hrp0097p2-140 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumors (TARTs) as presenting symptom of CAH due to CYP11A1deficiency.

Bakker-van Waarde Willie , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi

Background: TARTs mostly occur in congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, but were described in other forms of CAH. Elevated ACTH levels, may play a role in TARTs development. Here we describe the first child with undetected CYP11A1 deficiency who presented with TART.Case description: An 11 year old boy noticed left sided scrotal enlargement, without further complaints. Ultrasound showed a hydroc...

hrp0084p2-196 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Optimising Care for Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

van de Crommert Viviane , van Alfen-van der Velden Janielle , van der Linde Annelieke , Noordam Kees , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi

Background: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a rare group of congenital adrenal diseases with an estimated prevalence of about ten newly diagnosed patients in the Netherlands per year. Morbidity and mortality improved significantly in the last 20 years mainly due to improvement of multidisciplinary care and education of patients and parents. In the last years the role of the nurse practitioner (NP) as case manager in the care and follow up of patients with chronic disea...

hrp0097ee1.1 | Section | ESPE2023

Solidarity and justice in the Dutch Coverage Lock Policy for Expensive Medicines - public Opinions and Stakeholder Perspectives

van Thiel Ghislaine , Scheijmans Féline , van der Pol Willem , van Delden Johannes , Zomers Margot , van der Graaf Rieke , Fadaei Sina , Onrust Marthe , van der Wal Roosmarijn

Background: Solidarity-based healthcare systems face significant challenges due to the rising costs of new and highly expensive medicines for cancer and rare diseases. The Dutch government introduced the Coverage Lock (CL) policy in 2015 to restrict access to reimbursement for such drugs. The CL has raised controversy around its ethical acceptability. Some claim the CL is necessary to secure solidarity while others have pointed out that its leads to unfair ine...

hrp0084p2-366 | Fat | ESPE2015

Homozygous Mutation in FBN1 Gene In-Patient with Prader–Willi Syndrome: Variant Marfan Syndrome?

van den Boom-Rijk Yvonne , Kempers Marlies , van der Sanden Ria Nijhuis , van Alfen-van der Velden Janielle

Background: Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is caused by absence of expression of imprinted genes on the paternal chromosome 15 (15q11.2–q13) due to a paternal deletion, maternal uniparental disomy 15 and rarely an imprinting defect. The clinical signs of PWS are hypotonia, muscle weakness, excessive eating, morbid obesity, delayed global development, hypogonadism, and short stature. Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene, located on chromosome ...

hrp0097p1-127 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Effects and safety of growth hormone (GH) treatment in 6 children with pycnodysostosis

Renes Judith , Sas Theo , Clement-de Boer Agnes , Zwaveling-Soonawala Nitash , van der Kaay Danielle , Hokken-Koelega Anita

Background: Pycnodysostosis is a very rare autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia caused by cathepsin K deficiency. It is characterized by extreme short stature resulting in an adult height in males typically <150 cm and in females <134 cm. Bone-fragility and frequent fractures are present. There are few case-reports on the effects of GH treatment.Objective: To evaluate the effect and safety of GH in 6 patients wit...

hrp0082p2-d1-267 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis | ESPE2014

An adolescent with Hypertension Caused by Primary Hyperaldosteronism due to KCNJ5 Mutation

van der Linde Annelieke , Deinum Jaap , Konijnenberg Yvette , Keijzer-Veen Mandy , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi

Background: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a rare form of secondary hypertension. In adults PA is often caused by unilateral adrenal adenoma which can be cured by unilateral adrenalectomy. However, in young patients hereditary causes of PA have to be considered with bilaterally affected adrenal glands.Objective and hypotheses: We report on an adolescent with PA due to a recently described KCNJ5 mutation and want to point out the importance of performing m...

hrp0097p1-568 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Impact of unilateral ovariectomy on ovarian function and pubertal development in girls with Turner syndrome

van der Coelen Sanne , Nadesapillai Sapthami , Peek Ronald , Braat Didi , Fleischer Kathrin , van der Velden Janielle

Background: A reduced reproductive lifespan is one of the most significant implications for girls with Turner syndrome (TS) and is due to an accelerated loss of ovarian insufficiency. Lately, there has been a surge in scientific research aimed at whether ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) is a viable option for fertility preservation in girls with TS. This required a unilateral ovariectomy for girls with TS who may already have a poor ovarian reserve.<p...

hrp0086p1-p462 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Determinants of Advanced Bone Age in Childhood Obesity

Jan de Groot Cornelis , van den Berg Adriaan , Ballieux Bart , Kroon Herman , Rings Edmond , Maarten Wit Jan , van den Akker Erica

Background: Childhood obesity is associated with advanced bone age (BA), leading to an altered growth pattern. Previous results of studies suggest that androgens, estrogens, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and insulin are responsible for this phenomenon, but results are contradictory and might be biased by confounders.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the independent effects of estrogens, androgens, SHBG and insulin parameters on BA advancemen...

hrp0095p1-398 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Unusually Enlarged Ovaries Associated with Severe Hypothyroidism - Van Wyk and Grumbach Syndrome Case Report

Cvetković Dimitrije , Todorović Slađana , Milenković Tatjana , Mitrović Katarina , Vuković Rade , Panić Zarić Sanja , Savić Đorđe , Mijović Tanja , Smolović Dijana , Tončev Jovana

Introduction: Since 1960, enlarged polycystic ovaries associated with hypothyroidism, delayed bone age and precocious puberty are recognized as Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome. Although it is rare entity, it should be considered in differential diagnosis of the enlarged polycystic ovaries.Case: An eleven-year-old girl was presented with sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting. A large mass with multiple cysts was seen ...

hrp0086p2-p969 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2016

An Unusual Presentation of Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) and Precocious Puberty: The Van Wyk-Grumbach Syndrome

Leka-Emiri Sofia , Karachaliou Feneli , Fotinou Aspasia , Petrou Vassilis , Michalakos Stefanos

Background: The association of primary hypothyroidism and isosexual precocious pseudopuberty in females was first described in 1960 by Van Wyk and Grumbach. The unique elements that lead to the diagnosis are FSH-dominated sexual precocity with non advanced bone age in the presence of hypothyroidism.Objective and methods: Describe an 8.5 years old girl with hypothyroidism due to HT and clinical and hormonal features of Van-Wyk and Grumbach syndrome.<p...