hrp0094p2-139 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Different schemes of insulin therapy (CSII and MDII) in children with DM1 in a Dnipro city.

Yenhovatova Viktoria , Zelinska Nataliya , Globa Evgenia ,

Background: Due to the Ukrainian Pediatric Diabetes Register (UPDR) the number of children with DM1 0-17 y.o. in 2019 was 9860 (1 in 769), with Dm2 36 (1 in 210,547) with neonatal DM (NDM) 66 (1 in 115,000), with MODY 40 cases (1 in 114,844). The diabetes prevalence rates increased from 9.3 (per 1000) in 2007 up to 12,57 (per 1000) in 2018. CSII is well established in pediatric patients with DM1. Most studies focus on such parameters as HbA1c levels...

hrp0097p1-234 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Health services for children with diabetes mellitus in Dnipro, Ukraine

Yenhovatova Viktoria , Globa Evgenia , Zelinska Natalia

As of 2022, the Ukraine Pediatric Diabetes Register (UPDR) contained children aged <18 years with DM1- 11014 (1 in 677), with DM2 – 51 (1 in 146274), with neonatal diabetes (ND) – 69 (1 in 108115), and 59 cases (1 in 126440) with MODY. Most studies focus on such parameters as HbA1c, acute complications and quality of life, whereas investigations of the frequency of chronic DM1 complications and glycemic control for internally displaced persons (IDP) have not bee...

hrp0095p1-267 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Feasibility of integrating an mHealth intervention to increase exercise and physical activity adherence into a weight management service for adolescents with severe obesity: MOTIVATE-WMA

Davies Andrew , Hesketh Katie , Clarke Ellie , Apperley Louise , Sprung Victoria , Jones Helen , Senniappan Senthil , Cocks Matthew

Introduction: The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health state that adolescents with significant obesity require access to evidence-based weight management services (WMS). Due to the known benefits of exercise and physical activity (PA) on physiological and psychological outcomes increasing exercise and PA should form a cornerstone of any WMS for adolescents living with obesity. However, supervised exercise interventions face challenges within a clinica...

hrp0092p1-8 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Follow-up and Prevalence of Precocious Puberty in Children with Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia diagnosed by Neonatal Screening

Gonzalez Veronica , Reinoso Andrea , Vitale Laura , Morin Analia , Fasano Victoria , Tournier Andrea , Balbi Viviana

Introduction: In children with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CCAH) linear growth allows monitoring metabolic control. Precocious puberty could compromise their growth. There are few studies in patients with CCAH diagnosed by neonatal screening(NS) about this subject.Aims: To analyze linear growth and precocious puberty in children with CCAH detected by NS.Method: Thirty-...

hrp0092p1-171 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism (1) | ESPE2019

Evaluation of Bone Health in Adolescents and Young Adults After Allogeneic Human Stem Cell Transplantation in Childhood: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study

De Waele Kathleen , Tack Lloyd , Bordon Victoria , Van Lancker Sophie , Dhooge Catharina , Cools Martine

Introduction: Hormonal deficits are well known complications after allogeneic human stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) in childhood and treated according to existing guidelines. It is assumed that bone mass and strength accrual during puberty is also often impaired, due to toxic therapy and prolonged inactivity, but data on bone geometry and strength are scare in this particular group.Objective/Patients and Methods: Cr...

hrp0092p2-212 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

Unusual Ovary Formation in a Girl with McCune-Albright Syndrome

Makazan Nadezhda , Orlova Elizaveta , Artemova Alla , Vladimirova Victoria , Vorontsov Aleksandr , Kareva Maria , Peterkova Valentina

McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disorder caused by somatic mutations in GNAS gene leading to fibrous dysplasia (FD), cafe-au-lait spots and hyperfunctioning endocrinopathies. The common feature of MAS in girls is peripheral precocious puberty (PP) with the recurrent ovary cysts. Few cases of ovary tumors have been described to date.8,5 year-old girl with MAS is closely observed in our centre since the age 4,5, when the diagnosis was est...

hrp0089p1-p070 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P1 | ESPE2018

Birth Weight in Offsprings of Mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus due to Mutations in GCK Gene

Zubkova Natalia , Burumkulova Fatima , Petrukhin Vasily , Plechanova Margarita , Panov Anton , Ulyatovskaya Victoria , Makretskaya Nina , Tiulpakov Anatoliy

Background: The prevalence of MODY2 in the gestational diabetic population has been estimated to be approximately 2%. Risk of macrosomia in GCK/GDM cases depends on maternal glycemic control and fetal mutation status. However, the fetal genotype is unknown before birth. We assessed the effects of insulin therapy on the birth weight of children born to mothers with GCK mutations.Objective and hypotheses: The study included 38 patients with GDM due to GCK ...

hrp0082p2-d2-278 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis (1) | ESPE2014

Do Neonates Need a Short Synacthen Test to Investigate the Adrenal Axis?

Niranjan Usha , Franklin Victoria , Bashir Imran , Martin Sarah , Gibson Alan , Wright Neil , Dimitri Paul

Background: There is limited evidence regarding the most appropriate method to investigate adrenal dysfunction in neonates. Our unit in Sheffield, UK measures a series of three serum cortisol levels to determine the need for a short synacthen test (SST). Other units use the SST as the first-line investigation in suspected adrenal insufficiency in neonates; however SST is more invasive with anaphylactic risk.Objective and hypotheses: To determine the prop...

hrp0094p2-18 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Cushing’s disease treatment results correlation with pituitary MRI in children

Yanar Eda , Makazan Nadezhda , Kareva Maria , Vorontsov Alexandr , Vladimirova Victoria , Peterkova Valentina ,

Objective: Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) is a treatment of choice for Cushing&grave;s disease (CD), whose effectiveness range is from 70 to 90%. Recurrence rate after successful treatment is about 25%. Preoperative predictors of remission and recurrence are still unexplored what leads to further investigations.Aim: Analysis of remission and recurrence rates of CD after radical treatment according to preoperative MRI....

hrp0092p2-105 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, body composition and metabolic status in young adults after allogeneic human stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancy in childhood

De Waele Kathleen , Tack Lloyd , Coomans Ilse , Dhooge Catharina , Bordon Victoria , Toye Kaatje , Cools Martine , Vandekerckhove Kristof

Introduction: Well-known long-term complications of alloHSCT in childhood include endocrine system damage and secondary malignancies. In addition, adults surviving childhood alloHSCT are at risk of cardiovascular (CV) and metabolic disturbances. Long-term data of physical fitness in correlation with metabolic status are scarce in this particular group.Objective/Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional investigation of exerc...