hrp0082p1-d2-40 | Bone | ESPE2014

Effects and Limitations of Cinacalcet Therapy in Neonatal Severe Hyperparathyroidism

Doehnert Ulla , Goepel Wolfgang , Hoeppner Wolfgang , Hiort Olaf

Background: Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) has been associated with inactivating mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene. Impaired inhibition of PTH secretion by extracellular ionized calcium and decreased urinary excretion of calcium leads to severe hypercalcemia in the first days of life. Calcium responsiveness of the CaSR is amplified by type 2 calcimimetic agents like cinacalcet, which has been able to normalize PTH and calcium levels in cases of...

hrp0082p1-d2-45 | Bone | ESPE2014

Longitudinal Changes of Bone Mineral Content in Children with Cystic Fibrosis

Chirita-Emandi Adela , Khanna Sheila , Kyriakou Andreas , McNeilly Jane , Devenny Anne , Ahmed Faisal

Background: A quarter of young adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) may have osteoporosis. However, children with CF do not seem to have an increased risk of fractures.Objective: We aimed to examine the factors that may determine longitudinal changes in bone mineralisation in children with CF.Method: 101 children (51 females) had DXA performed and the data were expressed as expected bone mineral content for bone area SDS (BMCSDS). Of t...

hrp0082p1-d3-46 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Loss of Function CYP24A1 Mutations in Patients with Hypercalcemia and Low Pth level: an Autosomal Dominant or Recessive Trait?

Molin Arnaud , Baudouin Roseline , Coudray Nadia , Figueres Marie-Lucille , Jones Glennville , Kottler Marie-Laure

Background: Homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations of gene CYP24A1 have recently been reported to cause idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia due to increased intestinal absorption of calcium. However, an autosomal dominant transmission with partial penetrance of the trait was also suggested.Objective and hypotheses: Evaluation of the frequency of CYP24A1 mutation and evaluation of the impact of heterozygous mutation on calcium meta...

hrp0082p1-d2-79 | Diabetes (1) | ESPE2014

Sequence Analysis of 11 Known Causative Genes in Clinically Diagnosed Children as Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth by Next Generation Sequencing

Agladioglu Sebahat Yilmaz , Aycan Zehra , Cetinkaya Semra , Bas Veysel Nijat , Onder Asan , Kendirci Havva Nur Peltek , Dogan Haldun , Ceylaner Serdar

Introduction: Maturity-onset diabetes of the youth (MODY), is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of diseases in the pancreatic β–cell that impair insulin secreation. It mostly caused by heterozygous mutations in one of 11 different genes associated with β–cell function. The aim of this study is detection of the distribution of both known and novel point mutations of these genes in Turkish population.Pati...

hrp0082p1-d1-138 | Growth | ESPE2014

A Novel Homozygous Mutation of the IGF1 Receptor Gene (igf1r) in Two Siblings with Severe Short Stature, Intellectual Disability, Congenital Malformations, and Deafness

Maystadt Isabelle , Andrew Shayne F , De Schepper Jean , Wauters Nathalie , Mortier Geert , Benoit Valerie , Joset Pascal , Oneda Beatrice , Rosenfeld Ron G , Rauch Anita , Hwa Vivian

Background: Heterozygous mutations in the IGF1 receptor (IGF1R) are often associated with congenital IGF1 resistance, causing variable degrees of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and postnatal short stature. To date, only one homozygous IGF1R mutation has been reported, in a child presenting with severe growth failure, mild intellectual impairment, microcephaly, dysmorphic features, and cardiac malformations.Objective: We now repo...

hrp0082p1-d2-154 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Clinical and Laboratory Parameters Predicting a Requirement for Reevaluation of GH Status During GH Treatment

Vuralli Dogus , Gonc Nazli , Ozon Alev , Alikasifoglu Ayfer , Kandemir Nurgun

Background: Reevaluation of children diagnosed as GH deficiency (GHD) showed 25–75% of cases had normal GH responses in retests after cessation of therapy. Low reproducibility and high intra-individual variability of the tests are the important problems in diagnosis. Repeat evaluation during treatment may help detect cases with normal GH status earlier.Objective and hypotheses: We repeated stimulation tests following the first year of GH treatment t...

hrp0082p1-d2-247 | Thyroid (1) | ESPE2014

Urinary Iodine Concentrations in Mothers and their Term Newborns

Krylova Katerina , Bilek Radovan , Bayer Milan , Dejmek Petr , Neumann David

Background: The development of fetal thyroid gland and its function in fetus and newborn are influenced by maternal iodine supplementation and maternal disorders of thyroid gland. Pregnant and lactating women are considered a risk group, although the Czech Republic ranks among countries with sufficient iodine supply. In case of maternal iodine deficiency, fetus is more susceptible to other factors influencing fetal thyroid gland development and function and also its neurologic...

hrp0082p2-d2-335 | Diabetes (1) | ESPE2014

Insulin Therapy via Tubeless Patch Pump: Really an Alternative?

Boettcher Claudia , Schaefer Maike , Weiss Lucia , Wudy Stefan A

Background: For a few years now tubeless disposable patch pumps are available for insulin therapy.Objective and hypotheses: Alarmed by initially non explainable beginning metabolic decompensation of two children with type 1 diabetes during their hospital stay for the initial therapy adjustment with patch pumps and alarmed by patients’ reports of frequent premature pump changes and alarms, we decided to scrutinize the patch pumps under laboratory con...

hrp0082p2-d1-410 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2014

GHR Gene Variants within Coding and Intronic Regions in Children with Idiopathic Short Stature

Ballerini Maria Gabriela , Scaglia Paula , Martinez Alicia , Keselman Ana , Braslavsky Debora , Bergada Ignacio , Jasper Hector Guillermo , Ropelato Maria Gabriela , Domene Horacio

Background: Heterozygous GHR gene variants were found in 5–8% of idiopathic short stature (ISS) children. Frequent polymorphisms within GHR coding regions, but not intronic SNPs, have been investigated in ISS.Objectives: To characterize GHR gene variants in ISS children, and to test their influence on height and the peripheral GH/IGF1/IGFBPs system.Methods: GHR gene (coding/intronic flanking...

hrp0082p2-d1-566 | Sex Development | ESPE2014

The Research About sf1 Gene Abnormality in 45 Children with Micropenis

Li Pin , Gong Yan , Zhuzhi Ying

Background: Micropenis are the most common signs of incomplete masculinisation, but do not receive enough attention. The etiology is very complex, including endocrine factors, genetic factors and environmental endocrine disruptors.Objective and hypotheses: To explore 45 cases of micropenis children steroidogenesis factor 1 genetic abnormalities and to research the influence of the mutation on sex gland function.Method: 45 micropeni...