hrp0089p2-p129 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Early-Life Risk Factors and Their Association with Hypertension in Spanish Children and Adolescents

Perez-Gimeno Gloria , Ruperez Azhara I , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Leis Rosaura , Aguilera Concepcion M , Gil Angel , Moreno Luis A , Bueno-Lozano Gloria

Introduction: In the last years, the prevalence of high blood pressure (HBP) has increased in children, contributing to raise the risk of future cardiovascular disease. It is known that family history, pregnancy characteristics and type of feeding in the first months of life are of great importance in the prevention of diseases in the offspring. In this study we aimed to investigate the association between early life risk factors and HBP in children and adolescents.<p clas...

hrp0084p3-606 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Familial Hyperaldosteronism Type 1 in an Infant without Hypertension: How Important Could be the Early Treatment with Hydrocortisone?

Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro , Mendoza Carolina , Loureiro Carolina , Campino Carmen , Carvajal Cristian , Baudrand Rene , Rumie Hana , Bancalari Rodrigo , Garcia Hernan , Vecchiola Andrea , Valdivia Carolina , Fardella Carlos

Background: Familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 (FH-1), is caused by the presence of a chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene that produces high amounts of aldosterone in response to ACTH and severe hypertension. An early diagnosis and treatment are important, not only to manage hypertension but also to avoid possible deleterious effects of aldosterone on the endothelium and cardiovascular diseases.Clinical case: A 3 months old boy was referred for evalua...

hrp0092p3-278 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

New Mutation of Gnas in a 2 Year Old Oncological Patient

Ariza Jimenez Ana Belen

Introduction: Leydig cell tumors are rare (3% of testicular neoplasms). 80% of cases occurs in adult population, although a quarter is described in prepubertal patients older than four years. The clinic differs according to the patient's age. Activating mutations, acquired and limited to the tumor tissue, are described in exon 11 of the LH receptor gene. And in mixed Sertoli-Leydig tumors activating mutations of the Gs-alpha subunit of the stimulat...

hrp0094wg5.1 | ESPE Working Group on Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (PAG) Symposium | ESPE2021

Deciphering the genetics of central precocious puberty

Latronico Ana Claudia ,

Puberty is a crucial biological process normally occurring at a specific time during the lifespan, during which sexual and somatic maturation are completed, and reproductive capacity is reached. Pubertal timing is not only determined by genetics, but also by endogenous and environmental cues, including nutritional and metabolic signals. During the last decade, we have learned much regarding the essential roles of kisspeptins and the neuropeptide pathways that converge on these...

hrp0086rfc14.6 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

Effect of Small Size at Birth, Adult Body Size and Growth Hormone Treatment on Telomere Length

Smeets Carolina , Codd Veryan , Samani Nilesh , Hokken-Koelega Anita

Background: Small birth size followed by accelerated weight gain in early life is associated with an increased risk for age-associated diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) in later life. The underlying causes for this are largely unknown. Leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is a marker of biological age and short LTL is associated with increased CVD-risk. Subjects born small for gestational age (SGA) who remain short are treated with growth hormone (GH) to improve adult ...

hrp0084p3-1249 | Programming &amp; Misc. | ESPE2015

Telomere Length in Young Adults Born Preterm and the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease; Support for Accelerated Biological Ageing in Subjects Born Preterm

Smeets Carolina , Codd Veryan , Samani Nilesh , Hokken-Koelega Anita

Background: Subjects born preterm have an increased risk for ageing-associated diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) in later life but the underlying cause is largely unknown. Telomere length (TL) is a usable index for ageing, with shorter TL indicating older biological age. Furthermore, short TL is associated with CVD.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate TL in subjects born preterm compared to term and to assess if TL is associated with risk...

hrp0086p1-p691 | Endocrinology and Multisystemic Diseases P1 | ESPE2016

Neonatal Diabetes and Congenital Hypothyroidism, a Rare Condition: Report of 2 Cases with Different Genetic Causes

Mendoza Carolina , Garfias Carolina , Seiltgens Cristian , Silva Ricardo , Hodgson Isabel , Ugarte Francisca , Flanagan Sarah , Ellard Sian , Garcia Hernan

Background: Neonatal diabetes (ND) is a rare monogenic form of diabetes presenting within the first six months of life. The most frequent causes include mutations in KCNJ11, ABCC8 and insulin genes, but up to 40% of patients remain without a molecular genetic diagnosis.Case presentation: Case 1: a female newborn of non-consanguineous parents, born at 35 weeks, SGA. She presented with hyperglycemia at second day of life...

hrp0092p1-229 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (1) | ESPE2019

"Endocrine Evaluation of 29 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Patients (CdLS) Patients"

Matamala Angela Marina Ascaso , de Ávila Montoya José Mario Romero , Cereza Maria Teresa Llorente , Lidón Laura Trujillano , Fuentes Feliciano Ramos , Juste Juan Pie , Lozano Gloria Bueno

Background: Cornelia de Lange (CdLS) syndrome (OMIM #122470) is a complex disease, characterized by distinctive facial features, failure to thrive, microcephaly, intrauterine growth retardation and anomalies in multiple organ systems. The complexity and severity of the endocrine commitment is variable. NIPBL, SMC1A, SMC3, RAD21 and HDAC8 genes, all involved in the cohesin pathway, have been identified to cause CdLS. There are few published studies on the endoc...

hrp0092p3-119 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

ESPE 2019. Physical Activity, Food and Metabolic Risk in Children and Adolescents

de Lamas Carmela , Vázquez Rocío , José Bedoya Juan , Aguilera Concepción , Gil-Campos Mercedes , Bueno Gloria , Moreno Luis , Gil Ángel , Leis Rosaura

Introduction:The incidence of obesity increases unstoppably in all populations and at all ages, and with it, the associated metabolic morbidity and mortality. The promotion of physical activity and a healthy diet are the fundamental elements to alleviate this situation. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of physical activity and eating patterns with body composition, the degree of adiposity and certain metabolic risk factors.<p cl...

hrp0089p3-p146 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Does the Level of Studies of Parents Influence the Follow-up of the Recommendations of the Nutritional Pyramid?

Rosaura Leis Trabazo Maria , de Lamas Perez Carmela , Vazquez Cobela Rocio , Jose Bedoya Carpente Juan , Olza Meneses Josune , Gil Hernandez Angel , Alberto Moreno Aznar Luis , Bueno Lozano Gloria , Gil Campos Mercedes , Aguilera Garcia Concepcion

Introduction: Several studies show the negative impact of low level of studies of parents on the dietary patterns and the degree of adiposity of their children. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the level of studies and compliance with the recommendations of healthy eating pyramid.Material and method: An anthropometric study was conducted in 895 Spanish children and adolescents (53% women), between 3 and 18 years old (10...