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Sertoli cell dysfunction at diagnosis in children with haematological malignancies

Lopez Dacal Jimena , Prada Silvina , Gabriela Ropelato Maria , Gabriela Ballerini Maria , Eugenia Rodriguez Maria , E. Gutierrez Marcela , Soria Marcela , Morán Lorena , Ferraro Cristina , Bedecarrás Patricia , Drelichman Guillermo , Aversa Luis , Bergadá Ignacio , A. Rey Rodolfo , P. Grinspon Romina

Aim: To determine Sertoli cell function at diagnosis and after 3 months of chemotherapy.Methods: A prospective cohort study was performed including children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia, or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Serum levels of AMH were evaluated at diagnosis and after 3 months during chemotherapy. Results were analysed as standard deviation scores according to pubertal stage and expressed ...

hrp0092lb-7 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2019

Long-Term Evaluation of Ovarian Function and Follicular Reserve in Patients with Malignant Diseases Treated with Chemotherapy in Prepubertal or Pubertal Age

Josefina Arcari Andrea , Verónica Freire Analía , Paula Grinspon Romina , Bedecarrás Patricia , Eugenia Escobar María , Gabriela Ropelato María , Bergadá Ignacio , Rey Rodolfo , Graciela Gryngarten Mirta

The survival rate of young patients with cancer has greatly improved in the last decades, in part due to the introduction of new therapeutic agents and protocols.Chemotherapy may be associated with risk of ovarian dysfunction, permanent or transient amenorrhea, symptoms of ovarian insufficiency and infertility.It has been suggested that prepubertal ovary is less susceptible to deleterious effect of chemotherapy.<p class="abstex...

hrp0089p1-p036 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Novel LRP5 Loss-of-function Mutation Causes Osteoporosis-pseudoglioma Syndrome

Braslavsky Debora , Scaglia Paula , Sanguineti Nora , Cassinelli Hamilton , Ruiz Schenstrom Olivia , Armando Romina , Arberas Claudia , Aza-Carmona Miriam , Nevado-Blanco Julian , Daniel Lapunzina-Badia Pablo , Heath Karen E , Rey Rodolfo , Bergada Ignacio

Background: Osteoporosis is a complex disorder, influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. Primary osteoporosis is a rare early onset disorder with high morbidity and mortality. Wnt signaling pathway has been shown to be involved in the regulation of bone remodeling.Case: Native Argentinean boy born from a consanguineous family with history of retinal detachment in the maternal line. Delivered at term, birth weight 2900 g (−0.95 SDS), bi...

hrp0094p1-144 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads B | ESPE2021

Ovarian AMH production is transiently affected in pubertal and prepubertal girls with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma receiving chemotherapy: a prospective, longitudinal study.

Lopez Dacal Jimena C. , Prada Silvina , Gutierrez Marcela E. , Bedecarras Patricia , Ropelato M. Gabriela , Arcari Andrea , Ballerini M. Gabriela , Gryngarten Mirta , Soria Marcela , Moran Lorena , Ferraro Cristina , Freire Analia , Bergada Ignacio , Drelichman Guillermo , Aversa Luis , Rey Rodolfo A. , Grinspon Romina P. ,

Introduction: Improvements in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) have increased survival, with the consequent concern about the long-term effects that childhood chemotherapy may have on ovarian function. AMH constitutes an indirect, reliable biomarker of the ovarian reserve, useful for the assessment of cancer therapy-related ovarian damage.Aim: To evaluate small ovarian f...

hrp0097p1-572 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Prospective Surveillance Of Gonadectomy In DSD – An I-DSD Care Quality Improvement Project

K Lucas-Herald Angela , Bryce Jillian , H Davies Justin , Shnorhavorian Margarett , Globa Evgenia , Grinspon Romina , Guerra-Junior Gil , Janus Dominika , Faisal Ahmed S , O'Connell Michele , Gonadectomy Surveillance Consortium I-DSD

Introduction: Gonadectomy may be indicated in people with differences or disorders of sex development (DSD). Based on historical data from the International-DSD (I-DSD) Registry that showed considerable practice variation, this I-DSD care quality improvement project seeks to determine, through prospective surveillance, the frequency of gonadectomy in individuals with DSD internationally.Methods: All existing I-DSD centre...