hrp0086p2-p160 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Fractures in Children with Type 1 Diabetes are Associated with Poorer Bone Mineral Status and Glycaemic Control

Chen Suet Ching , Shepherd Sheila , McMillan Martin , McNeilly Jane D , Robertson Kenneth J , Wong Sze Choong , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is associated with increased fracture risk.Aim: Understand the association between glycaemic control and bone health in children with T1D.Method: Children (n, 32) with T1D and a median (range) age of 13.7 years (10.4,16.4), were recruited to study bone mineral content (TB & LS) and body composition by DXA. All data were corrected for size. Vitamin D, Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and...

hrp0089p1-p183 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Carriers of IGF1-receptor Mutations As A Subgroup of SGA Patients: A Comprehensive Retrospective Comparison of Response to rhGH Treatment and Health Profile

Gopel Eric , Klammt Jurgen , Rockstroh Denise , Pfaffle Heike , Schlicke Marina , Bechtold-Dalla Pozza Susanne , Gannage-Yared Marie-Helene , Gucev Zoran , Mohn Angelika , Harmel Eva-Maria , Volkmann Julia , Bogatsch Holger , Beger Christoph , Gausche Ruth , Weihrauch-Bluher Susann , Pfaffle Roland

Objective: IGF-1 receptor mutations (IGF1RM) are a rare abnormality; however, affected patients exhibit severe postnatal growth retardations without catch-up growth. Although several cases of IGF1RM have been described, a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the potential benefit of rhGH treatment is still missing. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate baseline auxology, response to rhGH therapy and potential metabolic effects in patients with IGF1RM in compari...

hrp0092p2-46 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Seasonal 25-hydroxy Vitamin D3 Variations in School-aged Children from Santiago de Chile

Poggi Helena , Dominguez Gonzalo , Monica Arancibia , Moore Rosario , D'Apremont Ivonne , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Sifaqui Sofia , Garcia Hernan , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro

Introduction: The main role of Vitamin D (VitD) is the regulation of calcium, which is also regulated by the parathyroid hormone (PTH), and phosphate metabolism. The main source of the more biologically active 25-hydroxy-Vitamin D3 (25OHVitD3) comes from the action of ultraviolet light on the skin.Aim: To determine if there are differences in concentrations of 25OHVitD3, calcium and PTH in school-aged children throughout...

hrp0089p1-p035 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Long-term Outcomes of Osteogenesis Imperfecta in the Bisphosphonate Era

Feehan Andrew , Zacharin Margaret , Lim Angelina , Simm Peter

Background: Bisphosphonates have been used for treatment of bone fragility disorders for over 25 years to increase bone mineral density (BMD). Anecdotally, bisphosphonate-treated Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) has a different trajectory to the natural history of untreated OI, with minimal published evidence to support this clinical observation.Aims: To describe functional outcomes of a cohort of adults with OI, stratified according to severity and treated ...

hrp0092p1-308 | Diabetes and Insulin (2) | ESPE2019

ABCC8 MODY in an Obese Adolescent Misdiagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Filibeli Berna Eroglu , Çatli Gönül , Manyas Hayrullah , Ayranci Ilkay , Kaya Özge Özer , Dündar Bumin

Introduction: An activating mutations in the ABCC8 gene cause both transient and permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (DM) or MODY 12. In relation to the variant in the ABCC8 gene, patients may also present with either neonatal hyperinsulinism and/or DM later in life. Besides, the same variant can cause different phenotypic features among family members. Response to the sulfonylurea treatment may vary between patients.<...

hrp0097fc10.1 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) &amp; Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

Dasiglucagon safety in paediatric participants with CHI

Meissner Thomas , D. De León Diva , Thornton Paul , Zangen David , Mohnike Klaus , Andersen Marie , Bøge Eva , Birch Sune , Ivkovic Jelena , Banerjee Indi

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare disorder, which causes persistent and severe hypoglycaemia in infants and children. CHI can be treated with glucagon, but long-term use is challenging owing to its instability in aqueous solution. Dasiglucagon, a stable glucagon analogue designed for long-term use as a subcutaneous continuous infusion, is in clinical development. Here, we present dasiglucagon safety results in participants treated for up t...

hrp0095p2-95 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Compliance and drop-out in children and adolescents with essential obesity

Ferraloro Chiara , Casto Celeste , Corica Domenico , Pepe Giorgia , Valenzise Mariella , Francesca Messina Maria , Arena Giada , Aversa Tommaso , Wasniewska Malgorzata

Introduction: Pediatric obesity is associated with an increased risk of serious long-term complications. Therapeutic failure is influenced by several factors, such as the high dropout rate. A retrospective study was conducted on a cohort of children and adolescents with essential obesity, in order to evalute (1)the average duration of a correct follow-up and the percentage of weight loss at the end of it, (2)the rate of drop-out, researching related factors.</...

hrp0092p2-172 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Differences of Efficiency of Treatment of Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency and Panhypopituitarism in Children in Real Clinical Practice

Rudkova Ekaterina , Grisuk Ivan , Solntseva Angelica

Introduction: Deficiency of growth hormone (GH) in children is manifested by pronounced stunting (below -2 sigmal abnormalities (SD)). Frequency of occurrence varies from 1:4000 to 1:10000 newborns.Objective: To assess the effectiveness of treatment by comparing the dynamics of growth of children with isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) and of children with panhypopituitarism (PHP).Ma...

hrp0089p3-p182 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Dumping Syndrome in a Neonate with Esophagical Atresia Surgery

Gonzalez Angelica , Jaramillo Carolina , Espejo Jennyfer Monroy

Introduction: Dumping Syndrome (DS) has been recognized as a major complication of Nissen fundoplication in young children. Althougth other causes have been recognized. We describe a children with esophageal atresia who presented with late DS caused by a surgical complication, Dumping and Horner syndrome were diagnosticated after his surgery.Case description: A male newborn with prenatal diagnosis of right Aortic Arch was born by vaginal delivery, radiol...

hrp0095p1-525 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Growth Hormone IGF-1 axis and treatment with Growth Hormone in PGM1 deficiency

Auerbach Adi , H Korman Stanley , Jaron Ranit , Peled Segel Reeval , D Wexler Isaiah , Avraham Zehavi , Claire King Mary , Rosenfeld Nuphar , Levy-Lahad Ephrat , Abu-Libdeh Abdulsalam , H Zangen David , Levy- Khademi Floris

Background: Phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM-1) deficiency is a congenital disorder of glycosylation caused by an impairment of glucose-1-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate interconversion.The clinical phenotype of PGM1 deficiency is variable and includes several endocrine manifestations such as recurrent hypoglycemia and short stature, which may be associated with the decreased levels of growth hormone (GH), insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF1) ...