hrp0084p1-156 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

Cushing Syndrome due to Adrenocortical Carcinoma in a 3-month-old Infant with a Large Interstitial Deletion of Chromosome 5q Including the APC Gene

Akkurt Halit Ilker , Schulz Esther , Reinshagen Konrad , Vater Inga , Caliebe Almuth , Johannsen Jessika

Background: Childhood adrenocortical tumours (ACT) are rare and have well been described as part of familial cancer susceptibility syndromes which are caused by single gene mutations including P53, MEN1, PRKAR1A, CTNNB1 and APC. Adenomas are the most common ACT, but adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) occur as well. Childhood ACC can be part of the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. ACC can also occur in familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP). FAP is a colon ...

hrp0084p2-570 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Goitrous Hypothyroidism of Pubertal Onset Caused by a Novel Mutation in DEHAL1 Gene

Schulz Esther , Iglesias Ainhoa , Akkurt Halit Ilker , Helmke Knut , Moreno Jose Carlos

Background: Iodotyrosine deiodinase (DEHAL1) is a thyroidal enzyme that deiodinates mono- and diiodtyrosines (MIT, DIT) and recycles iodine, essential for synthesis of thyroid hormone. Iodotyrosine deiodinase deficiency leads to hypothyroidism, goiter and variable mental retardation. The age for clinical onset was reportedly very diverse, allegedly related to individual iodine nutrition.Clinical case: We report on a boy, offspring of consanguineous paren...

hrp0084p3-588 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Case Report: Hypothyroidism and Acth-Deficiency Caused by TBX 19 Mutation Coincidence or Pathogenetic Correlation?

Schulz Esther , Akkurt Halit Ilker , Muhlhausen Chris , Santer Rene , Welzel Maik , Holterhus Paul Martin

Background: Congenital isolated ACTH-deficiency is a rare disorder characterized by low plasma ACTH and cortisol levels and normal secretion of other pituitary hormones. TBX19 is a t-box transcription factor with a specific role in the differentiation of corticotroph cells. TPIT gene mutations can be found in early onset isolated ACTH deficiency.Case report: We report on a 2; 6 year old girl, offspring from consanguineous parents from Turkey, born at 40 ...

hrp0084p3-859 | Fat | ESPE2015

Long-Term Effects of Neonatal Over-Nutrition on Metabolic Equilibrium are Age and Sex Dependant

Argente-Arizon Pilar , Ros Purificacion , Diaz Francisca , Fuente-Martin Esther , Barrios Vicente , Chowen Julie A , Argente Jesus

Background: Neonatal over-nutrition (NON) can have a long-term effects on energy homeostasis and some of these effects may be sexually dimorphic.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to determine how NON affects body weight (BW), body composition and cytokine levels throughout development and if these changes are sexually dimorphic. We hypothesised that the effects would be both age and sex dependant.Methods: At birth, Wistar rats wer...

hrp0084p3-1041 | Growth | ESPE2015

Patient with Classic Phenotype of Hypochondroplasia and Deletion of the Gene SHOX

Dominguez Mildred , Amoretti Sonia , Ropero Esther , Campos Ariadna , Clemente Maria , Yeste Diego , Fernandez Paula

Background: Hypochondroplasia is an osteochondrodysplasia inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern that results in a disproportionately short stature, characteristic facial features and skeletal alterations such as lordosis and genu valgum. Haploinsufficiency of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene (FGFR3) is responsible for 50–70% of the cases, but a negative result doesn’t rule it out.Case presentation: We report a...

hrp0094p2-224 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Inflammation associated to body composition in European prepubertal children: Results from the IDEFICS study

Argente Pilar , Esther Gonzalez , Intemann Timm , Moreno Luis , Molnar Denes , Kaprio Jaakko , Russo Paola ,

Background: Obesity is characterised by excessive fat accumulation coursing with a chronic mild inflammatory state, with adipose tissue (AT) being the main site of increased systemic cytokine production. Increased adiposity early in life is the main risk factor for cardiometabolic disorders later in life, with the abnormal accumulation of lipids in AT leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Inflammatory process that involves metabolic and card...

hrp0095rfc6.3 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Reference intervals of serum estradiol during childhood: comparing and reviewing five studies, effects of gender and age

Lamprecht Tabea , Reinehr Thomas , Kleber Michaela , Rothermel Juliane , Schulz Esther , Simic-Schleicher Gunter , Heger Sabine , Holterhus Paul-Martin , Kulle Alexandra

Background: Specific measurement of low serum / plasma concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) is important in pre-pubertal and pubertal children in routine paediatric endocrinology. However, there is still a gap in available reference intervals (RIs) for E2 in paediatrics. The study was partially funded by the German Ministry of Health, grant number 2519FSB503.Objective: First, we technically developed a highly sensit...

hrp0089p3-p084 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Diabetic Capilaropathy: A Case Report

Andres Carlos , Tabuenca Laura , Sanchez Idoia , Diaz Laura , Chueca Maria J , Berrade Sara , Dura Teodoro , Compains Esther

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is a disease with a wide range of systemic complications. Eye complications may seriously threaten quality of life. Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequent diabetic ocular complication. However, diabetic capilaropathy is a little known condition of diabetic retinopathy. It is an acute optic disc edema and/or macular edema; due to an acute hyperglycaemia.Method: We present a case of a diabetic 14-years-old female with diab...

hrp0086p2-p666 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Usefulness of Growth Hormone Transient Treatment Suspension in Prepubertal Children Treated with Growth Hormone

Martinez Barahona Maria , Cecenarro Laura , Murillo Valles Marta , Luisa Granada Ybern M. , Ropero Ramos Esther , Bel Comos Joan

Background: The primary goal of treatment is to achieve a final height within the normal range and avoid the physical and psychological consequences of short stature (SS). If after a time, treatment efficacy criteria are not achieved, it is necessary to revalue its usefulness. There is no consensus about which conduct should be adopted in these cases. An alternative, is the suspension of rhGH treatment and evaluate the clinical and biochemical results to decide to continue or ...

hrp0086p1-p693 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P1 | ESPE2016

Is it Cautious to Wait for Serum Basal Calcitonin Levels Rise in Patients with Ret Codon C634 Mutation?

De Leon Esther Gonzalez Ruiz , Fernandez Maria Sanz , Sanchez Amparo Rodriguez , Palanca Javier Menarguez , Arnao M. Dolores Rodriguez

Background: 2015 ATA Guidelines for management of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) include C634 RET codon mutation in ‘High risk’ group, recomendating prophylactic thryroidectomy before 5 years old based on serum basal calcitonin levels (SBCt).Objective and hypotheses: We present 14 pediatric patients with C634 RET codon mutation, who underwent prophylactic thyroidectomy in our center, their clinical and analytical features and anatomopathologica...