hrp0089p1-p225 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Living with Clitoromegaly: Aqualitative Interview Study of Parent’s Responses to Clitoromegaly in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) with or Without Appearance Altering Surgery

Alderson Julie , Nicoll Nicky , Thornton Maia , Jones Julie , Skae Mars , Crowne Elizabeth

Controversy continues regarding surgery in infancy to address atypical genitalia in girls with CAH and other Disorders of Sex Development. There is no consensus to surgical approach. Interest in outcomes of the range of surgical and non-surgical interventions for genital diversity is growing. It is widely acknowledged that the multi-professional management to promote long term psychosocial adaptation of the child based partly on confident parenting is essential. We conducted a...

hrp0089p1-p226 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

‘You Can Put Ideas into Their Heads’: Parental Concerns about Children’s Participation in DSD Research

Alderson Julie , Nicoll Nicky , Thornton Maia , Jones Julie , Skae Mars , Crowne Elizabeth

It is acknowledged that children should collaborate in research about their health conditions, and DSD research has been criticised for promoting views of parents and health professionals. However parents are concerned about professionals talking to children about sensitive subjects including fertility and sexual activity. Children may have little experience of talking about their sex development. This makes direct research involving children with DSD particularly challenging....

hrp0094fc5.2 | Sex Development and Gender Incongruence | ESPE2021

Unexpected impact of sex hormones on B-cells in trans- and cis-gendered healthy young people

Peckham Hannah , Rosser Elizabeth C , Radziszewska Anna , Robinson George , Martin-Gutierrez Lucia , De Gruijter Nina M , Jury Elizabeth C , Butler Gary E , Ciurtin Coziana ,

Background: Cis-gender females are known to mount stronger immune responses to invading pathogens or vaccines than cis-gender males. However, this is also associated with increased risk of autoimmunity. Little is known about the immunophenotypes of transgender individuals on gender-affirming hormonal treatment, despite growing evidence that hormones influence the immune system. Via the process of class-switch recombination (CSR), B-cell immunoglobulin isotype ...

hrp0097p2-73 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

When the infant makes the diagnosis of Biermer's disease of his mother

Kefi Ahlem , Marzouk Asma , Gaarbaa Altaf , Thebti Rahma , Laajili Mariem , Mzoughi Oumaima , Ben Hssine Sarra , Friha Farida , Bouaziz Asma

Introduction: The nutritional status of young breastfed infants is sometimes dependent on the nutritional status of their mothers. Investigation of poor infant weight gain should take into account possible nutritional diseases of the mothers including Biermer's disease.Objective: through a clinical case, remind the importance of exploring the nutritional status of mothers of exclusively breastfed infants with poor w...

hrp0092p1-154 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Association of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with Antistreptolysin O titer

Voutetakis Antonis , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina , Gryparis Alexandros , Dacou-Voutetakis Catherine

Background: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (HT) is a relatively common autoimmune disorder that involves both cellular and humoral immunity, the latter characterized by the presence of antithyroid antibodies. Nevertheless, despite the large number of relevant studies, the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms still remain unclear; evidence and indications pointing to both genetic and environmental components. Genetic studies have uncovered molecular associations tha...

hrp0092p3-260 | Thyroid | ESPE2019

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Children: Case Series Report of Three Patients

Trong Thanh Nguyen , Vu Chi Dung , Phuong Thao Bui , Nguyen Ngoc Khanh , Thi Bich Ngoc Can , Thanh Mai Do , Nguyen Thu Ha

Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is most commonly caused by autoimmune thyroid disease and rarely in children. It is characterized clinically by gradual thyroid failure, with or without goiter formation, due to autoimmune-mediated destruction of the thyroid gland involving apoptosis of thyroid epithelial cells. In fact, thyroid function at presentation may significantly vary in the different pediatric reports, ranging from euthyroidism (52.1%) to overt hypothyroidism (41.4...

hrp0097lb8 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Mutant MCM8 induces apoptosis and S Phase Arrest in Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Fei Wang

Keywords: Primary ovarian insufficiency; Microsomal maintenance complex 8; Cell apoptosis; Cell cycle; PI3K/AKTBackground: Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) with a chromosome karyotype of 46,XX in children, compared to adults, is difficult to diagnose and often seek medical attention due to delayed puberty or short stature. We have reported the two novel pathogenic mutations p.C242R and p.S445*of MCM8 gene in a pedigre...

hrp0097p2-164 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Precocious puberty: let's talk about the north of Algeria!!

Rouabah Nadira , Rouabah Hamza , Manaa Ardjouna , Bioud Belkacem

La puberté précoce est définie comme le développement des caractéristiques sexuelles avant l'âge de 8 ans chez les filles et de 9,5 ans chez les garçons. L'objectif de notre étude était de calculer la prévalence de la puberté précoce en consultation spécialisée et de décrire le profil clinique, paraclinique, étiologique et de prise en charge ainsi que la qua...

hrp0094p2-41 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Corticotropin-independent Cushing’s Syndrome in toddlerhood: a challenging diagnosis and treatment

Simoes Joana , Crisostomo Mafalda , Costa Durval , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Endogenous Cushing’s Syndrome (CS) is a rare disease in children, and corticotropin-independent forms are even scarcer. In childhood it carries a significant burden, resulting from both prolonged hypercortisolism long-term effects and treatment-associated morbidity.Case Report: A 23-month-old girl presented with irritability, central obesity with rapid weight gain and arrested linear growth, cushingoid facies with facial...

hrp0092p1-123 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Does the Internet Provide Accurate and Valid Health Information Regarding Disorders of Sex Development?

Candler Toby , Hough Amy , Hamilton-Shield Antonia , Alderson Julie , Crowne Elizabeth

Background: The internet provides a multitude of health information. Understanding disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) can be difficult for families partly due to their complexity and relatively low prevalence. Consequently, families may use the internet to gain understanding of their child's condition, however the quality of this information has not been formally assessed.Aims: To assess the quality, vali...