hrp0082p3-d1-621 | Adrenals & HP Axis | ESPE2014

The Effect of Working in a Children’s Hospital on Urinary Catecholamine Excretion Rates in Male and Female Physicians

Boettcher Claudia , Peitzsch Mirko , Eisenhofer Graeme , Wudy Stefan A

Background: Working as a physician is accompanied by emotional and physical stress.Objective and hypotheses: Our study aimed to investigate the effect of working day and night in a children’s hospital on catecholamine excretion as a marker for acute stress and to work out possible gender differences.Methods: 22 paediatricians (ten females, 12 males) aged 27–41 years collected four 12-h urine samples: two during a 24 h-shi...

hrp0084p2-444 | Gonads | ESPE2015

An Unusual Cause of Primary Amenorrhoea Suggested by the Urine Steroid Profile

Fuentes-Bolanos Noemi Auxiliadora , Taylor Norman , Wei Christina

Background: The optimal timing and appropriate first-line investigations for delayed menarche in an otherwise well teenager with fully developed secondary sexual characteristics is debatable.Case presentation: A 15 year-old female presented with parental concerns of cliteromegaly. Facial acne and primary amenorrhoea were also noted. Pubic hair development started at age 10 years and breast development age 12 years. Family history revealed delayed menarch...

hrp0084p3-693 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Blood vs Urine Ketone Monitoring in a Pediatric Cohort of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: a Crossover Study

Goffinet Line , Barrea Thierry , Vandooren Valerie , Lysy Philippe

Background: Diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) is the most severe complication in type 1 diabetes (T1D) but patient education and ketone monitoring may help decrease its frequency. However, the influence on glucose homeostasis of systematic ketone monitoring and of the nature of monitoring (urine vs blood) is unclear.Objective and hypotheses: To determine whether the use of blood ketone monitoring, as compared to urine ketone testing, decreases the duration of ...

hrp0084p3-907 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Correlation Study on Childhood Obesity, Insulin Resistance and Androgens

Xiong Feng , Zhang Yu-Qing , Ding Xiao-Yan , Wang Dong-Gang , Zhu Min

Background: Adolescent hyperandrogenemia is prophase of polycystic ovary syndrome. Obesity is one important cause of hyperandrogenemia. Whether hyperandrogenemia has happened in obese children is need to explore.Aims and objectives: To investigate the levels of insulin and androgens in obese children, analysis the correlation between insulin resistance and androgens, and comparison on the differences of androgens levels between obese boys and girls, and ...

hrp0084p3-1144 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Central Precocious Puberty in Cerebral Palsy

Bruzzi Patrizia , Messina Maria Francesca , Bartoli Alessandra , Lucaccioni Laura , Predieri Barbara , De Luca Filippo , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: Children affected by cerebral palsy (CP) could experience central precocious puberty (CPP) 20 times more than general population. Nevertheless, the treatment is challenging.Objective and hypotheses: To compare CPP features and the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy (GnRHa) in children with CP and in controls.Method: The study involved 16 children with CPP and CP (median age (range) at diagnosis of...

hrp0097p2-215 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Pseudocushing. an exceptional patology in pediatrics

Vela Amaya , Grau Gema , Bermejo Marta , Miguel Vazquez , Garrido Marta , Rica Itxaso

Introduction: PseudoCushing is an unusual pathology. Among adults several cases have been published, however, in paediatrics it is unusual.Objective: Description of a PseudoCushing case from a patient admitted in a hospital and results from a study to discard secondary hypercortisolism due to stress.Patients and methods: 13 years old patient that it is admitted in hospital due to v...

hrp0097p2-252 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Pump management of genetic and autoimmune diabetes under 1 years old: two case reports.

Martino Mariangela , Gutierrez De Rubalcava Doblas Joaquin , Cusinato Maria , Gabrielli Claudia , Negri Arianna , Righetto Elena , Moretti Carlo

Handling diabetes at a very early age is difficult, even more when a complementary diet has not yet started. There is increasing evidence supporting the use of CSII in infants but some tricks could be useful.Infant 1: 10 mo, admitted in cardiac arrest. ROSC after 3 minutes, severe DKA (pH 6,95). Transferred to PICU, received also plasma transfusions. Day 2: CGM Dexcom G6 was started and tests for pancreatic autoimmunity and genetic of ne...

hrp0092rfc3.5 | Multi-system Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

Evaluation of Endothelial Function in Childhood Standard Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors: Role of Subclinical Markers and Identification of Preventable Factors

Bruzzi Patrizia , Bigi Elena , Felici Francesca , Righi Beatrice , Cano Carmen , Cellini Monica , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: Adult survivors from childhood malignancy are prone to accelerated atherogenesis and cardiovascular (CV) complications. In this population reliable tools are needed to detect preclinical onset of CV disease.Aim: To assess subclinical markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in young survivors from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treated with chemotherapy without cranial irradiation (AIEOP 2000 a...

hrp0084p2-250 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Recombinant Human IGF1 Treatment in Patients with Insulin Receptor Mutations Resulting in Donohue Syndrome: A 10-Year Experience in a Tertiary Centre

Improda Nicola , Katugampola Harshini , Shah Pratik , Gordon Hannah , Amin Rakesh , Peters Catherine J , Semple Robert K , Dattani Mehul T

Background: Donohue syndrome (DS) is the most severe form of insulin-resistance due to autosomal recessive mutations in the insulin receptor gene. Previous reports demonstrate a role for recombinant human IGF1 (rhIGF1), however optimal treatment strategy remains unclear.Case series: Four males with DS have been treated with bolus rhIGF1 (see table below). They had no IGF1 response on an IGF1 generation test. No long-term side effects of rhIGF1 were repor...

hrp0084p3-1231 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Angioneurotic Oedema with Antithyroid Drugs in Thyroid Storm: What is the Best Therapeutic Option

Bilir Pelin , Isakoca Mehmet , Ikinciogullari Aydan , Dogu Figen , Haskaloglu Sule , Corapcioglu Demet , Emral Rifat , Fitoz Suat , Yildiz Adalet Elcin , Kir Metin , Bahadir Gulnur Gollu , Turedi Bilge , Dindar Huseyin

Background: Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children. The frequency of the disease increases with age, peaking during adolescence.Thyroid storm is a rare but critical, ilness that can lead to multiorgan failure and carries a high death rate. Antithyroid drugs are usually recommended as the initial treatment and are generally well tolerated. Although current treatment options include radioactive iodine, but long term complications of thyroid irradi...