hrp0094p1-148 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads B | ESPE2021

Central precocious puberty and sleep patterns in COVID-19 outbreak

Umano Giuseppina Rosaria , Maddaluno Ivan , Riccio Simona , Lanzaro Francesca , Antignani Rachele , Festa Adalgisa , Luongo Caterina , Giudice Emanuele Miraglia Del , Grandone Anna ,

Background: epidemiological studies reported an increased incidence of central precocious puberty (CPP) during the last year compared to previous year. Confinement measures and consequent daily routine modifications applied to contain coronavirus infectious disease-19 (COVID-19) contagion have been proposed as a cause of this phenomenon. Our study aims in investigating changes in CPP rates in a tertiary paediatric endocrinology outpatient clinic of South Italy...

hrp0094p2-70 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Phenotype characterization of a PHEX intron mutation in an Italian family affected by X linked hypoposphatemic rickets.

Aiello Francesca , Schiano di Cola Roberta , Luongo Caterina , Maltoni Giulio , Cassio Alessandra , Festa Adalgisa , Pasquali Daniela , Del Giudice Emanuele Miraglia , Grandone Anna ,

Introduction: X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare hereditary condition caused by mutation in the gene encoding the phosphate-regulating endopeptidase homolog, X-linked (PHEX). It is characterized by altered phosphate homeostasis with persistent hypophosphatemia and hyperphosphaturia resulting in deficient skeletal mineralization, rickets, bone deformity, growth failure, dental problems, joint pain and impairment.Case Prese...

hrp0094p2-111 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Prevalence of skin reactions among pediatrics patients with Type 1 Diabetes users of glucose sensors.

German Angulo Paloma , Del Valle Ferreras Marcos , Cristina Lopez Menau Maria , Lopez Sanchez Belen , Luna Bastante Loreto , Remedios Mateo Laura , Corredor Andres Beatriz ,

Introduction: Glucose sensors are medical devices used in glycaemic control of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) . Its use prevents multiple capillary measurements, improving disease control and quality of life. However, these systems are not exempt from unforeseen events. The rise in the number of users has resulted in the increasing detection of local skin reactions by these devices, being the most frequent the eczematous ones, which may correspond to irri...

hrp0094p2-238 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2021

Analysis of Placental Steroidogenesis as a Cause of Recurrent Miscarriage

Suntharalingham Jenifer , Ishida Miho , Buonocore Federica , Valle Ignacio del , Solanky Nita , Demetriou Charalambos , Peskett Emma , Regan Lesley , Moore Gudrun , Achermann John ,

Background: Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is traditionally described as three or more consecutive pregnancy losses and remains a challenging condition, affecting 1-3% of couples trying to conceive. Although factors such as uterine abnormalities, maternal hypothyroidism and parental balanced translocations are associated with RM, in most situations the aetiology is unknown. The coexistence of RM and live births in many families suggests a potential association wit...

hrp0097rfc3.2 | Fat, metabolism and obesity 1 | ESPE2023

Reduced central sensitivity to thyroid hormones in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity and impaired glucose tolerance.

Corica Domenico , Di Bonito Procolo , Rosaria Licenziati Maria , Di Sessa Anna , Miraglia Del Giudice Emanuele , Felicia Faienza Maria , Calcaterra Valeria , Franco Francesca , Maltoni Giulio , Valerio Giuliana , Wasniewska Malgorzata

Background: Thyroid hormones (TH) play multiple effects on glucose metabolism. Some recent studies carried out in adult patients suggested an association between altered sensitivity to TH and type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. No studies are currently available on the presence of altered sensitivity to the action of TH in youths with prediabetes.Objective: To evaluate the relationship between sensitivity t...

hrp0097p1-43 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Our experience in neonatal diabetes mellitus: clinical and molecular characterisation

Salamanca Fresno Luis , Gomes Porras Mariana , Pozo Román Jesús , Del Pozo Ángela , Rodríguez Jiménez Carmen , González Casado Isabel , Campos Barros Ángel

Introduction: Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus (NDM) is characterised by severe hyperglycaemia, usually diagnosed in the first 6 months of life. Genetic diagnosis helps distinguishing between its different causes and between transient (TNDM) and permanent (PNDM) forms, with repercussions on the therapeutic approach and follow-up.Aim: Clinical and molecular characterisation of a series of NMD cases under endocrinological follow...

hrp0097p1-429 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Increased Incidence of New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children and Adolescents During Coronavirus Pandemic

Milioni Luciano Thais , Govêa Machado Gabriela , Peduti Hallah Oharomari Mariana , Antonini Sonir , Del Roio Liberatore Jr Raphael , Tereza Alves Sarti Mariana

Introduction: Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, an increase in cases of new-onset type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children and adolescents has been observed in many countries, including Brazil.Objectives and Methods: In this descriptive study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of new-onset T1DM and the frequency and severity of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in a referral Brazilian University Hospital, 38 months...

hrp0095p1-522 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Positive impact of the TuiTek® patient support programme on caregivers of patients receiving treatment for growth hormone deficiency in Argentina

Sordelli Micaela , Debicki Matías , Gonzalez Judit , María Sosa Ana , Hernán Cejas Leopoldo , Ginaca Romina , Jheeta Amrit , Malik Sumaira , Koledova Ekaterina , Assefi Aria

Background: Good adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) is crucial to achieve optimal growth outcomes in children with GH deficiency (GHD). Controlling factors that negatively impact adherence is difficult in clinical practice. In order to obtain a better understanding of caregiver behaviour, an Argentinian patient support programme (PSP) implemented TuiTek®, a personalised programme comprising behavioural change training, call guides...

hrp0095p2-144 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Growpati Study: Clinical and genetic characterization of a cohort of patients with short stature due to severe primary IGF1 deficiency

Stoupa Athanasia , Flechtner Isabelle , Viaud Magali , Pinto Graziella , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Gonzalez-Briceno Laura , Thalassinos Caroline , Amselem Serge , Legendre Marie , Netchine Irene , Brioude Frederic , Polak Michel

Background: Severe primary insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF1) deficiency (SPIGF1D) is a rare cause of short stature. Diagnosis is based on low basal IGF1 concentration, short stature, normal or elevated growth hormone concentrations and absence of any secondary causes of growth failure. Thanks to advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, genetic etiology of SPIGF1D is expanding.Objectives: • Identify th...

hrp0092p1-249 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (1) | ESPE2019

Use of Desmopressin for Bilateral Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling (BIPSS) in Pediatric Patients with Cushing Disease (CD)

Gil Silvia , Di Palma Isabel , Vaiani Elisa , Viterbo Gisela , Requejo Flavio , Ramos Javier Gonzalez , Lazzati Juan Manuel , Lubieniecki Fabiana , Rugilo Carlos , Ciaccio Marta

Introduction: BIPSS before and after desmopressin stimulation has been shown to be a useful tool for diagnosis of ACTH-dependent CD and negative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)or positive MRI but inconsistent biochemical data, in adult patients. However, little is known about its usefulness in pediatric population.Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of negative MRI, the sensitivity of BIPSS before and after desmopress...