hrp0089rfc15.3 | Growth and syndromes | ESPE2018

Multiple Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies and Early Onset Obesity in Two Siblings with a Mutation in the MAGEL2-gene: Evidence for an Important Regulatory Function of the MAGEL2-gene in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Hormone Pathways

Kuhnle-Krahl Ursula , Shoukier Moneef , Schaaf Christian P , Land Cristoph

We have investigated two siblings, a sister and a brother, who presented at the age of 2 years, with central hypothyroidism, short stature and early onset obesity. The older sister presented at the age of 6 months with central hypothyroidism and was started on a low dose of thyroid hormone (25 ug l-thyroxine). Her growth continued to be poor and at the age of 2 years and 6 months her height was −3.98 SDS. She was started on growth hormone followed by a rapid catch-up gro...

hrp0089p3-p342 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

Characterization of Genotype-Phenotype in Inter-Familial and Intra-Familial Patients with Same Mutation of SRD5A2 Gene

Shabir Iram , Khadgawat Rajesh , Dada Rima , Jyotsna Viveka P.

Background: Deficiency of microsomal membrane enzyme 5α reductase 2 impairs the DHT production and differentiation of external genitalia, seminal vesicles and prostate in males. The present study describes the Genotype-Phenotype in inter-familial and intra-familial patients with same mutation of SRD5A2 gene.Methods: All patients underwent detailed clinical evaluation, hormonal profile, karyotyping and molecular analysis of SRD5A2 g...

hrp0089p2-p406 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2018

Absence of Uptake on Scintigraphy Does Not Always Correlate with Athyreosis: Re-evaluation of Patients Diagnosed with Athyreosis Over a 10 Year Period in the Republic of Ireland

McGrath N , Hawkes CP , Ryan S , Mayne P , Murphy NP

Background: Thyroid imaging is recommended to determine the aetiology of congenital hypothyroidism (CHT). Currently scintigraphy is the gold standard imaging modality. Negative scinitigraphy despite the presence of thyroid tissue may lead to a spurious diagnosis of athyreosis. Few centres routinely perform both scinitgraphy and ultrasound so that the incidence of misclassified athyreosis is unknown.Aim: To describe the incidence of sonographically normal...

hrp0082fc14.4 | Puberty | ESPE2014

Development of Pubertal Gynaecomastia: a Longitudinal Cohort Study

Mieritz Mikkel G , Hagen Casper P , Juul Anders

Background: Pubertal gynaecomastia (PG) is considered a clinical sign of an oestrogen–androgen imbalance at the breast tissue level although little evidence exists. PG occurs in 40–60% of adolescent Caucasian boys, and in most cases however, no underlying endocrinopathy can be identified. Very few longitudinal studies on PG exist.Objective and method: As a part of the longitudinal COPENHAGEN Puberty Study we followed 110 healthy Danish boys (ag...

hrp0082p2-d3-397 | Fat Metabolism & Obesity (2) | ESPE2014

Combined Evaluation of Glucose Levels at Fasting State and 1-H After Glucose Load Can Safely Predict Prediabetes in Obese Youth

Kotanidou Eleni P , Kyrgios Ioannis , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina

Background: According to current literature 1-h glucose ≥155 mg/dl during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is considered an independent predictor of β-cell deterioration and future progression to prediabetes in obese individuals.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate whether determination of glucose level obtained 1-h after glucose load can improve predictive ability of prediabetes.Method: Ninety-eight overweight/...

hrp0082p3-d1-625 | Adrenals & HP Axis | ESPE2014

A Pediatric Case of Cushing’s Disease Presenting with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Catli Gonul , Tanrisever Ozgur , Sule Can P , Nuri Dundar Bumin

Background: Cushing syndrome is very rare in childhood and adolescence and often occurs with iatrogenic causes. The major cause of endogenous Cushing syndrome is Cushing’s disease, which results due to excessive ACTH secretion from pituitary cells (corticotroph adenoma).Objective and hypothesis: Cushing syndrome cases, which presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in adulthood have been rarely reported. However, to our knowledge, there is no repo...

hrp0082p3-d2-891 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

A Novel Mutation in the NR3C2 Gene Causing Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type 1

Sertedaki Amalia , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Chrousos George P

Background: Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA1) is a rare inherited disease characterized by mineralocorticoid resistance with subsequent salt wasting, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, and elevated plasma renin and aldosterone levels.Patients and methods: We report a male newborn that presented with failure to thrive and sustained hyponatremia during his early postnatal period. He was conceived after IVF (twin pregnancy) and prematurely born by cesare...

hrp0094p2-219 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

What do lipids tell us about the pandemic?

Campagnoli Myrna P , Lima Eloise M R , Cavalli Luana ,

The pandemic has changed habits in families around the world. Eating habits and physical activity were directly impacted by social distance. The first year of the pandemic left its mark on children’s health. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the relationship between the first year of the pandemic and the serum lipid profile in children who underwent lab tests in a private laboratory in Curitiba-PR.Methods: Observational a...

hrp0094fc2.3 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2021

A Phase 2 Trial of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor Agonist Setmelanotide in Obesity Due to SRC1 Insufficiency: Body Weight, Body Mass Index Z Score, and Safety Results

Farooqi Sadaf , Argente Jesus , Martos-Moreno Gabriel , Oral Elif , Spiliotis Bessie , Kostopoulou Eirini , Pinhas-Hamiel Orit , Ben-Ami Michal , Ohayon Olga , Scimia Cecilia , Yuan Guojun , Stewart Murray , McCormack Shana ,

Background: Rare genetic diseases of obesity can be caused by genetic variants leading to disrupted activity of the melanocortin-4 receptor pathway (MC4R). Setmelanotide, an MC4R agonist, is being investigated in a basket study of populations with rare variants in different genes in the MC4R pathway who have early-onset, severe obesity and hyperphagia.Methods: This ongoing, Phase 2, open-label study (NCT03013543) enrolle...

hrp0095fc5.1 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Transcriptome profiling of adrenocortical tumors from children with unfavorable disease presentation.

Bueno Ana C , da Silva Jr Rui M P , Stecchini Mônica F , Cardinalli Izilda A , Junqueira Thais , A Scrideli Carlos , AF Molina Carlos , Tucci Silvio , Coeli-Lacchini Fernanda B , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra NZ , Brandalise Silvia R , Yunes José A , Vêncio Ricardo ZN , de Castro Margaret , Antonini Sonir R

Children diagnosed with adrenocortical tumors (ACT) have variable prognosis depending on disease presentation at diagnosis. Available therapeutic options render excellent outcome for a subset of patients, but limited improvement in the survival of those diagnosed with non-localized/advanced disease. ACT DNA methylation was recently demonstrated to be a robust and independent prognostic biomarker. Aiming to identify potential therapeutic targets for these children, we compared ...