hrp0089p2-p179 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Body Composition Parameters, Systemic Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome Manifestations in Children and Adolescents

Christaki Eirini , Pervanidou Panagiota , Bastaki Despoina , Valavani Eleni , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Boschiero Dario , George Chrousos

Introduction: Increased adiposity has been associated with smoldering systemic inflammation and metabolic syndrome manifestations, leading to further morbidity by increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease in adults. Similar analyses have not been performed systematically in children and adolescents.Hypothesis: This study investigates the interrelations between body composition parameters and indices of inflammation and m...

hrp0089p3-p176 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Axillary Temperature Relation to Blood Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in the Not-life-Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Preterm Birth

Terzi Cesare , Blum Werner F. , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Bernasconi Sergio , Angelis Gian Luigi De , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Introduction: Preterm delivery may comport blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IG1) decrements and lower body temperature during the first days of postnatal life of the human newborn (NWB). We evaluated the role of preterm delivery in associations between axillary temperature (TEMP) and IG1 in NWBs without life-threatening disease.Methods: NWBs with any among total parenteral nutrition, blood transfusion, therapeutic hypothermia, life-threatening d...

hrp0089p1-p208 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P1 | ESPE2018

Testicular Development and Puberty in Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Results From the ScOT-DMD Study

Denker M , Joseph S , DiMarco M , Dunne J , Horrocks I , Ahmed SF , Wong SC

Introduction: Delayed or absent puberty is thought to be common in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).Objective: To evaluate testicular development, function and puberty in DMD in a 12 months prospective longitudinal study.Methods: Thirty-four boys had assessment of puberty and testes volume by a single endocrinologist. Testes volumes were converted to Z-scores adjusted for bone age. Boys were divided into group A [Baselin...

hrp0086p1-p1 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Leptin is Associated with Serum Aldosterone in Paediatric Subjects, Independently of Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure and Plasma Renin Activity

Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro , Campino Carmen , Baudrand Rene , Carvajal Cristian , Grob Francisca , Garcia Hernan , Bancalari Rodrigo , Loureiro Carolina , Mendoza Carolina , Arancibia Monica , Vecchiola Andrea , Tapia Alejandra , Valdivia Carolina , Fuentes Cristobal , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Fardella Carlos

Background: Leptin is considered to play an important role in the development of hypertension in obesity. The excessive synthesis of aldosterone contributes to the development and progression of metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunctions. Leptin is a newly described regulator of aldosterone synthesis that acts directly on adrenal glomerulosa cells to increase CYP11B2 expression and enhance aldosterone production in human adrenal cells lines and in animal models.<p class="ab...

hrp0086p1-p140 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Bone Mass and Vitamin D Status in Children and Adolescents with Generalized Epidermolysis Bullosa

Claudio Castro Luiz , Nobrega Yanna , Gandolfi Lenora , Pratesi Riccardo

Background: Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) comprises a cluster of genetic disorders characterized by blistering of skin and mucosae following minimal mechanical traumas. Severely affected individuals have high risk of extracutaneous complications, including chronic undernourishment and low bone mass.Objective and hypotheses: The aims of this study were to assess the areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and vitamin D status of children and adolescents ...

hrp0086p2-p156 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Physical Exercise Level is Associated to Peak Bone Mass in Undergraduate Students

Vargas Deisi Maria , Dominoni Robson Luiz , Nunes Carlos Roberto Oliveira , Sousa Clovis Arlindo

Background: Promotion of high pick bone mass is one of the strategies to prevent osteoporosis in adult life. Undergraduate students are still in the age group of mineral acquisition and, therefore, their lifestyle may influence this process. Physical exercise is an important lifestyle characteristic for optimize peak bone mass (PBM).Objective: To evaluate bone mass in undergraduate students with different lifestyle.Methods: Observa...

hrp0086p2-p497 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2016

Cardiometabolic Effect of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Reduction in Obese Children

Galhardo Julia , Diamantino Catarina , Alonso Anabela , Lopes Lurdes

Background: The excessive consumption of sucrose, primarily used in sweetened beverages, has been considered an important inducer of cardiometabolic diseases. Besides the association between metabolic syndrome and fructose found in animal models, literature is lacking prospective studies in humans, especially in paediatric ages.Objective and hypotheses: We assessed the effect of sugar-sweetened beverages reduction on markers of metabolic syndrome in obes...

hrp0086p1-p733 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

The Influences of Circulating Leptin, Kisspeptin, and Neurokinin B Levels to Precocious Puberty in Obese Girls

Kang Min Jae , Kim Eun Young , Oh Yeon Joung , Baek Joon Woo , Yang Seung , Hwang Il Tae

Background: Leptin has a major role in the metabolic gating of pubertal maturation. Kisspeptin is an essential gatekeeper of puberty. Neurokinin B (NK B) is not widely known in the precocious puberty (PP) but it is coexpressed with kisspeptin in the arcuate nucleus and synchronizes the pulsatile secretion of kisspeptin.Objective and hypotheses: Leptin, kisspeptin, and NK B are influenced by energy balance and metabolic status has a clear impact on the ti...

hrp0082p2-d1-286 | Bone | ESPE2014

Musculoskeletal Health in Children with Crohn’s Disease at Diagnosis: Dynamic Muscle Function, Tibia Cortical and Trabecular Bone Density and Vertebral Fracture Prevalence

Ward Leanne M , Rauch Frank , Ma Jinhui , Scharke Maya , Cosgrove Heather , Matzinger Mary Ann , Shenouda Nazih , Benchimol Eric I , Mack David R

Background: The bone mass deficit in pediatric Crohn’s disease (CD) is associated with low total body lean mass and suppression of bone turnover.Objective and hypotheses: We examined at diagnosis whether the sarcopenia is associated with leg muscle hypofunction, changes in tibia muscle–bone indices as well as overt bone strength loss (vertebral fractures, VF).Method: 70% children with CD were studied within 2 weeks of dia...

hrp0082p2-d2-304 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Age-and Gender-Specific Reference Values of Bone Mineral Density in Korean Adolescents and Young Adults

Hye Kim Shin , Jung Park Mi , Hee Kim Duk

Background: Low bone mass during growth may increase risk of fracture. Adequate reference data for bone mineral density (BMD) are needed to identify adolescents with bone deficit.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to provide normative values and reference curves for BMD in Korean adolescents and young adults.Method: Using the data from Korean Nutrition Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) in 2008–2011, a total of ...