hrp0082p3-d3-654 | Autoimmune Endocrine Disease | ESPE2014

Adrenocortical Tumor: a Case Report

Guidoni Elisa , Scarinci Renato , Municchi Giovanna

Background: The annual worldwide incidence of childhood adrenocortical tumors (ACT) ranges from 0.3 to 0.38/million children below the age of 15 years. Only 1–2% of them are feminizing ACT occurring in prepubertal boys and presenting with gynecomastia that normalizes after tumor removal.Case report: We present a case of a feminizing ACT. The boy was referred for bilateral gynecomastia, appeared 6 months before, at the chronological age (CA) of 7.5 y...

hrp0082p3-d1-986 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Klippel-Feil Syndrome and Thyroiditis: a Case Report

Guidoni Elisa , Scarinci Renato , Municchi Giovanna

Background: Klippel–Feil syndrome (KFS) is characterized by congenital fusion of cervical vertebrae and has a prevalence of 1:50 000. The phenotypic expression is variable, sometimes presenting with extraskeletal symptoms.Case report: A girl was referred at the cronological age (CA) of 10.3 years with a suspected diagnosis of Turner syndrome, due to the presence of webbed neck and progressive deceleration of growth velocity. The girl, born in Russia...

hrp0089p3-p301 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P3 | ESPE2018

A Case of Central Diabetes Insipidus Developed 4 Years after the Non-CNS-Risk Unifocal Bone Lesion of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Nakatani Hisae , Miyai Kentaro , Takasawa Kei , Kashimada Kenichi , Morimoto Akira , Nagasawa Masayuki , Oshiba Akihiro

Background: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease with an incidence of less than 10 per million, and characterized by the clonal proliferation of pathogenic Langerhans cells. The clinical courses are diverse, ranging from spontaneously remitting single organ disease to life-threatening multisystem involvement. One of the serious complications of LCH is diabetes insipidus (DI), and patients with CNS-risk lesions had higher cumulative incidence of DI. On the othe...

hrp0089p2-p205 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P2 | ESPE2018

Auxological Catch Up Growth and Evaluation of Spontaneous Motility in the Term Newborn Small for Gestational Age Employing the Prechtl Assessment of General Movements

Lucaccioni Laura , Talucci Giovanna , Leo Francesco , Ciancia Silvia , Russo Giovanna , Ferrari Fabrizio , Iughetti Lorenzo

Introduction: Term newborns Small for Gestational Age (SGA) have an increased risk for minor neurological impairment at pre- and school age. The general movements (GMs) assessment, in particular at Fidgety (F+) age, has been increasingly used to predict neurological dysfunctions. Aim of our study was to evaluate, in a population of term newborn SGA (gestational age >37 weeks) the growth recovery, the presence of F+ at 3 months of age, and the neurological outcome at 2 year...

hrp0086p2-p770 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Postoperative Water and Electrolyte Disorders and Affecting Factors in Children with Intracranial Tumors

Akbas Emıne Demet , Doger Esra , Ugurlu Aylın Kılınc , Bıdecı Aysun , Camurdan Orhun , Cınaz Peyamı

Introduction: Water and electrolyte disorders due to anterior and posterior pituitary deficiencies are common in children which are referred with intracranial tumors, especially arising from suprasellar and pituitary regions. But the prevelance and affecting factors of these disorders are not clear. We aimed that to determine the prevelance of postoperative water and electrolyte disorders and affecting factors in pediatric patients with intracranial tumors.<p class="abstex...

hrp0082p2-d2-528 | Pituitary (1) | ESPE2014

Atypical Presentation of Hypothermia Induced Diabetes Insipidus: a Case Report

Klocker Ellen , Kashmiri Himala

Background: Central diabetes insipidus (DI) is a well-known complication of CNS trauma or tumors, but is a rare complication of hypothermia. Review of the literature reveals scant case reports of DI as a complication of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiopulmonary resuscitation or head injury, but to date there has been no mention of DI resulting from hypothermia alone.Objective and hypotheses: Severe hypothermia alone may constrict CNS blood flow, mimi...

hrp0084p3-1111 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

AVP-NPII Gene Mutations and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients with Autosomal Dominant Familial Central Diabetes Insipidus

Turkkahraman Doga , Saglar Emel , Karaduman Tugce , Mergen Hatice

Background: Familial central diabetes insipidus (DI), usually an autosomal dominant disorder, is caused by mutations in arginine vasopressin–neurophysin II (AVP-NPII) gene that leads to aberrant preprohormone processing and gradual destruction of AVP-secreting cells.Objective and hypotheses: To determine clinical and molecular characteristics of patients with familial central DI from two different families.Method: The diagnosi...

hrp0095rfc4.6 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

European Consortium of Lipodystrophies Registry, 2022

von Schnurbein Julia , Gambinieri Alessandra , Fernández-Pombo Antia , Akinci Baris , Vatier Camille , Cecchetti Carolina , Adiyaman Cem , Vigoroux Corrine , Araujo-Vilar David , Savage David , Gilio Donatella , Bismuth Elise , Sorkina Ekaterina , Vorona Elena , Santos Silva Ermelinda , Nobecourt Estelle , Csajbok Eva , Santini Ferrucio , Prodam Flavia , Nagel Gabriele , Aimaretti Gianluca , Latanzi Giovanna , Ceccarini Giovanni , Novelli Giuseppe , Yildirim Simsir Ilgin , Jeru Isabelle , Štotl Iztok , Carel Jean-Claude , Writzl Karin , Heldt Katrin , Miehle Konstanze , Kleinendorst Lotte , D’Apice Maria-Rosaria , Beghini Mariana , Vantyghem Marie-Christine , Broekema Marjoleine , Faßhauer Mathias , Stumvoll Michael , Sbraccia Paolo , Ozen Samim , Magno Silvia , Scherer Thomas , Daffara Thomaso , Pekkolay Zafer , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Lipodystrophy syndromes comprise a large group of extremely rare diseases characterized by loss or dysfunction of adipose tissue. Due to their extreme rarity and variability, research in the field of lipodystrophy is difficult for single centres warranting larger co-operations.Methods: Therefore, the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies decided to found an international registry in 2016. This registry is ba...

hrp0095p1-93 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Measurements of Growth Hormone in neonatal screening cards as a non-invasive and feasible tool: reference values in healthy term newborns.

Giacchetti Federico , Vidali Matteo , Sangiorgio Andrea , Rodari Giulia , Vantaggiato Chiara , Modugno Adriana Di , Morniroli Daniela , Colombo Lorenzo , Profka Eriselda , Dall'Antonia Alberta , Collini Valentina , Ceriotti Ferruccio , Mosca Fabio , Arosio Maura , Lorella Giannì Maria , Giavoli Claudia

Background: Severe congenital growth hormone deficiency (cGHD) is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition. Even though random growth hormone (GH) can confirm cGHD during the first week of life, the diagnosis remains extremely challenging in the absence of reliable reference values in healthy neonates and thus of a best diagnostic cut-off.Aims: First, to provide solid reference values for GH concentrations in te...

hrp0092rfc11.2 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 2 | ESPE2019

Prevalence and Predicting Factors of Endocrine Dysfunction in Children with NF1 and Optic Gliomas

Santoro Claudia , Perrotta Silverio , Scilipoti Martina , Cirillo Mario , Quaglietta Lucia , Cinalli Giuseppe , Cioffi Daniela , Di Iorgi Natascia , Gallizia Annalisa , Maghnie Mohamad , Parpagnoli Maria , Messa Federica , Vannelli Silvia , De Sanctis Luisa , Marzuillo Pierluigi , del giudice Emanuele Miraglia , Grandone Anna

Introduction:Up to 20% of children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) develops low-grade optic pathway gliomas(OPGs) that can result in neuroendocrinopathy.The aim of the study was to identify prognostic factors for developing neuroendocrinopathies in patients with NF1 and OPGs before any treatment.Methods: Records of 117 children with NF1 and OPGs followed at 4 Italian centers between 1997-20...