hrp0097p2-273 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Key parameters at puberty onset can help distinguish self-limited delayed puberty from congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism

d'Aniello Francesco , Aung Yuri , Kokotsis Vasilis , R Howard Sasha

Introduction: Delayed puberty (DP), affecting over 2% of adolescents, is defined as pubertal onset 2-2.5 SDs later than the general population. The most common underlying aetiology is self-limited DP (SLDP). However, this can be difficult to differentiate from the more severe condition congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH), especially on first presentation of an adolescent patient with DP. This study sought to elucidate phenotypic and genotypic discre...

hrp0082p3-d3-757 | Diabetes (4) | ESPE2014

Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum, and Subcutaneous Emphysema: Complications of Severe DKA in T2DM Obese Patient

Ortolani Federica , Tummolo Albina , Torelli Cataldo , Masciopinto Maristella , Fedele Stefania , Nicastro Francesco , Papadia Francesco , Vendemiale Marcella , Piccinno Elvira

Case presentation: G. 15 years 8 months; H 180 cm; P 149.6 kg, BMI 46 kg/m2, second born, father obese, healthy mother and two brothers, no familiarity for T1DM/T2DM, no gestational diabetes. Bronchial asthma, since 2-year-old important weight increase. Flue, polyuria, polydipsia, 12 kg loss in 15 days, anorexia since 5 days, vomit. Hospitalized for tachycardia, dyspnea, and asthenia. On arrival: serious dehydration, Kussmaul breathing, neck subcutaneous emphysema, ...

hrp0084p2-221 | Bone | ESPE2015

Evidence of a Link Between Resting Energy Expenditure and Bone Remodelling, Glucose Homeostasis and Adipokine Variations in Adolescent Girls with Anorexia Nervosa

Maimoun Laurent , Guillaume Sebastien , Lefbvre Patrick , Philibert Pascal , Bertet Helena , Picot Marie-Christine , Gaspari Laura , Paris Francoise , Sennec Maude , Dupuys Anne-Marie , Courtet Philippe , Thomas Eric , Mariano-Goulart Denis , Bringer Jacques , Renard Eric , Sultan Charles

Purpose: Low areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is a well-known consequence of anorexia nervosa (AN). However, the impact of reduced energy expenditure on bone metabolism is unknown. This study assessed the effects of energy deficiency on bone remodelling and its potential interactions with glucose homeostasis and adipose tissue-derived hormones in AN, a clinical model for reduced energy expenditure.Methods: 50 women with AN and 50 age-matched controls (m...

hrp0095rfc8.1 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Clinical Spectrum of HNF4A-mody (Mody1): From Neonatal Hyperinsulinism to Diabetes in Adults

Salamanca Fresno Luis , Itza Martín Nerea , Gomes Porras Mariana , Guerrero Fernández Julio , Ramírez Fernández Joaquin , Abad López Ainhoa , Solís López Mariano , Rodríguez Jiménez Carmen , Lía Nattero Chavez María , Alvarez Escolá Cristina , González Casado Isabel , Campos Barros Ángel

Background and Aims: HNF4A-MODY clinical expression is broad, ranging from hypoglycemic hyperinsulinism in the neonatal period and early childhood to hyperglycemia and diabetes, as insulin secretion progressively decreases in adult patients. The main objective was to clinically and molecularly characterize patients with glycemic alterations, negative autoimmunity and confirmed molecular diagnosis of HNF4A-MODY.Materials and Metho...

hrp0095p1-51 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Health-related quality of life and metabolic control in children and young patients with type 1 diabetes and in their parents before and after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Predieri Barbara , Bruzzi Patrizia , Candia Francesco , Caccamo Paola , Sandoni Marcello , Stefanelli Francesca , Pugliese Marisa , Lucaccioni Laura , F. Madeo Simona , Iughetti Lorenzo

Introduction: Italy was the first EU country to be affected by COVID-19 outbreak. The sudden change in everyday life was challenging for children and young people (CYP) who rely heavily on peer connections for emotional and social support. Concerns for consequences in CYP with type 1 diabetes (T1D) rose.Objectives: To compare the diabetes-specific health-related quality of life (D-HRQOL) of CYP with T1D and their parents...

hrp0082p3-d3-756 | Diabetes (4) | ESPE2014

Haemolysis and Acute Pancreatitis During Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treatment in a 14-Year-Old Boy with Unknown Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Ortolani Federica , Tummolo Albina , Torelli Cataldo , Masciopinto Maristella , Fedele Stefania , Lanzillotto Maria Paola , Nicastro Francesco , Papadia Francesco , Vendemiale Marcella , Piccinno Elvira

Background: G6PD deficiency is conventionally affiliated with drug induced oxidative stress, but an association with diabetes mellitus is seldom reported. Hypertriglyceridemia from insulin deficiency can be the cause of severe pancreatitis complicating DKA in children.Case report: A 14-year-old Bulgarian boy, no significant past medical history, hospitalized in Pediatric Surgery Department for abdominal pain, hematemesis insorted during a cruise trip. Re...

hrp0094p2-98 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

BUR-CL207: An Open-label, Multicenter, Non-randomized Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Burosumab in Pediatric Patients from Birth to Less than 1 Year of Age with XLH.

Padidela Raja , Cheung Moira , Allgrove Jeremy , Bacchetta Justine , Semler Oliver , Heubner Angela , Schnabel Dirk , Emma Franceso , Nilsson Ola , Hogler Wolfgang , De La Cerda Ojeda Francisco , Quattrocchi Emilia , Linglart Agnes ,

Background: X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is caused by mutations in PHEX which increases serum Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF23) concentrations leading to phosphate wasting and osteomalacia. Burosumab is a recombinant fully human IgG1 monoclonal antibody which selectively inhibits the activity of FGF23. In clinical trials burosumab demonstrated significant clinical improvements in radiological rickets severity, growth, and biochemistry among XLH c...

hrp0095p1-228 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Effect of burosumab treatment on phosphate metabolism and bone health in patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH). Preliminary data within an Italian sample.

Baroncelli Giampiero , Comberiati Pasquale , Rita Sessa Maria , Pelosini Caterina , Grandone Anna , Camodeca Rosanna , Emma Francesco

XLH is the commonest inherited form of rickets. Impaired regulation of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) due to PHEX gene mutation leads to reduced tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TmP/GFR) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D) synthesis with hypophosphatemia. Patients show rickets and osteomalacia, bone and muscular pain, stunted growth, and reduced quality of life. We report preliminary data on burosumab therapy in a selected sample of Italian patients.<p class="a...

hrp0095p1-434 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Role of glucose variability on linear growth in children with Type 1 Diabetes

Castorani Valeria , Blasetti Annalisa , Polidori Nella , Mastromauro Concetta , Mascioli Ilaria , Chiarelli Francesco , Giannini Cosimo

Objective: Linear growth is impaired in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and poor metabolic control. A good metabolic control is a key therapeutic goal to prevent vascular complications but also for ensuring an appropriate anthropometric development during childhood. In this study, we aimed to identify and characterize the effects of glycemic variability on linear growth in children with T1D.Methods: Data from 144 pre...

hrp0095p1-269 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Characterization of glucose metabolism in obese and overweight children and adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic period

Polidori Nella , Giannini Cosimo , Mastromauro Concetta , Prosperi Sara , Chiarelli Francesco , Mohn Angelika

Background: COVID-19 restriction measurements have enhanced the obesity status in the pediatric population which might further contribute to obesity related glucose-insulin metabolism alterations. Therefore, we retrospectively compared anthropometric and OGTT data on obese children during the 13 years before and during the COVID-19 pandemic period.Subjects/Methods: Data from 741 obese/overweight children were retrieved a...