hrp0097p2-163 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Taller in One Year: Early Intervention Emphasize of Growth Hormone Therapy in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency

Muradyan Irina , Tumasyan Dalar , Manvelyan Diana , Harutyunyan Nora , Aghajanova Elena , Navasardyan Lusine

Background: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a disorder affecting children's linear growth and leading to short stature without initiation of treatment with growth hormone (GH). Administration of GH has been shown to be safe and effective to increase children's final height in GHD. It is important to start the treatment as early as the GHD is diagnosed. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the growth velocity and height standard deviat...

hrp0097p2-16 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Clinical heterogeneity of Kabuki Syndrome in a cohort of pediatric Romanian patients

Manole Tiberiu , Radomir Lidia , Boboc Madalina , Procopiuc Camelia , Braha Elena , Gherlan Iuliana

Introduction: Kabuki Syndrome (KS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by dysmorphic facies, poor developmental growth, hypotonia, skeletal abnormalities, intellectual disability, as well as systemic malformations. The pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants of the KMT2D or KDM6A genes are responsible for about 70% of the cases, while the rest are diagnosed based on clinical features consistent with KS. This paper reviews the clinical features, genetic t...

hrp0097p2-314 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Evaluation of the usefulness of antymüllerian hormone and inhibin B as markers of ovarian reserve in girls with hyper- and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Latyshev Oleg , Kabolova Kseniya , Okminyan Goar , Kiseleva Elena , Romaykina Daria , Samsonova Lubov

Hypogonadism is represented by a hypo- and hypergonadotropic variant. Antymüllerian hormone (AMH) and inhibin B are used to assess ovarian reserve, but in pediatric practice their role has not been studied. The main interest is to conduct the study of ovarian reserve in hypogonadism among girls.Objective of the Research: To compare the content of inhibin B, AMH and estradiol in girls with hyper- and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism...

hrp0089p3-p214 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Two Siblings with Short Stature

V Sri Nagesh , Dauber Andrew , Kanithi Ravishankar , Dutta Deep , G Ram Kumar

2 siblings were referred for evaluation fo short stature and failure to thrive. Both were born of 3rd degree consanguinity, first and second in birth order. the first sibling was 2 1/2 year old at time of referral and had birthweight of 3.1 kg and had gross motor delay. Present height was 65 cm (SDS −6.2 S.D.)and weight was 6 kg (<3rd centile) Second sibling was 1.5 years old, with gross motor delay with height of 57 cm (SDS −6.5 S.D.</sma...

hrp0089p1-p214 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

In Silico and In vitro Studies of Human SRD5A2 Variants in Search for Activating Variants Explaining Androgen Excess Reveal Additional Loss of Function Variants

Katharopoulos Efstathios , Sauter Kay-Sara , Pandey Amit V , Fluck Christa E

Background: Androgens are steroid hormones necessary for human sex development. Testosterone (T) and the more potent dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are maybe the best known androgens, which exert their effect by binding and activating the androgen receptor. Steroid reductases 5α (SRD5As) catalyse the conversion of T to DHT in the classic androgen production pathway, or from 17-hydroxyprogesterone to 17OH-dihydroprogesterone, and androstenedione to androstanedione in alternate ...

hrp0086rfc4.2 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

Adipocytokines Delay Pubertal Maturation of Human Sertoli Cells

Wagner Isabel V. , Yango Pamela , Svechnikov Konstantin , Tran Nan D. , Soder Olle

Background: Obesity and metabolic syndrome related co-morbidities are increasingly recognized in children. Reproduction is an important target of obesity complications, including adverse effects on spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in males. Adipocytokines are key players in various complications of obesity.Objective and hypotheses: The aim was to study the potential effects of adipocytokines on Sertoli cell function and possibly link the findings to t...

hrp0086rfc4.6 | Pathophysiology of Obesity | ESPE2016

Adipose Tissue – A Source of Hyperandrogenism in Obese Females?

Wagner Isabel V. , Sahlin Lena , Savchuk Iuliia , Svechnikov Konstantin , Soder Olle

Background: Obesity in females is often associated with metabolic complications and hyperandrogenism. However, the source of androgens is not entirely clear.Objectives and hypotheses: Our objective was to find out if adipose tissue (AT) is a site of steroid production during childhood and adolescence, and if this source could add to hyperandrogenism in obese females.Methods: Parametrial and inguinal adipose tissue was collected and...

hrp0082p1-d3-51 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Bone Geometry, Volumetric Density, Microarchitecture and Estimated Bone Strength Assessed by HR-pQCT in Adult Patients with Hypophosphatemic Rickets

Shanbhogue Vikram v. , Hansen Stinus , Folkestad Lars , Brixen Kim , Beck-Nielsen Signe Sparre

Background: Hypophosphatemic rickets (HR) are rare, inheritable disorders caused by excessive renal phosphate wasting. Despite a generalized mineralization defect, patients with HR are reported with a lower risk of fracture.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bone -geometry, -microarchitecture and volumetric BMD (vBMD) on the estimated bone strength in adult patients with HR using high-resolution peripheral quant...

hrp0082p2-d3-611 | Turner Syndrome | ESPE2014

Epidemiology of Turner Syndrome in Iceland 1968–2012

Sigmarsdottir Arndis Audur , Johannsson Johann Heidar , Sigurjonsdottir Helga Agusta , Thorsson Arni V

Introduction: Turner syndrome (TS) is a common genetic disorders with an estimated range of occuring in 25–210 per 100 000 liveborn females. In Denmark the prevalence of TS has been found to be 40 per 100 000 liveborn females. Our aim was to study the epidemiology of TS in Iceland for the period of 1968–2012.Methods: Primary source of data were hospital records and records from all pediatric endocrinologists in Iceland. To validate the data the...

hrp0084p2-262 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Factitious Administration of Analogue Insulin to a 2-Years-Old Child

Thanawala Nehal , Cheney Sarah , Wark Gwen , Thevis Mario , Thomas A , Tziaferi V , Greening James

Background: Hypoglycaemia precipitated by factitious insulin administration presents in a very similar way to hypoglycaemia caused by hyperinsulinism. It is difficult to ascertain clinically if the hypoglycaemia is secondary to exogenous administration or endogenous insulin secretion. Diagnosis is based on circumstantial evidence and biochemical tests which include insulin and C-peptide level.Objective and hypotheses: We would like to report a case of a ...