hrp0082p3-d1-632 | Adrenals & HP Axis | ESPE2014

Secondary Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type 1: the Role of a Urinary Steroid Profile

Grace M L , Murray D M , Joyce C , Taylor N F , Ghataore L , O'Connell S M

Background: Secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) type 1 is an uncommon salt losing condition of infancy caused by transient resistance of the mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) of the renal tubule to aldosterone. This can be secondary to urinary tract infection (UTI), urinary tract malformation (UTM) or obstructive uropathy. Ninety percent of reported cases present before 3 months and nearly all are under 7 months of age.Objective and hypotheses: The co...

hrp0082p3-d3-696 | Bone (2) | ESPE2014

A Korean Boy with Pseudohypoparathyrodism Type Ia Presenting with Congenital Megacolon and Spinal Stenosis: Identification of a Novel GNAS Gene Mutation

Lee J E , Lee S H , Cho S Y , Ki C S , Jin D K

Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a disease of rare frequency. There are five subtypes with each having different phenotypes and blood laboratory test results, which depend on gene mutation and hereditary styles. Among them, the most common type is PHP Ia which inherits maternal gene mutation and expresses Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) appearance, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and serum parathyroid hormone elevation. Another type, pseudo-pseudohypoparathyro...

hrp0082p3-d2-854 | Growth (3) | ESPE2014

Descriptive Analysis of Medication Adherence for Patients Treated with GH Therapy

Michels S L , Uribe C , Li Y , Meletiche D M , Velez F F , Locklear J C

Background: GH deficiency (GHD) occurs in one in 4000–one in 10 000 children, but can also be diagnosed in adults.1 GHD therapy typically requires injections over a period of years.2 Adherence to long-term GHT presents a challenge.Objective and hypotheses: This study describes the rates of adherence to GHT among patients with GHD.Method: Members who were continuously enrolled 6 months pre- and 12 months p...

hrp0084fc8.2 | Obesity - Basic | ESPE2015

Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophages: an Anti-Inflammatory Adipocyte Factor in Mild Adolescent Obesity?

Karvela Alexia , Avgeri Aikaterini , Vlotinou Eleni D , Georgiou George , Papaxristou Dionysios , Miyazaki Toru , Spiliotis Bessie E

Background: Adipose tissue (AT) in obesity is characterized by low grade inflammation. The apoptosis inhibitor of macrophages (AIM; also called CD5L) is incorporated into adipocytes leading to increased lipolysis. Excess AIM-dependent lipolysis induces adipose tissue macrophage recruitment. M1 (proinflammatory) macrophage infiltration, with surface marker CD40, correlates with metabolic complications.Objective and hypotheses: To study serum levels and AT...

hrp0084p2-377 | Fat | ESPE2015

The Effect of Exenatide on Weight and Appetite in Overweight Adolescents and Young Adults with Prader–Willi Syndrome

Salehi Parisa , Hsu Isabel , Azen Colleen G , Mittelman Steven D , Geffner Mitchell E , Jeandron Debra

Background: Prader–Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder associated with hyperphagia and hyperghrelinemia with major morbidity due to obesity. The aetiology of hyperphagia is unknown, but presumed to be multifactorial, and, as ghrelin is orexigenic, high levels may contribute to weight issues in PWS. Currently, there is no effective medical treatment for hyperphagia in PWS, but targeting appetite could be beneficial. Exenatide (Byetta (synthetic exendin-4); AstraZene...

hrp0094fc6.5 | Bone and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2021

What is the natural history of cervicomedullary compression without signal change in infants with achondroplasia? Investigating foramen magnum stenosis evolution.

Harvey Charlotte , Brett Connor , Cocca Alessandra , D’Arco Felice , Irving Melita , Thompson Dominic , Cheung Moira ,

Background: Foramen magnum stenosis (FMS) is a common, serious complication of achondroplasia in infancy. The Achondroplasia Foramen Magnum Score (AFMS; 1-4) was developed to facilitate early detection of stenosis and inform appropriate neurosurgical management. All infants have a baseline screening MRI, of which approximately half of cases demonstrate AFMS3 (craniovertebral junction (CVJ) narrowing with flattening of the cervical cord) or AFMS4 (CVJ narrowing...

hrp0097rfc10.3 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) & Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

Non-coding Variants in HK1 Account for 5% of Cases of Congenital Hyperinsulinism Without an Identified Genetic Cause

Rosenfeld Elizabeth , E. Boodhansingh Kara , A. Stanley Charles , Ganguly Arupa , D. De Leon Diva

Background: The genetic etiology of non-syndromic HI remains unknown in over 20% of all cases, and over 50% of diazoxide-responsive cases. Non-coding variants in HK1 have been suggested to cause HI by linkage-analysis (Pinney et al., 2008). More recently, variants within a regulatory region of HK1 intron 2 were reported in 17 individuals with HI (Wakeling et al., 2022). These variants have been proposed to cause HI by disrup...

hrp0097p2-58 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Kenny Caffey syndrome 2; expanding the clinical spectrum

Hatziagapiou Kyriaki , Sertedaki Amalia , Dermentzoglou Vasiliki , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , D. Sakka Sophia

Background: Kenny–Caffey syndrome 2 (KCS 2) is a rare cause of hypoparathyroidism, characterized by proportionate short stature, cortical thickening and medullary stenosis of tubular long bones, delayed closure of anterior fontanel and eye abnormalities.Objective: We report the case of a 4-years’-old boy, who presented with the characteristic, and newly identified clinical, biochemical, radiological and genet...

hrp0097p2-249 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Longitudinal Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life among Children and Adolescents enrolled in Canadian Pediatric Weight Management Programs

Ybarra Marina , Rebekah Grace , D. C. Ball Geoff , Buchholz Annick , Hamilton Jill , Zenlea Ian , Morrison Katherine

Background: It is critical to understand patient-reported outcomes in pediatric patients enrolled in pediatric weight management (PWM) clinics. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is low in children with obesity. Utilizing data from the CANadian Pediatric Weight Management Registry (CANPWR), we examined (1) changes in HRQoL up to 3 years after enrollment in PWM and (2) factors associated with change in HRQoL over time.Methods:...

hrp0084fc2.5 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2015

Methyl Donor Deficiency Impairs Differentiation of Pre-Osteoblasts Through Disruption of Functional Interaction Between Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Gamma Coactivator-1 Alpha and Vitamin D Receptor

Feigerlova Eva , Ghemrawi Rose , Melhelm Hassan , Battaglia-Hsu Shyuefang , Demarquet Lea , Weryha Georges , Rodriguez-Gueant Rosa-Maria , Gueant Jean-Louis

Background: Folate and cobalamin are needed for synthesis of methionine, a substrate of methylation in epigenetic, and epigenomic pathways. Methyl donor deficiency (MDD) leads to hyperhomocysteinemia, which has been related to osteoporosis in humans and disruption of epiphyseal cartilage and bone development in rodents. Recent studies have revealed evidence for association between 25(OH)D3 and homocysteine levels, however, underlying mechanisms remain elusive.<p...