hrp0097p1-231 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Children with Type 1 Diabetes and Obesity show biochemical changes associated with insulin resistance

Hayes Eadaoin , Cody Declan , E Hogan Andrew

Children with Type 1 diabetes are experiencing higher levels of overweight and obesity as a consequence of intensive insulin therapy as well as background socioeconomic and environmental factors that are contributing to excess adiposity in the general population. The consequences of obesity in people with type 1 diabetes are of particular concern, as obesity in adults increases the risk of both diabetes-related and obesity-related complications, including cardiovascular diseas...

hrp0086fc8.3 | Growth: Clinical | ESPE2016

PAPP-A2 Gene Mutation Effects on Glucose Metabolism and Bone Mineral Density and Response to Therapy with Recombinant Human IGF-I

Salcedo Catalina Cabrera , Hwa Vivian , Tyzinski Leah , Andrew Melissa , Wasserman Halley , Backeljauw Philippe , Dauber Andrew

Background: PAPP-A2 (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2) deficiency, caused by homozygous mutations in the PAPP-A2 gene results in a novel syndrome of significant growth failure. PAPP-A2 cleaves IGF binding proteins 3 and 5, thereby freeing IGF-I from its ternary complex and allowing it to become biologically active. We recently reported the first two families with PAPP-A2 mutations. Response to recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-1) in these patients is unknown.<p class="a...

hrp0086rfc14.3 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies a GH1 Gene Mutation Causing Familial Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency with Normal Peak Growth Hormone Concentrations

Salcedo Catalina Cabrera , Hwa Vivian , Tyzinski Leah , Andrew Melissa , Backeljauw Philippe , Dauber Andrew

Background: Familial isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) type II is autosomal dominantly inherited and caused by splice-site mutations and nucleotide substitutions in the GH1 gene. The missense mutation R183H is a well-described genetic variant that causes familial IGHD type II. Individuals with this mutation have releasable GH stores, but GH secretion is severely reduced resulting in short stature.Objective and hypotheses: This study aimed to repo...

hrp0097p1-112 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Treatment of Short Stature in Aggrecan Deficient Patients with Recombinant Human Growth Hormone: Three-Year Growth Response

Muthuvel Gajanthan , Dauber Andrew , Alexandrou Eirene , Tyzinski Leah , Andrew Melissa , Hwa Vivian , Backeljauw Philippe

Background: Aggrecan (ACAN) is a proteoglycan found in the extracellular matrix of articular and growth plate cartilage. Animal studies have shown that mutations in the ACAN gene lead to premature hypertrophic chondrocyte maturation, causing accelerated cartilage ossification. Patients with ACAN deficiency present with dominantly inherited short stature, often with advanced skeletal maturation and premature growth cessation, as well as early-onset joint diseas...

hrp0089p1-p035 | Bone, Growth Plate &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Long-term Outcomes of Osteogenesis Imperfecta in the Bisphosphonate Era

Feehan Andrew , Zacharin Margaret , Lim Angelina , Simm Peter

Background: Bisphosphonates have been used for treatment of bone fragility disorders for over 25 years to increase bone mineral density (BMD). Anecdotally, bisphosphonate-treated Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) has a different trajectory to the natural history of untreated OI, with minimal published evidence to support this clinical observation.Aims: To describe functional outcomes of a cohort of adults with OI, stratified according to severity and treated ...

hrp0089p2-p089 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

A Curious Case of Persistent Lactic Acidosis in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Sng Andrew , Ng Nicholas , Hui-Lin Chin , Lim Yvonne

Summary: An 11 year old girl with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) presented with persistent lactic acidosis and transaminitis despite resolution of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), subsequently confirmed histologically to have glycogen hepatopathy (GH). This case describes a rare but known complication of poorly controlled DM and offers some novel insights in the management of GH.Clinical case: The patient had a history of poor compliance t...

hrp0089p2-p122 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

A Young Type 1 Diabetic with Acute Hemichorea: Rare Central Nervous System Complications

Sng Andrew , Lin Jeremy , Zain Amanda , Lim Yvonne

A 20-year old lady with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed since 9 years old, comorbidities of hyperlipidemia and steatohepatitis as well as a history of smoking, presented with an acute 2-day history of involuntary, writhing movements of her left upper and lower limbs. Physical examination confirmed left mild hemiparesis with hemichorea-athetosis. Emergent MRI brain demonstrated abnormal signal in the right caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus (low T2W/FLAI...

hrp0089p3-p075 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

First Four Cases of Neonatal Diabetes from Kazakhstan, Almaty with Proven Mutations in KCNJ11 and INS Genes

Nurbekova Akmaral , Hattersley Andrew , Ten Svetlana , Bhangoo Amrit

We report three cases of neonatal diabetes from Kazakhstan, Almaty with the KCNJ11 gene mutation who were successfully switched from insulin to sulphonylurea treatment and 1 case of insulin (INS) gene mutation that presented as permanent insulin dependent neonatal diabetes.Case 1: An 1 month old girl presented with elevated glucose level, dehydation, ketoacidosis and was treated with Insulin. HbA1c at diagnosis was 10%. Heterozygous missense mut...

hrp0089p3-p076 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

First 2 Cases of Monogenic Diabetes (MODY) from Kazakhstan, Almaty with Proven Heterozygous Mutation in Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-Alpha (HNF1A) Gene

Nurbekova Akmaral , Hattersley Andrew , Ten Svetlana , Bhangoo Amrit

Background: It is important to make correct diagnosis of monogenic diabetes or MODY in children. Most of the patients are misdiagnosed with diabetes type 1 or type 2 and undergo unnecessary treatment with insulin or oral medications. We report first 1 case of MODY with heterozygous mutation in HNF1A gene when Insulin treatment was changed to sulphonylurea treatment and 1 case of compound heterozygote of glucokinase (GCK) gene and HNF1A gene mutations.Cas...

hrp0086fc14.6 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

In vitro and in vivo Evidence for a Growth Inhibitory Role of the Transcription Factor ZBTB38 Throughout Pre- and Post-Natal Life

Parsons Sam , Stevens Adam , Whatmore Andrew , Murray Philip , Clayton Peter

Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the promotor and 5Â’UTR of the transcriptional factor, ZBTB38, are associated with adult height and idiopathic short stature although their precise auxological effects have not previously been described. In addition, the molecular mechanisms through which ZBTB38 affects growth have not been fully elucidated but potential downstream mediators are suggested to include MCM10 or IGF2.Objectives: <...