hrp0086p2-p82 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

A Novel Mutation of HSD3beta2 Presenting as Hypospadias with Salt-wasting in a Male Infant

Buchanan C.R. , Kalitsi J. , Ghataore L. , Taylor N.F. , Clifford-Mobley O. , Rumsby G. , Kapoor R.R.

Background: HSD3B2 is a rare cause of autosomal recessive primary adrenal insufficiency, potentially associated with under virilisation of XY males and virilisation of XX females. We present a case of a male infant presenting at term with ambiguous genitalia (DSD) with underlying diagnosis confirmed biochemically and genetically with a novel mutation of HSD3beta2.Objective: Case report.Patients and methods: Baby was born as FTND wi...

hrp0086p1-p108 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Tolerability and Feasibility of Whole Body Vibration and its Effects on Muscle Function and Bone Health in Patients with Dystrophinopathy

Petryk Anna , Polgreen Lynda , Marsh Jamie , Lowe Dawn , Hodges James , Karachunski Peter

Background: Dystrophinopathies, including Duchenne (DMD) and Becker (BMD) muscular dystrophy, are X-linked muscle wasting disorders caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin deficiency compromises functional integrity of the muscle fibers leading to progressive weakness, accompanied by a gradual bone loss.Objective and hypotheses: This study’s goal was to evaluate the effect of whole body low magnitude vibration (WBLMV) on timed motor p...

hrp0086p1-p213 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

The Impact of Diet on Insulin Dynamics over a 2-Year Period in Children with a Family History of Obesity

Leclerc Lucas , Gray-Donald Katherine , Benedetti Andrea , Radji Sanyath , Henderson Melanie

Background: Despite extensive evidence in adults that lifestyle modification, including a healthy diet, may prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, studies examining the impact of chronic dietary exposures on insulin dynamics in at-risk children are lacking.Objective and hypotheses: To assess how dietary intake predicts insulin sensitivity and secretion over a 2-year period in children with a family history of obesity.Method: Data st...

hrp0086p1-p231 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

A Rare Form of Insulin Resistance with Pseudoacromegaly

Stone Stephen , Wambach Jennifer , Cole F. Sessions , Wegner Daniel , Urano Fumihiko

Background: Insulin resistance occurs in a variety of common endocrine disorders including obesity, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and metabolic syndrome. Additionally, rare syndromes exist that result in extreme insulin resistance. These conditions help contribute to our knowledge of the mechanisms of insulin signalling and resistance.Objective and hypotheses: We report a case of a 12 year old female presenting to endocrinology clinic for...

hrp0086p1-p252 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

Clinical Case of a 10-year-old Girl with Papillomatosis Due to Severe Insulin Resistance Type A

Orlova Elizaveta , Makazan Nadezhda , Kareva Maria , Mayorov Alexandr , Koksharova Ekaterina , Peterkova Valentina

Background: Severe insulin resistant (IR) type A is a rare inherited disorder characterized by glucose metabolism disturbances without obesity, acanthosis nigricans and hyperandrogenia due to INSR defects.Case report: A 10-year-old girl was admitted because of skin papillomatosis and hyperpigmentations since her 7 years. She had early puberty with pubarche at 8 years and telarche at 9 years. Examination revealed normal height and weight (SDS BMI...

hrp0086p1-p637 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Diagnosing GH Deficiency in Children by Arginine Hydrochloride Infusion Test: Relationship between Auxiological Characteristics, Arginine Plasma Profile and Arginine-Stimulated GH Release

Woelfle Joachim , Schreiner Felix , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Arginine HCl infusion is commonly used in the diagnostic workup of GH deficiency. There is a paucity of data whether obesity and/or short stature modulate arginine plasma concentration and associated arginine-stimulated GH secretion following a weight-based arginine infusion protocol.Objective and hypotheses: To study whether auxiological parameters modulate the arginine plasma concentration profile and associated GH secretion in children und...

hrp0086p2-p642 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

The Influence of Growth Hormone Treatment on the Basal Metabolism in Prepubertal Children with Kabuki Syndrome

Remmel Robin , Schott Dina , Gerver Willem-Jan , Stumpel Constance

Background: The influence of growth hormone (GH) on the metabolism of prepubertal children with Kabuki syndrome (KS) was never investigated before. Kabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare syndrome, which is mainly characterized by mental retardation, short stature, specific facial features, obesity and hypotonia. This syndrome caused by a mutation in the KMT2D or KDM6A gene.Objective and hypotheses: In this prospective study we investigated the ...

hrp0082p1-d2-2 | Adrenals & HP Axis | ESPE2014

Functional Characterization of a Novel Heterozygous Point Mutation in the Human Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Causing Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance

Nicolaides Nicolas C , Vlachakis Dimitris , Sertedaki Amalia , Kossida Sophia , Chrousos George P , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance (PGGR) or Chrousos syndrome is a rare familial or sporadic condition caused by mutations in the hGR gene, which reduce tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids. A new case of PGGR caused by a novel heterozygous point mutation in the hGR gene, which resulted in threonine (T) to isoleucine (I) substitution at amino acid position 556 in the ligand-binding domain of the receptor, was recently reported in a patient with an adre...

hrp0082p1-d1-139 | Growth | ESPE2014

Functional Characterization of Three Novel Mutations in the IGF1R Gene

Juanes Matias , Guercio Gabriela , Marino Roxana , Berensztein Esperanza , Ciaccio Marta , Gil Silvia , Rivarola Marco A , Belgorosky Alicia

Background: IGF1R gene mutations have been associated with varying degrees of intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, and microcephaly. We have previously reported three novel variants in the IGF1R gene: de novo p.Arg1256Ser, de novo p.Asn359Tyr and p.Tyr865Cys (ENDO 2013, OR20-2).Aim: To characterize the functional effects of the novel IGF1R gene allelic variants.Methods: In ...

hrp0082p2-d3-481 | Hypoglycaemia | ESPE2014

Presentation, Clinical and Genetic Outcomes in a Series of Infants With Congenital Hyperinsulinism

Carroll Aoife , Gibney Brian , McDonnell Ciara , Moloney Sinead , Monavari Ardeshir , Murphy Nuala

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare condition but a significant cause of recurrent hypoglycaemia in infancy and childhood. Prompt recognition and appropriate management is important to avoid long-term neurological sequelae.Objective and hypotheses: To describe the presentation, clinical and genetic outcomes in a series of infants with CHI.Method: Retrospective case series of 35 patients diagnosed with CHI between...