hrp0094p2-377 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Use of Tolvaptan in a child with SIADH post pituitary surgery

Lohiya Nikhil , Didi Mohamed , Senniappan Senthil ,

Introduction: Post-operative management of fluid and electrolyte imbalance after surgery for pituitary or suprasellar tumors could be challenging. Post-operative course could include diabetes insipidus (DI) (transient or permanent) or a classical triphasic response (initial phase of DI followed by a second phase of transient SIADH and third and final phase of permanent DI). Mainstay of management of SIADH in these patients involves fluid restriction. At times,...

hrp0082p3-d3-837 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

GH Treatment in Dent’s Disease: a Case Report

Falcone Simona , Guidoni Elisa , Municchi Giovanna , Cioni Maddalena

Background: Dent’s disease is an X-linked recessive proximal tubulopathy characterized by low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and progressive renal failure. Growth retardation, due to resistance to GH action is a feature commonly associated with Dent’s disease.Case report: We describe a boy diagnosed with Dent disease, treated with recombinant human GH. He was initially referred at 6 years of age...

hrp0084p3-978 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

GH Therapy in Lery-Weill Syndrome: Report of Three Cases

Guidoni Elisa , Franceschini Michela , Mucaria Cristina , Scarinci Renato , Municchi Giovanna

Background: SHOX deficiency is a frequent cause of short stature. GH therapy has been approved for growth promotion in individuals with SHOX mutations by FDA and EMEA.Case report: Three patients with Leri-Weill syndrome (LWS) started GH therapy at different chronological ages (CA). Patient 1 started GH+LHRHa at the CA of 13.4 years, height 148.4 cm (−1.5 S.D.), Tanner stage 4, bone age (BA) 13 years. Target height (TH) 160.5 cm (&#87...

hrp0084p3-1163 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Pubertal Development Anticipation

Guidoni Elisa , Franceschini Michela , Mucaria Cristina , Scarinci Renato , Municchi Giovanna

Background: Pubertal timing is influenced by a complex interaction among genetic, nutritional, environmental and socioeconomic factors. Over the past 30 years a trend in pubertal timing anticipation has been demonstrated. Environmental factors involved in this phenomenon are mainly represented by endocrine disruptors compounds (EDCs), such as pesticides, industrial compounds and persistent organic pollutants, estrogens and phytoestrogens.Objective and hy...

hrp0082p3-d3-916 | Pituitary (1) | ESPE2014

Polyuria Syndrome Associated with Visual Disorders in Children: Discuss at First Craniopharyngioma, the Primary Polydypsia is an Exclusion Diagnosis

Yacine Rahem , Merouane Belacel , Samia Achir

Background: True diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disease in children, defined as the excretion of hypotonic urine and polydypsia, secondary to an absolute or relative deficiency of antidiuretic hormone arginine vasopressin (central DI) or a resistance to the action of this hormone (nephrogenic DI). To differentiate from primary polydypsia.Objective and hypotheses: We report the case of AM a 13 years old girl, with personal history of cholecystectomy at...

hrp0084p3-1122 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Case Series; Central Diabetes Insipidus Presenting to a District General Hospital

Keelty Gemma , Weerasinghe Kamal , Gregory John

Background: In a paediatric setting polydipsia can be a commonly reported symptom which is usually innocent and habitual in nature. Diabetes Insipidus is a rare cause of pathological polydipsia. A high index of suspicion must be used in patients who exhibit other symptoms alongside polydipsia and investigations considered.Case presentation: We present three patients who have presented to a district general hospital within a short period of time with subs...

hrp0097p2-146 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Some descriptive characteristics of hypopituitarism in children and adolescents in Armenia

Navasardyan Lusine , Zohrabyan Naira , Hakobyan Sona , Manvelyan Diana , Markosyan Renata , Bayburdyan Gayane , Arakelyan Lusine , Kalantaryan Lusine , Aghajanova Elena

Background: Hypopituitarism is a rare condition characterized by the insufficiency of 2 and more hormones produced by anterior pituitary gland. The major causes of hypopituitarism are brain tumors located near or in the pituitary gland and/or hypothalamus, cranial radiation, chemo- or surgical therapy, cranial traumas, neuroinfections, autoimmune hypophysitis (immune-mediated inflammation of pituitary gland) etc. Brain tumors are the second most frequent type ...

hrp0084p2-530 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus with Partial Response to Ddavp Caused by a Novel AVPR2 Splice Site Mutation

Schernthaner-Reiter Marie Helene , Adams David , Nilsson Ola , Trivellin Giampaolo , Ramnitz Mary Scott , Raygada Margarita , Golas Gretchen , Faucz Fabio R. , Dileepan Kavitha , Lodish Maya B. , Lee Paul R. , Markello Thomas C. , Tifft Cynthia J. , Gahl William A. , Stratakis Constantine A.

Background: Congenital diabetes insipidus (DI) can be due to mutations in the arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene (familial neurohypophyseal DI), the AVP receptor type 2 (AVPR2) or aquaporin 2 (AQP2) genes (congenital nephrogenic DI, NDI). The clinical manifestation of congenital NDI, especially the response to AVP, can vary greatly depending on the functional effect of the AVPR2 mutation. Here we present two male siblings with NDI and partial response to ddAVP.<p class="abste...

hrp0092p1-300 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (2) | ESPE2019

Growth Trajectory and Final Height in Children with Non Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Wasniewska Malgorzata , Morabito Letteria Anna , Baronio Federico , Einaudi Silvia , Salerno Maria Carolina , Bizzarri Carla , Russo Gianni , Chiarito Mariangela , Grandone Anna , Guazzarotti Laura , Spinuzza Antonietta , Di Carlo Silvia , Ortolano Rita , Balsamo Antonio , Abrigo Enrica , Ferroli Barbara Baldini , Alibrandi Angela , Capalbo Donatella , Faienza Maria Felicia

Background: Subjects with non classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH) often present an increased growth velocity secondary to elevation of adrenal androgens that promote early bone maturation and compromise final height (FH). The aim of the study was to analyze prognostic factors affecting growth trajectory and FH in children with NCCAH.Design: retrospective, multicentric studyStud...

hrp0092p1-401 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

Management and Treatment Outcome of Childhood-Onset Craniopharyngioma (CP) in Italy: Multicentre Collection of 117 Cases

Zucchini Stefano , Fantini Jacopo , Mazzatenta Diego , Pozzobon Gabriella , Partenope Cristina , Pedicelli Stefania , Ubertini Graziamaria , Parpagnoli Maria , Genitori Lorenzo , Menardi Rachele , Driul Daniela , Matarazzo Patrizia , Tuli Gerdi , Guzzetti Chiara , Iughetti Lorenzo , Aversa Tommaso , Di Mase Raffaella , Rutigliano Irene , Iezzi Maria Laura , Cherubini Valentino , Grandone Anna , Cassio Alessandra

In Italy, treatment of children with CP is not centralized. We collected data of 117 patients (pts) (M/F 56/41) with CP diagnosed after 01/01/2000, followed-up in 14 centres of paediatric endocrinology belonging to the I.S.P.E.D. Five centres provided data on more than 10 pts (range 12-19), while the remaining on 1-9. 46 pts were diagnosed between 2000-2010 and 71 afterwards. Follow-up was 7.5±4.1 yrs.Results. Histology was adamanti...