hrp0084p2-168 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

The Natural Mutant Receptor hGRαT556I Causes Primary Generalised Glucocorticoid Resistance Through Decreased Affinity for the Ligand and Impaired Interaction with the GRIP1 Coactivator

Nicolaides Nicolas C , Skyrla Eirini , Vlachakis Dimitrios , Psarra Anna-Maria G , Sertedaki Amalia , Kossida Sophia , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Primary generalised glucocorticoid resistance (PGGR) is a rare condition characterised by tissue insensitivity to glucocorticoids owing to inactivating mutations of the hGR gene. A new case of PGGR was reported in a patient with an adrenal incidentaloma harboring a novel heterozygous point mutation in the hGR gene, which resulted in threonine (T) to isoleucine (I) substitution at amino acid position 556 of the receptor.Objec...

hrp0084p2-273 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Utility of Estimated Glucose Disposal Rate and Fat Mass Percentage for Predicting Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes

Koken Ozlem , Kara Cengiz , Yilmaz Gulay Can , Aydin Murat

Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and the clinical utility of fat mass percentage (%fat) and estimated glucose disposal rate (eGDR) for predicting MetS in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D).Method: We conducted a descriptive, cross sectional study including T1D patients between 8–18 years of age. Modified criteria of IDF, WHO and NCEP were used to determine the prevalence of MetS. eGDR, a validated ...

hrp0084p3-843 | Fat | ESPE2015

Increased Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Response to Oral Glucose in Prepubertal Obese Children

Marcovecchio M Loredana , Polidori Nella , Giannini Cosimo , De Giorgis Tommaso , Chiarelli Francesco , Mohn Angelika

Background: Over the last years a role for gastrointestinal hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1), in the pathogenesis of obesity and its complications, has been hypothesized. However, there are few data for the paediatric population.Objective and hypotheses: To assess whether there is a difference in post-load GLP-1 response in obese children compared to normal-weight peers and to assess the relationship with insulin responses.<p class="ab...

hrp0084p3-1145 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Changes in BMI During GNRH Agonist Treatment in Girls with Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty and Early Puberty

Lee Hae Sang , Jeong Hwal Rim , Kim Eun Young , Hwang Jin Soon

Background: GNRH agonist (GnRHa) has been widely used for decades to treat in patients with central precocious puberty (CPP). There are severe studies concerning changes in body composition in CPP patients following GnRHa treatment, but the results are inconsistent.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of this study was to investigate the change of BMI in children treated with GnRHa for 2 years. Also, the present study was performed to assess whether BMI aff...

hrp0094p1-171 | Growth Hormone and IGFs B | ESPE2021

Diagnosing growth hormone deficiency - Can a combined arginine and clonidine stimulation test replace two separate tests?

Oron Tal , Krieger Avihu , Yakobovich-Gavan Michal , Tenenbaum Ariel , Diamant Rotem , Phillip Moshe , Lazar Liora ,

Objective: Given a large number of false-positive growth hormone deficiency (GHD) diagnoses from a single GH stimulation test in normal children, two different pharmacological tests, performed on separate days or sequentially, are required. This study aims to assess the reliability and safety of a combined clonidine-arginine stimulation test (CACST).Design: Retrospective, single-center, observational study....

hrp0094p2-204 | Fat, metabolism and obesity | ESPE2021

Changes in objectively measured physical activity after 2-year lifestyle intervention in pediatric patients with abdominal obesity

Ojeda-Rodriguez Ana , Morell-Azanza Lydia , Luis Leon Jose , Macias Maria , Chueca Maria , Marti Amelia , Cristina Azcona-Sanjulian Maria ,

Introduction: it has been widely demonstrated that high physical activity (PA) levels prevent obesity development. The practice of moderate, regular PA reduces abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and improves risk factors for obesity-related comorbidities (e.g. diabetes or cardiovascular diseases) independently of weight loss. However, in the childhood population, where sedentary behavior has increased in recent decades, few studi...

hrp0097rfc13.2 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty 2 | ESPE2023

Arginine-stimulated copeptin is independent of GH secretion status

Binder Gerhard , Weber Karin , Peter Andreas , Schweizer Roland

Background: Copeptin is secreted in isomolar amounts along with arginine vasopressin peptide from the posterior pituitary. Its stability makes it a perfect candidate for the endocrine approach in the diagnosis of AVP deficiency. Arginine-stimulated copeptin is a possible alternative for the water deprivation test. We wondered whether basal and stimulated copeptin secretion is related to growth hormone secretion status or independent of it.<p class="abstext...

hrp0092rfc7.2 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 2 | ESPE2019

β-Cell Function and Glucose Effectiveness in the Development of Impaired Fasting Glucose in Obese European Children and Adolescents

Denzer Christian , Kohlsdorf Katja , von Schnurbein Julia , Wabitsch Martin , Vogt Josef

Objectives: Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes in adults. In obese children and adolescents, IFG and impaired glucose tolerance constitute distinct prediabetic stages, which do not necessarily coexist. Pathophysiological mechanisms leading to IFG in children have not been fully elucidated. Available data from cohorts of obese adolescents living in the US suggest a concurrent worsening of insulin sensitivity a...

hrp0092p1-99 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Eating Behavior and Oxytocin in Childhood-onset Craniopharyngioma Patients: An Exploratory Study

Daubenbüchel Anna M. , Özyurt Jale , Warmuth-Metz Monika , Eveslage Maria , Müller Hermann L.

Background: Childhood-onset craniopharyngioma patients (CP) often suffer from tumor or treatment-related hypothalamic lesions (HL). These lesions may alter production of oxytocin, which plays a major role in the regulation of eating behavior and body composition.Objective: In CP with different degrees HL, we investigated associations between HL, eating behavior/eating attitudes, and oxytocin saliva concentrations (OSC).<...

hrp0086p2-p278 | Diabetes P2 | ESPE2016

Childhood Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Management with e-learning through Self-educational Tools

Bibal Cecile , Laure Castell Anne , Aboumrad Brigitte , Lucchini Philippe , Bougneres Pierre

Background: Children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their parents need personalized i) information about the disease and glucose homeostasis and ii) knowledge and guidelines about diet and insulin therapy.Objectives: To set a complete educational program that allows children with T1D to improve disease management and daily life.Methods: Education modules were written and trained with children and parents at outpatient visits. Each ...