hrp0089rfc4.2 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

Data Mining and Computational Analysis of Human Growth Hormone Gene (GH1) Sequence in Normal Population to Identify Potential Variants with Disease-Causing Effects

Verma Sonia , Pandey Amit V

Background: Mutations in GH1 gene cause isolated growth hormone deficiency. Several disease-causing mutations from patients with IGHD have been reported. These mutations have been shown to (a) produce shorter isoforms of GH that does not bind to growth hormone receptor, (b) cause diminished secretion of GH or (c) result in misfolded GH protein. Large sequencing studies from the non-clinical population show several hundred genetic variations in GH1 gene. Role of common polymorp...

hrp0089p3-p125 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

NKX2-2 Human Mutation Causes Neonatal Diabetes followed by Severe Infantile Obesity Associated with Paradoxical Upregulated Ghrelin Levels – Do Beta-cells Secrete Ghrelin?

Auerbach Adi , Cohen Amitay , Lavi Eran , Abdulhaq Najwa , Shokrun Ariella Weinberg , Levy-Lahad Ephrat , Hemi Rina , David Zangen

Background: NKX2-2 gene mutation (reported in 3 cases worldwide) cause severe IUGR and neonatal diabetes. Beta-cells of the mice Nkx2-2 (−/−) model were recently shown to convert into cells producing the appetite-promoting peptide ghrelin. Classically, ghrelin secretion is stimulated during fast and suppressed by nutrients or glucose ingestion in all age groups. In obese children this ghrelin suppression reaches a minimum of 60% of base...

hrp0089p1-p158 | GH & IGFs P1 | ESPE2018

Patients and Caregivers Perspectives on a Mobile App that Tracks Adherence and Outcomes in Children with Growth Disorders Treated with Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (r-hGH)

McNally Mark , Long Frank , Poskitt Henry , Cancela Jorge , Koledova Ekaterina , Castro Javier Sanchez

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) receive adherence information on patient Saizen® recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) treatment via data wirelessly transferred from the easypodTM electromechanical delivery device to the web-based eHealth platform easypodTM connect. In order to empower patients and caregivers with this information and to provide educational tools, the growlinkTM mobile app is being ...

hrp0089p3-p201 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Effects on Near-adult Height and Safety of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone in Growth Hormone Deficiency and Turner Syndrome Patients: Results from the LG Growth Study

Choi Jin-Ho , Chung Sochung , Rhee Young-Jun , Hyun Kim Jae , Chae Hyun-Wook , Yoo Jae-ho , Lee Young Ah , Hwang Il Tae

Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate effectiveness on near-adult height (NAH) and safety of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) (Eutropin® Inj., Eutropin®Plus Inj., Eutropin®AQ Inj., LG Chem, Ltd.) treatment in children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and Turner syndrome (TS).Methods: The LG Growth Study (LGS) is a multicenter, long-term, observational study designed to evaluate the lon...

hrp0092fc12.5 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Integrated Analysis of Baseline Blood Transcriptome and Genome Identifies Clusters of Turner Syndrome Patients with Different Responses to Recombinant Human Growth Hormone

Sellers Robert , Amin Amina , Patel Kajal , Garner Terence , Whatmore Andrew , Koledova Ekaterina , Murray Philip , Chatelain Pierre , Clayton Peter , Stevens Adam

Responsiveness to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment in Turner syndrome (TS) is highly variable. Previous research has characterised genetic variants associated with rhGH response but these only have a minor impact. The relationship of these genetic variants to the blood transcriptome is unknown. The aim of this analysis was to relate unsupervised baseline blood transcriptome and genetic data from TS patients to their phenotype, karyotype and responsiveness to r...

hrp0092lb-23 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2019

Long-Term Safety and Effectiveness of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone in Korean Pediatric Patients with Growth Disorders: 7-year Interim Analysis from LG Growth Study

Ah Lee Young , Chung Sochung , Rhie Young-Jun , Hyun Kim Jae , Chae Hyun-Wook , Yoo Jae-ho , Ho Choi Jin , Tae Hwang Il

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) (Eutropin® Inj.., Eutropin®Pen Inj., Eutropin®AQ Inj., and Eutropin®Plus Inj., LG Chem, Ltd.) based on the interim analysis of a 7-year accumulated data of the LG Growth Study (LGS) in Korean pediatric patients with growth disorders including growth hormone deficiency (GHD), T...

hrp0097p1-324 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

PROGRES, a multi-country, non-interventional, prospective study of patients receiving human growth hormone treatment under routine clinical care: Study update

Geffner Mitchell , Maniatis Aristides , Ibañez Lourdes , La Torre Daria , Huang Carol , Darendeliler Feyza , Dattani Mehul , Maghnie Mohamad , Phillip Moshe , Horikawa Reiko , Gomez Roy , Viswanathan Shilpa , Carlsson Martin , Wajnrajch Michael

Objectives: Children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) are usually treated with once-daily injections of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH). Somatrogon is a long-acting rhGH (LAGH) approved in the EU and other countries for once-weekly treatment of children with short stature. The Pfizer Registry of Outcomes in Growth hormone RESearch (PROGRES) study will assess the long-term safety and effectiveness of once-weekly somatrogon and once-daily rhGH prepar...

hrp0089p3-p262 | Growth & Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

Deletion of 12q12 Increases the Risk of Growth Retardation and Intellectual Disability

Weng Ying , Luo Xiaoping , Hou Ling

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays have been widely used to identify novel genomic imbalances. Many of these genomic imbalances have been confirmed to interact with developmental delays, intellectual disabilities and congenital defects. Here, we identified a Chinese girl with a 3.18 Mb deletion at 12q12 (human genome build 19: 43,418,911–46,601,627). Deletions at 12q12 are extremely rare chromosomal imbalances; only five cases involving a deletion of this type ha...

hrp0097s1.2 | DSD | ESPE2023

Studying neglected cell populations of the developing testis and their functions

Nef Serge

Gonadal sex determination represents a unique model for studying cell fate decisions. However, a complete understanding of the different cell lineages forming the developing testis and ovary remains elusive. The widespread adoption of advanced sequencing technologies, such as scRNA-seq, has provided the field of developmental biology with an opportunity to discover previously unrecognized cell types, such as short-lived progenitors or rare cell lineages. By combining single ce...

hrp0092fc1.2 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 1 | ESPE2019

Three New Genes (PTPRD, SYT9, and WSF1) Related to Korean Maturity-Onset Diabetes in the Young (MODY) Children Decrease Insulin Synthesis and Secretion in Human Pancreatic Beta Cells

Jang Kyung-Mi , Moon Jung-Eun , Lee Su-Jung , Lee Ji-Min , Ko Cheol-Woo

Background: MODY includes a very heterogenous group of monogenic diabetes mellitus characterized by beta-islet cell dysfuction. We previously reported 3 new gene mutations of PTPRD, SYT9 and WFS1 in Korean MODY children (Horm Res Paediatr,2015). We investigated whether the PTPRD, SYT9 and WFS1 mutation overexpression vectors affect insulin synthesis and secretion in human pancreatic beta cells.Materials & Methods: We...