hrp0084p2-257 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Developing a Targeted, Mobile-Health Technology (E-Book) to Promote Self-Care During Diabetes Transition

Dwyer Andrew , Unal Samaita , Emmanouilidis Severine , Aquarone-Vaucher Marie-Paule , Pichard Silvia , Gyuriga Teresa , Korpes Joelle , Jornayvaz Francois , Gonzalez-Rodriguez Elena , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Stoppa Sophie , Zanchi-Delacretaz Anne , Puder Jardena , Amati Francesca , Bouthors Therese , Phan-Hug Franziska , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: For young adults with type 1 diabetes, transition from a paediatric setting to an adult care setting is a vulnerable period with risks for gaps in care. These emerging adults need to develop skills for managing their diabetes yet it is often challenging to cover all anticipatory guidance topics related to type 1 diabetes. In the context of a structured transition clinic, we hypothesized that by leveraging teens’ facility with technology and marketing/design we...

hrp0089p1-p196 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P1 | ESPE2018

Endocrine Follow-up of Children with a History of Brain Tumour: Data from Our Large Cohort at Necker University Hospital, Paris, 2010–2015

Briceno Laura Gabriela Gonzalez , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Beltrand Jacques , Grill Jacques , Puget Stephanie , Dufour Christelle , Sainte-Rose Christian , Alapetite Claire , Pinto Graziella , Touraine Philippe , Valteau-Couant Dominique , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Aerts Isabelle , Beccaria Kevin , Bourgeois Marie , Roujeau Thomas , Blauwblomme Thomas , Rocco Federico Di , Thalassinos Caroline , Zerah Michel , Pauwels Christian , Brugieres Laurence , James Syril , Busiah Kanetee , Simon Albane , Bourdeaut Franck , Bolle Stephanie , Fresneau Brice , Michon Jean , Orbach Daniel , Guerrini-Rousseau Lea , Doz Francois , Polak Michel

Background: Brain tumours are the most frequent solid tumours during childhood. Many of these patients develop endocrine disorders.Objective: To describe our cohort of patients with primary brain tumours, followed in the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit at Hôpital Universitaire Necker–Enfants Malades, Paris, France between 2010–2015, to assess current practice and propose recommendations.Methods: Retrospective a...

hrp0094p1-185 | Pituitary B | ESPE2021

Puberty and pituitary-gonadal axis function after treatment for a childhood brain tumor

Rosimont Manon , Kariyawasam Dulanjalee , Samara-Boustani Dinane , Giani Elisa , Beltrand Jacques , Bolle Stephanie , Fresneau Brice , Puget Stephanie , Sainte-Rose Christian , Alapetite Claire , Pinto Graziella , Piketty Marie-Liesse , Brabant Severine , Abbou Samuel , Aerts Isabelle , Beccaria Kevin , Bourgeois Marie , Roujeau Thomas , Blauwblomme Thomas , Di Rocco Frederico , Thalassinos Caroline , Zerah Michel , Pauwels Christian , Rigaud Charlotte , James Syril , Busiah Kanetee , Simon Albanne , Bourdeaut Franck , Lemelle Lauriane , Guerrini-Rousseau Lea , Orbach Daniel , Touraine Philippe , Doz Francois , Dufour Christelle , Grill Jacques , Polak Michel , G. Gonzalez Briceno Laura ,

Introduction: Primary brain tumors are the second most common childhood malignancies, with an increasing survival rate over the years. Late effects on puberty and fertility alter survivors’ quality of life.Methods: We included 204 patients diagnosed with a primary brain tumor before 18 years, followed in pediatric endocrinology at the University Hospital “Necker-Enfants Malades” in Paris between January 20...

hrp0092p1-15 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

The Overweight and Obesity Decrease the Growth Potential in Mexican Children and Adolescents

Miranda-Lora América Liliana , Espinosa-Espíndola Montserrat , López-González Desireé , Loyo Mariana-Sánchez-Curiel , Dies Pilar , Klünder-Klünder Miguel

Background: The bone age (BA) assess the skeletal maturity and determine the children linear growth. Mexican children have a slightly delay in skeletal maturity before 10 years, but they reach in mean a BA 1 year in advance at the end of the puberty. On the other hand, Mexico has a high prevalence of childhood obesity and the adiposity has been associated with the BA advance in other populations. For the above, the overweight and obesity could be impact in the...

hrp0095fc6.3 | Sex Development and Gonads | ESPE2022

Gonadal morphology in 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis: I-DSD Registry-based study

Tadokoro-Cuccaro Rieko , Hughes Ieuan , Cools Martine , van de Vijver Koen , Bilharinho de Mendonça Berenice , Domenice Sorahia , L Batista Rafael , Thomazini Dallago Renata , Lisboa Gomes Nathalia , Costa Elaine F. , Maciel-Guerra Andréa T. , Guerra-Junior Gil , Gabriel Ribeiro de Andrade Juliana , Lucas-Herald Angela , Bryce Jillian , Hannema Sabine , Juul Anders , Globa Eugenia , MсElreavey Kenneth , Baronio Federico , Lopez Dacal Jimena , Darendeliler Feyza , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Kolesińska Zofia , Niedziela Marek , Claahsen – van der Grinten Hedi L. , van den Akke Erica L.T. , Herrmann Gloria , Atapattu Navoda , Jain Vandana , Sharma Rajni , Bettendorf Markus , Konrad Daniel , Martin Holterhus Paul , Fica Simona , Skae Mars , Russo Gianni , Rita Stancampiano Marianna , Gazdagh Gabriella , H Davies Justin , Mohamed Zainaba , Nimali Seneviratne Sumudu , Guran Tulay , GÜVEN Ayla , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Mladenov Vilhelm , Verkauskas Gilvydas , Markosyan Renata , Korbonits Marta , Faisal Ahmed S , Hiort Olaf , Wagner Isabel , Thankamony Ajay

Background/Aims: 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis (GD) is classified as complete (CGD) or partial (PGD) depending on gonadal morphology and function. In contrast to the typical female external genitalia in CGD, the phenotype of PGD is variable depending on androgen production. A diagnosis of PGD is based on clinical/biochemical features, gonadal histology and genetic findings. The aim of this study is to characterise these features, particularly histological, in a lar...

hrp0092p1-411 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (2) | ESPE2019

Gender Decision in Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Patients: 20 Years' Experience

Gürbüz Fatih , Alkan Murat , Celik Gonca , Bisgin Atil , Cekin Necmi , Kemal Topaloglu Ali , Zorludemir Unal , Avci Ayse , Yuksel Bilgin

Gender uncertainty is stressful condition for children and their families. Gender assignment in children with disorder of sex development (DSD) is considered as a medical emergency. Influencing factors to consider when debating gender assignment include medical diagnosis, external genital appearance, potential of fertility and sexual, therapeutic and/or surgical intervention options, views and desires of patients and families, situation of social-cultural factors, the psycholo...

hrp0086wg5.6 | ESPE Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Working Group | ESPE2016

Prescribing Software for the Treatment of Diabetes

Phillip Moshe

Management of Type1 diabetes is a challenge for both patients and health-care providers. The majority of patients worldwide are not reaching the desired glycemic control. Barriers to good control include risk of hypoglycemia, glucose monitoring limitations, technologies of insulin administration, scarceness of diabetes experts their limited time required in order to give the appropriate level of personalized treatment and supervision during patients’ visits. Other reasons...

hrp0084p3-965 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Effect of Human Growth Hormone on Growth Rate of Short Stature Children with Low Birth Weight

Saffari Fatemeh , Hassani Hoda , Esmailzadehha Neda , Javadi Amir

Background: If children with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) are stunt after birth, they will not have the desired height. Short stature is not fatal but affects personality and social and physical development of children.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of human GH on growth rate of short stature children with history of low birth weight.Method: This study was conducted on 148 chil...

hrp0089s1.2 | Recent developments in the understanding of Hypothalamo-pituitary disorders | ESPE2018

Stem Cells in the Pituitary: A Role for Regeneration?

Rizzoti Karine

During morphogenesis, embryonic progenitors proliferate, differentiate and establish the shape of the future organs and tissues. In the mature organism, a certain degree of plasticity and potential for regeneration is retained as most organs maintain a population of adult stem cells sharing important similarities with embryonic progenitors; they are characterized by the ability to both self-renew and differentiate into the full range of the specialized cell types corresponding...

hrp0086p1-p343 | Gonads & DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Evolution of Bone Mass and Body Composition in Gender Dysphoric Adolescents Treated with Progestins to Suppress Endogenous Hormones

Tack Lloyd , Craen Margarita , Lapauw Bruno , Goemaere Stefan , Toye Kaatje , Kaufman Jean-Marc , Vandewalle Sara , Zmierczak Hans-Georg , Cools Martine

Background: In gender dysphoric (GD) adolescents with advanced pubertal development, psychological relief can be attained with progestins, which are much cheaper and easier to administer than GnRHa. Moreover, use of GnRHa has been shown to interfere with pubertal bone mass accrual. To date, few data exist on the effects of progestins on body composition (BC) and bone parameters in this population.Objective and hypotheses: To explore the effects of pro- a...